BETA215 30.08.2014 11:28 |
Is this a real Queen fact? In that case, somebody here own a copy of that? Two rare editions of Queen's debut album are in existance. First, a quadraphonic version released by Elektra Records in 1974. Also, at an EMI sales conference in 1973, they gave advanced copies of 'Queen' away featuring an unfinished sleeve. With the quadraphonic version we could make a better mix. And would be interesting see that unfinished sleeve, and if that album contains some demos, would be best. |
mooghead 30.08.2014 12:30 |
It isn't a 'fact' if you just made it up. |
slithybill 30.08.2014 13:31 | According to that site Elektra never released a quadraphonic version of any Queen album. |
BETA215 30.08.2014 13:40 |
Source: link |
BETA215 30.08.2014 13:46 |
Source of the source: book called "Queen: The Complete Guide to Their Music" |
mooghead 30.08.2014 14:20 |
It isn't a 'fact' if it was just made up by a Facebook page with no source information.. |
BETA215 30.08.2014 16:55 |
The source is the mentioned book. |
thomasquinn 32989 31.08.2014 05:10 |
mooghead wrote: It isn't a 'fact' if it was just made up by a Facebook page with no source information..Here's a thought: quit being a pathetic ass and shut the fuck up when you don't have any useful knowledge on the subject. Why don't you just stop posting? You have enough credit left to still win the Trolling Jerk of the Year award for years to come without any further effort on your part. |
thomasquinn 32989 31.08.2014 05:11 |
BETA215 wrote: The source is the mentioned book.The book had better give a reference for those claims. If so, interesting. If not, unprofessional. |
Nitroboy 31.08.2014 05:50 |
And the book totally looks like an official/trustworthy product ;) |
thomasquinn 32989 31.08.2014 07:00 |
Nitroboy wrote: And the book totally looks like an official/trustworthy product ;)You judge a non-fiction book by the citations it offers to back up its claims. I reserve judgement for now. |
BETA215 31.08.2014 07:25 |
I need the info. available at page 611. If you have a subscription here, you can read it: link |
mooghead 31.08.2014 08:38 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:You have just pretty much said what I did :/BETA215 wrote: The source is the mentioned book.The book had better give a reference for those claims. If so, interesting. If not, unprofessional. And where is your useful knowledge of the subject? |
popy 31.08.2014 10:08 |
It has a catalogue number 8Q-5064 but as far as Google results go for "Queen Quadraphonic" it has never released |
thomasquinn 32989 31.08.2014 12:11 |
mooghead wrote:You started by accusing the TS of making said fact up. Then you backed up slightly to a position where you dismiss it as a fact made up by a facebook-page.thomasquinn 32989 wrote:You have just pretty much said what I did :/ And where is your useful knowledge of the subject?BETA215 wrote: The source is the mentioned book.The book had better give a reference for those claims. If so, interesting. If not, unprofessional. I reserve judgement. You figure out the differences. |
mooghead 31.08.2014 13:10 |
Erm... the FB page wasn't mentioned by him until challenged... then I challenged the FB page.. still do I will be delighted if this news is true. But it is 2014 and as a former, admittedly small time collector the news of a Quadrophonic Queen release suddenly coming to light is highly unlikely. Happy to be proved wrong... |
BETA215 31.08.2014 13:16 |
mooghead wrote: Erm... the FB page wasn't mentioned by him until challenged... then I challenged the FB page.. still do I will be delighted if this news is true. But it is 2014 and as a former, admittedly small time collector the news of a Quadrophonic Queen release suddenly coming to light is highly unlikely. Happy to be proved wrong... It's unlikely like a live version of The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke 3 months ago. |
Penetration_Guru 31.08.2014 13:24 |
BETA215 wrote: It's unlikely like a live version of The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke 3 months ago.That's both incorrect and straw-clutching. |
BETA215 31.08.2014 13:24 |
popy wrote: It has a catalogue number 8Q-5064 but as far as Google results go for "Queen Quadraphonic" it has never released Well, if someone have that album, that person have a real raritie. |
BETA215 31.08.2014 13:26 |
Penetration_Guru wrote:BETA215 wrote: It's unlikely like a live version of The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke 3 months ago.That's both incorrect and straw-clutching. Sorry. What is straw-clutching? |
mooghead 31.08.2014 13:44 |
"then I challenged the FB page.. still do" I sent them a message... they told me to follow them on Twitter for more info... Its almost as if the whole thing is a fishing exercise to get followers on Twitter..... I told them to Fuck Off. xxx |
horse feathers 31.08.2014 14:05 |
If there was a quadrophonic version of the album in 1974, which there wasn't. I have one question, what would people have played it on? |
mooghead 31.08.2014 14:48 |
Or.. why is this the first time we have heard of it... 40 years later.... can't say that though coz dickheads on this site with a superiority complex will call you a 'troll'.. |
Fart Sandwiches 31.08.2014 21:07 |
BETA215 wrote: I need the info. available at page 611. If you have a subscription here, you can read it: linkFor the record, that's a print edition of Queen's Wikipedia entries. |
inu-liger 31.08.2014 23:16 |
horse feathers wrote: If there was a quadrophonic version of the album in 1974, which there wasn't. I have one question, what would people have played it on? |
tero! 48531 31.08.2014 23:21 |
. |
horse feathers 01.09.2014 05:54 |
inu-liger - I was 9 in 1974, I am pretty certain you wasn't born then. Quadrophenia by The Who was recorded in quadrophonic. But deemed useless as nobody would have been able to hear it. So it was only released in stereo. Back in those days, we had vinyl, cassette and 8 track cartridges, don't be confused by the 8 track term, as it was stereo and the 8 referred to the albums on that format being cut into 4 groups, with stereo sound thus making 8 tracks. The only format that could play 4 tracks, was a reel to reel tape machine, but even then you could only play two tracks at once. You had to select which tracks you wanted to hear. You either chose tracks 1+2 or tracks 3+4, no other combinations were possible. Going back to vinyl recordings, they were stereo or dual mono. Due to the fact the cuts in the vinyl were grooves, which the stylus dropped into. There would have needed to be 2 grooves, with a double stylus to play it. Which there never was one. Therefore, no quadrophonic version was ever made, nor released. One day, I am sure you will put something of interest on this site but I ain't gonna hold my breath. |
thomasquinn 32989 01.09.2014 07:30 |
So basically, because you're middle aged your random opinion counts over hard fact? Go drown your sorrow in prune juice, you patronizing old fart! |
Wilki Amieva 02.09.2014 07:36 |
As somebody pointed out, the album wasn't released in quadrophonic, but there's indeed an official quad mix made for Elektra in 1974. I have seen the original documentation, and I think I can even provide a catalog number for the planned release. And by the way, The Who's QUADROPHENIA wasn't 'recorded' in quad - nor was any other studio album released in that format (Pink Floyd's DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, for example). The actual recording is on a multitrack, and then it's mixed into mono, stereo or quad. Also, in quad vinyls the sound was recorded into a regular 'stereo' groove, and you used a regular stereo pick up to get it. Then it was processed by an analog decoder (there were several 2-channel to 4-channel matrixes: SD, DS, etc. and you needed the proper system to correctly play each of them) to get the quadrophonic audio. The only widespread commercial format to actually carry 4 discrete channels back then was the quad 8-track cartridge. |
AlexRocks 02.09.2014 21:08 |
Holy fuck! I've been wondering about this in recent years...was there a real point in 8 track tapes?! I suppose your post is the first I've ever seen any where that would indicate that there might have been outside of just the portability issue I suppose, eh? |
Glende 10.09.2014 14:42 |
BETA215 wrote: Source of the source: book called "Queen: The Complete Guide to Their Music"I coincidentally found this book at home today. I think I might have bought it in 1995 or 1996. Anyhow I snapped photos of the front page, page two with book info, and the relevant page. There is of course no sources given for this information. |
Glende 10.09.2014 14:43 |
Glende 10.09.2014 14:44 |
Fart Sandwiches 10.09.2014 17:28 |
Glende wrote:I remember getting this and was severely disappointed, as it didn't discuss, track-by-track, their songs, instead reading more like a condensed (and more opinionated) version of As It Began. There was a similarly-titled book a few years later, written by someone else, that went track-by-track, but it was truly awful.BETA215 wrote: Source of the source: book called "Queen: The Complete Guide to Their Music"I coincidentally found this book at home today. I think I might have bought it in 1995 or 1996. Anyhow I snapped photos of the front page, page two with book info, and the relevant page. There is of course no sources given for this information. |
. 04.10.2016 10:20 |
BETA215 wrote: Source of the source: book called "Queen: The Complete Guide to Their Music"I have this book by Martin Power 2006 (Omnibus Press). On what page is the is the claim supposedly mentioned? Glende wrote: I coincidentally found this book at home today. I think I might have bought it in 1995 or 1996. Anyhow I snapped photos of the front page, page two with book info, and the relevant page. There is of course no sources given for this information.I also have this one, but it's actually a different book called ''The Complete Guide To The Music of Queen'' - by Peter Hogan 1994 (also Omnibus Press). There is also some evidence here of the Quad debut album. $7.97 would get you Q8 8Q75064 (a Quadrasonic 8-track cartridge) according to page 32 of Billboard on November 24th 1973. ">link |
Ivo-1976 04.10.2016 16:00 |
Great find! So it must be out there somewhere? |
. 04.10.2016 16:38 |
Ivo-1976 wrote: Great find! So it must be out there somewhere?Indeed, but obviously somebody needs to find one first, as well as a Q8 compatible deck. On top of that they will then need a means of making a four track digital transfer. Then again, perhaps somebody has all of this already ;-) mooghead wrote: a former, admittedly small time collector the news of a Quadrophonic Queen release suddenly coming to light is highly unlikely....Your forehead must be slightly wet by now. For now, enjoy a little Q8 Nilsson (you should all have this album in your collection, I have) |
. 05.10.2016 03:50 |
..........close, but no cigar (it's an ET rather than a Q8). |
Voice of Reason 2018 05.10.2016 05:11 |
This isn't the conference version is it? link |
dysan 05.10.2016 05:37 |
It's worth noting the US sleeve is different from the UK sleeve. I'd say with the evidence it might be that they made some, gave away promo versions and them withdrew the release? |
splicksplack 05.10.2016 10:23 |
Looks like it was created but never released 2 interesting links... link link |
splicksplack 05.10.2016 11:11 |
Sorry, missed that these 2 links were posted earlier. The quad mix was probably created (apparently Roy TB mentioned it according to someone on QOL) but it's doubtful it would have gone as far as production, let alone release. Worth an investigate though if anyone wants to track down some old people that worked at Elektra in the early 70s. ha ha. |