So, I am in a ranty mood, and today I wanna address something that probably quite a few of us are thinking but haven't had the initiative to stand up and speak out about it, and that is the aformentioned "fan driven clichés" involving Queen references.
I am tired of seeing people using either of the two following quotes or lines supposedly uttered by Freddie:
-"...don't make me boring"
-Paul Rodgers having been one of Freddie's favorite singers
I am TIRED of seeing people using these lines, whether in a humorous or parodic context or not, to justify their arguments or in some cases delusional views, to name a couple of types of conversational contexts.
Seriously, whether these lines have actual basis or not in reality, these have become SO overused as conversational devices, it's getting just as annoying to see them overused here as it would be, say, to see yet another bandwidth wasting "news" article about some zero grade "celebrity."
It's NOT original anymore, it's tired and droll, and it just makes you look like a tool, ESPECIALLY when you use it to try and justify some incredibly lame argument.
^ thank you! I was thinking this myself about those who use the "don't make me boring" line to emphasise their point in discussions about hits re-releases, and the never-ending debates about unreleased tracks. I wish Jim Beach had never bloody uttered those words on the Days Of Our Lives doc :p
The "don't make me boring" quote I took with a large pinch of salt, but the "Paul Rodgers was Freddie's fave singer" was utter bullshit in my opinion. Why Brian and Roger didn't just say "We like him singing for us" and leave it at that.
But you are right Richard, people should stop using these quotes to try and win an argument.
Only Stepfords hate those quotes ...
Perhaps if QPL would release something "new" as often often they release recycled material, then maybe the "boring" quote might go away.