Has someone an idea when we will hear some more information about songselection or the first single of the forthcoming Queen album. It is very quiet at the moment. How come...
MrFunster wrote:
Has someone an idea when we will hear some more information about songselection or the first single of the forthcoming Queen album. It is very quiet at the moment. How come...
The information available so far is as detailed and accurate as you're going to get, until the physical product actually exists.
At that point we will have the polish representative of Universal leaking out the details, followed by Queen Productions a fortnight later.
Song selection will be based on the "scraping the barrel" -method, and the inevitable collaborations will be with Freddie's favourite artists such as Kerry Ellis and Adam Lambert.
The release is projected for the 75th anniversary of Queen in November 2046, right after the BBC album and anthologies.
I hope this helps!
I'm anxious too to hear news of the album. No doubt it'll be put on the back burner now til after the tour in June/July and the inevitable Queen + Lamby the Lambert Bluray and cd release at Christmas. I'd like to lock Adam Lambert,Kerry Ellis and Brian's badgers away somewhere for a year or so so Brian and Roger can work on something.worthwhile for hardcore true Queen fans.
My true guess would be by Christmas 2014
At LEAST the release of the Freddie plus Michael tracks.
The Tour will be a success and SOME lucky tv shows will have Brian Rog and AL guesting in ... gonna guess new York with Fallon.
Letterman maybe. (Is he still around?)
No doubt AL on Ellen.
Not the full band though.
This will probably culminate in label pressure to release (in spite of FAN demands and the fact that Queen are one of the highest grossing bands ever the SUITS will request prior expectations of its success before it is haggled and ultimately released.
Sony has 7 years with Michael's catalogue?
12? What was it?
Expect a release before giftmess 2014 ....could be ANYTHING. A snippet ... one song on a tour edition release of an album. A LIVE dvd/cd.
They'll market the HELL out of this.
I'll stock up on cheap queen t shirts after they wind up liquidating overstock
Well, by some accounts, they already have another Christmas song in the archives ready to go - I Dream Of Christmas. We may get to hear it by around....2040....if we're lucky...
Is this true that 'I dream of Christmas' is a Queen song with Freddie vocals? So that's the 3 MJ tracks,I dream of Christmas,Let me in,Man made Paradise. This 6 tracks now,that we know of!
jondickens1 wrote:
Is this true that 'I dream of Christmas' is a Queen song with Freddie vocals? So that's the 3 MJ tracks,I dream of Christmas,Let me in,Man made Paradise. This 6 tracks now,that we know of!
Nobody can say with certainty that "I dream of Christmas" exists with Freddie vocals.
I doubt that man made paradise and let me in will be on a new Queen album