About to enter the Mecca on a glorious evening. Not an Adam fan, but I've watched numerous clips, he 'fits', and there is such a buzz in the area ( wish it was Detroit).
Hey, Susan, Lucy, Kim, Jacky, et al.......are you ready to rock? Are you ready to roll? OK, then, let's frickin do it !!!!
Maybe it is because I have seen Journey '2' and '3', and the new (?) Yes, so I have had to adapt (Van Hagar was so much better than the DLR version).
It was very damn good. The kid fits so much better than PR did. And.... MSG is all it's cracked up to be.
I read a review of the show in The New York Post and it was very good. Nobody got dissed and AL got a few compliments. The only thing the reporter was "slightly" not sure of was Brian's guitar solo spot. Tonight they're in Connecticut and I wish I had a ticket to go! I'm only in Rhode Island and the gig is less than 30 minutes from me.
Jazz 78 wrote:
I read a review of the show in The New York Post and it was very good. Nobody got dissed and AL got a few compliments. The only thing the reporter was "slightly" not sure of was Brian's guitar solo spot. Tonight they're in Connecticut and I wish I had a ticket to go! I'm only in Rhode Island and the gig is less than 30 minutes from me.
They have a second show at Mohegan on 25th which you can go and I think tickets are still available :)