When the US tour was announced, Gerry made a point of telling everyone how much he hated Lambert, how BM and RT shouldn't be touring (with him) and how Gerry would rather donate to the Phoenix Mercury Trust rather than spend money on a ticket.
Well now Gerry has a chance to prove he isn't the troll he sometimes appears to be, as Queen are opening their UK/European tour in his home town.
The cheapest ticket in Newcastle is £59. . . .
So having said he would rather spend the money on donating to the charity, and since he has a chance of buying a ticket and going to a gig, will the PMT in fact gain a £59 donation from Gerry?
A Queenzone user. A lot of QZ users consider him a troll.
If you want to find out if he's a troll or a truly hardcore fan, you may read some of his posts.
A Queenzone user. A lot of QZ users consider him a troll.
If you want to find out if he's a troll or a truly hardcore fan, you may read some of his posts.
He is also someone that considers "Hot Space" a better album "Innuendo." No seriously, he does!
In my humble opinion, he is a troll.
But, why this thread is up? I mean, someone said: "Don't feed the trolls."
I think this is a good opportunity to do that.
A Queenzone user. A lot of QZ users consider him a troll.
If you want to find out if he's a troll or a truly hardcore fan, you may read some of his posts.
He is also someone that considers "Hot Space" a better album "Innuendo." No seriously, he does!
I don't think it's the slightest bit odd.
There are plenty of Queen albums that are worse, and Innuendo is one of them.
Also, just because you would "rather give £50 to charity than buy a Queen+AL ticket", doesn't mean that you would actually do either of them.
To label someone as a troll based on these is just plain ridiculous.
tero! 48531 wrote:
I don't think it's the slightest bit odd.
There are plenty of Queen albums that are worse, and Innuendo is one of them.
I completely understand it's really subjective......a matter of personal opinion....and everyone is certainly entitled to their own opinion...............
............and everyone is also entitled to be completely out of their freakin MIND!!!
Hot Space over Innuendo???? Really?????
And I LIKE Hot Space.......(there's not a Queen album I DON'T like!).....but the only Queen album I;d say I like it better than is maybe AKOM.......maybe.............
Oh well, like I said............its all a matter of opinion.............hehe
He's not a troll. I'd consider a troll to be someone who adopts opinions for the purpose of upsetting or provoking others. His views seem fairly consistent and genuine. If he presented them in a different way he'd get more people agreeing with him. Apart from the Hot Space/Innuendo thing.
Sometimes things like this happens. Members of one community who aport zero or are trolls get more recognition with topic like this than others who works hard to make brilliant things,
This topic should be erased from Queenzone, if Gerry is not a troll then he is someone with very bad taste, spaming his opinions in every topic of the web.
And his opinions are basically ''anything new is bad''. Considering the facts, Brian and Roger are doing a great work, after 1991 they could easily go to their fancy houses and don't do anything during the rest of their lives, but we have, The FM tribute concert, Made in Heaven, No One But You, Another World, Happiness, Queen + Paul Rodgers, Queen + Adam Lambert, the 2011 Remasters, Live in Montreal, Budapest, Rainbow and MK Bowl (yeah, the sound of the last one is awful, but still).
Why they are ''ruining the legacy'', because Britney Spears sung WWRY and they are rereleasing Wembley? They are working with great artist aswell.
If you don't like some particular project shut up and listen the others you like.
You forgot the We Will Rock You musical.
However there is a spectacular lack of anything new or creative in the last 20 years even allowing for the absence of Freddie. A lot of stuff is rehashed/released/reworked. The best totally new music they have produced is probably the Cosmos Rocks and that says it all. Of the other releases the best is a 40 year old concert.
Doga wrote:
Sometimes things like this happens. Members of one community who aport zero or are trolls get more recognition with topic like this than others who works hard to make brilliant things,
This topic should be erased from Queenzone, if Gerry is not a troll then he is someone with very bad taste, spaming his opinions in every topic of the web. [•••]
Yes. We aren't so greatful to people like: Pittrek, PiotreQ, C_Matt, The Real Wizard, Dave, which spends his money or spends his time to give us free enhancings (Remasterings, best versions, soundboard recordings) or to give us new things (FM: The Video, LATR March)