Hi! I am from Costa Rica (Hola arriba latinos jaja)! I would like to go to this concert but I need to go after show to Westchester County Airport. Do you Have Ideas to go to this airport? Conoces bien la zona? Es la primera vez que viajo a NY, mi vuelo sale a las 6:30am del domingo 20, si me puedes asesorar te lo agradezco de verdad.
I know the area a bit as I work close to the Westchester Airport in Purchase, NY. Not an expert, though, I've only been driving around here for a couple of weeks or so.
I still don't know if we would be heading back to NY right after the show or stay the night in CT but, in case we do drive back that we could potentially drive you if you chip in for gas.
If we decide to stay there then I would only be able to help you with directions but even I wouldn't be of much help as I've never been to Uncasville, CT.
It is a pitty but I will have to miss this gig. I am going to the two previous ones and Uncasville was in my initial planning. I even got the ticket, but this one proved to be difficult as far as logistics goes and it would extend my trip a bit too much, as I can't be away from home for a whole week right now. Now you guys enjoy it! :)