"Another One Cuts The Recording"
SAP Center, San Jose, CA, USA // July 1, 2014
Lineage and Recording Location: Unknown (info not provided with the FLAC set uploaded by ButterKnife)
Tagging and conversion from 48kHz/24-bit to 44.1kHz/16-bit by inu-liger
Thanks to PieterMC for bringing attention to the original upload
Quality: VG
NOTE: Lots of cuts and some fade-ins/outs between the songs. If the original bootlegger is reading this, please upload the original uncut recording! These cuts are very unprofessional and jarring. Just because you don't think the banter between songs should be included, doesn't mean the rest of us think this way.
Now I'm Here
Stone Cold Crazy
Another One Bites The Dust
Fat Bottomed Girls
In The Lap Of The Gods...Revisited
Seven Seas Of Rhye
Killer Queen
Somebody To Love
I Want It All
Love Of My Life
These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Bass Solo (incorporating "Don't Try Suicide," "Body Language" & "Dragon Attack")
Drum Duel
Under Pressure
Love Kills
Who Wants To Live Forever
Guitar Solo / Last Horizon (incorporating "Welcome To The Jungle")
Tie Your Mother Down
Radio Ga Ga
Don't Stop Me Now
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
The Show Must Go On
Bohemian Rhapsody
We Will Rock You
We Are The Champions Enjoy! Do NOT re-upload and share this in lossy MP3 form! MP3's are only for your own personal (ab)use!
Wow, that's an incredibly good sounding rip for a live audience stream. I thought something sounded off about the fidelity, despite Adobe Audition not showing typical MP3-like behaviour in the waveform spectrum analysis!
I'm pretty sure this isn't a recording from the livestream. Butterknife brings proper recording devices to record the audio. She might have streamed the video but she was using something else to record the audio.
I know someone who knows her and I'll see if I can get her to share the original. She also recorded the Las Vegas concerts btw. This is her twitter account @butterknife0204
Las Vegas Night 1 can be found here. Night 2 she hasn't uploaded the FLACs yet.
I'll also try to find out the lineage for the recordings as I know this matters to bootleg traders ;)
FWIW, here's my wiki for all the Q+AL concerts with links to media downloads and my YouTube playlists that I will add over the course of this tour.
Just an update regarding Butterknife's audio:
- The reason why BK's audio was cut that way was mainly a quick fix for an AL forum that wants audio quickly (and doesn't care about FLAC or having seamless audio for trading).
I'm in contact with the lady (DG) who knows BK, and who will likely be helping BK upload the uncut audio.
DG's quite busy right now, and is experiencing some minor tech issues so will need a bit of time to get things sorted. BK's SAP Center Recording Details Equipment: Ultra low noise In-Ear Binaural microphones, (Sound Professional PART#: MS-TFB-2), 12 V micro-mini battery box with bass roll off. (SP PART#: SP-SPSB-11), Sony PCM-M10 recorder. Location: [I don't know yet, but can find out more] BK's Las Vegas Recording Details Equipment: Similar to SAP Center, but mics were not in-ear, clipped to her shirt. Location: Balcony both nights, a bit closer for Night 1.
DG also recorded both the Las Vegas concerts, as well as LA Forum. She'll be releasing her uncut audio eventually too with cue files. Like BK she also recorded in 96kHz/24bit, with good equipment.
- Her LA Forum audio sounds good from what she's heard.
- Her Las Vegas night 1 audio might be better than BK's.
- Audio for Las Vegas night 2 is probably similar to BK's.
My suggestion is to hold off any torrent releases from the FLAC files currently available until the full uncut audio files get posted.
I got the links to the uploaded uncut files from BK as I've been talking to her directly. I have provided the links to inu so inu should already have them and hopefully is working on them. :) These were uncut files for San Jose, Las Vegas I, and Las Vegas II.
@mmyy9 posted BK's Las Vegas Night 2 uncut files (24bit and 16bit) with CUE here link
DG would prefer to work on her own files and will be releasing her recording in due time.
She's aware I think, and has probably downloaded your stuff before ;) She just wants to learn how to do some stuff herself. I believe she'll be sharing the 24bit uncut (and unprocessed) audio in a FLAC track with CUE. You can do what you want with it after ;)
inu-liger wrote:
NOTE: Lots of cuts and some fade-ins/outs between the songs. If the original bootlegger is reading this, please upload the original uncut recording! These cuts are very unprofessional and jarring. Just because you don't think the banter between songs should be included, doesn't mean the rest of us think this way.