I was gutted on a forum now when I saw lots of (non)Fans just wanted to know when Freddie got disiase .karpocy sindroms,etc.. WTF? People cmmon let him rest in peace..
are you sure you're not Gerry or RocknRollPullover in disguise?
Not at all my friend
Im from Croatia just saw today all those negative posts about how Freddieb was ill etc,how he looked... Sorry Im not a troll,im a fan Queen,and not Queen plus or something,im an old school fan...Greetings to Gregsynth,sorry all for my language
"This message is,this message is,this message is,this message is"..
Croatia is presumably devoid of anti-psychotic medication. Is there an ice bucket challenge we can do?
LOL Dont talk to Croatia like that lol have you ever been here..Google it cos you seem ignorant..and also you are lacking good manners..I will not ever never I mean never attack someone from QueenZone or anywhere cos its not my style mister.. Im paid to fight, you?
Penetration_Guru wrote:
How is a video of Arnie saying "Fuck you" good manners?
I'm paid to lurrrrrvvvvvve.[/QUOT
me too
"This message is this message is this message is this message is..."
My personal favorite RUNNING MAN quote is the one about punching him in the stomach and ripping out his goddamned SPINE!!!
(After killing/incapacitating DYNAMO. .. The Adam Lambert lookalike)
matt z wrote:
My personal favorite RUNNING MAN quote is the one about punching him in the stomach and ripping out his goddamned SPINE!!!
(After killing/incapacitating DYNAMO. .. The Adam Lambert lookalike)
I agree. hehehe
"This message is this message is this message is.."
Gregsynth wrote:
I can vouch for Mr. Mouth. He's been subscribed to me for a few years on Youtube.
What more convincing could anyone need?
He had been vouched for by someone a) I've never heard of, b) who puts store in YouTube.
He said "I can vouch"...not "I vouch"!!
"This message is this message is this message is.."