queenUSA wrote:
Brian wrote "maybe more" and "watch out!" on his official website Brian May.com
Will there be??? We shall see.
I hope they will quit after that.
Don't come to Europe! The quarter filled arenas will be emberassing....
Here in Europe no-one cares about Adam Lambert.
Sonisphere wasn't cancelled for nothing.
queenUSA wrote:
Brian wrote "maybe more" and "watch out!" on his official website Brian May.com
Will there be??? We shall see.
I hope they will quit after that.
Don't come to Europe! The quarter filled arenas will be emberassing....
Here in Europe no-one cares about Adam Lambert.
Sonisphere wasn't cancelled for nothing.
I didn't know Sonisphere was a Queen concert? There's me thinking it was a festival......
queenUSA wrote:
Brian wrote "maybe more" and "watch out!" on his official website Brian May.com
Will there be??? We shall see.
I hope they will quit after that.
Don't come to Europe! The quarter filled arenas will be emberassing....
Here in Europe no-one cares about Adam Lambert.
Sonisphere wasn't cancelled for nothing.
I didn't know Sonisphere was a Queen concert? There's me thinking it was a festival......
And I guess those 100,000 people who showed up in the Ukraine in 2012 didn't care either. Obviously.
I saw this article today:
"Brian May says there will be more Queen and Adam Lambert tour dates across the world
New European and UK dates are likely to be announced soon
Read more on Queen," July 30, 2014 link
I heard there were 250,000 cheering people in the Ukraine Square for the QAL concert on June 30, 2012.
1. 2012 Kiev show was a free gig.
2. They shared the stage with Elton
3. There were people from the whole world because of Euro-2012
A few days later in Moscow they had low attendance, arena was far from being packed.
So, i guess Kiev 2012 shouldn't be used as an example.
When something starts up and then really takes off - there's always the chance it will be expanded.
And why would that be so?
"The people always wanted QUEEN even if the music press did not" --- The Days of our Lives Documentary.
DrumSter wrote:
1. 2012 Kiev show was a free gig.
2. They shared the stage with Elton
3. There were people from the whole world because of Euro-2012
A few days later in Moscow they had low attendance, arena was far from being packed.
So, i guess Kiev 2012 shouldn't be used as an example.
"New European and UK dates are likely to be announced soon."
We'll have to wait and see what develops as these guys head to Asia if any further announcements are forthcoming! They are on a roll, but they will have to consider their health and stamina!
@Doga: my request for South America gigs does not mean that I am asking them to come right after Asia and Oceania, or before the UK and Europe for that matter. It is just a huge hope that they might come sometime soon. I had a wonderful time in the two US gigs I was able to go and I would really love to see them a couple of times more.
We went to the Moscow show in 2012 and it was extremely well attended. We travelled from Thailand especially to see it. Our seats were quite good and cost $US300 each. There were approximately 1000 people in the VIP sections and those tickets cost $US1000 each. We sat with Russian people all around us and though they could not speak English they knew all they lyrics and sang them loudly.
barb4Adam wrote:
Wed 27 Aug - Allphones Arena, NSW
Sat 30 Aug - Rod Laver Arena, VIC
Read more at link
I know you, Miss. What are you doing in these here parts ;)?