Does any body know, if there is to be any work from John on the new album?
If they are re-working songs, it would be possible to use his bass tracks, and obviously work with new stuff from Bri and Rog..
Does any body know anything on this?
That's what I was wondering, or at least thinking would be the case. How far can the boy's branch out from any given song with John's existing base, and making it sound new? Would his existing tracks anchor them to any parameters?
and, more importantly...what they do use of his bass tracks - will come out as "they" want - he has no input to the process, so has no control over how "he'll" be made to sound on the recordings.
brENsKi wrote:
and, more importantly...what they do use of his bass tracks - will come out as "they" want - he has no input to the process, so has no control over how "he'll" be made to sound on the recordings.
Does he have to give some sort of approval? I read that Brian mentioned even though he doesn't want to be apart of any performance or recording, he still gives his full backing and approval. Now, I didn't take that as just merely saying, "Go a head guys, I will give you moral support" but more along the lines of something being written. He may overlook something, he might not.
I do think he still looks after the money side of things.
I believe he's still involved in the business side of things. I remember Brian saying in an interview years ago that John talks to their account more often than he does.