1000 High Res pictures in resolution approximately 2K - 5K (2000 - 5000 pixels either in vertical or horizontal direction), so you can imagine how much you can zoom into them.
* pro
* not all of them are rare but I'd like to think that a few of them are
* few of them might have an extra copy there. If you spot one repeated I am sorry for this trouble
* they are random, not sorted anyhow
* the whole size of them is about 2,25 GB
* most of them have descriptions (not all of them are correct if we're talking about dates though)
Example -
"NETHERLANDS - APRIL 01: AHOY Photo of Freddie MERCURY and QUEEN, Freddie Mercury performing live on stage (Photo by Fin Costello/Redferns)"
"UNITED KINGDOM - JANUARY 01: Photo of Brian MAY and Freddie MERCURY and QUEEN; L-R. Freddie Mercury, Brian May in back of car (Photo by Erica Echenberg/Redferns)"
"LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - JULY 13: Freddie Mercury of Queen performs on stage at Live Aid on July 13th, 1985 in Wembley Stadium, London, England (Photo by Peter Still/Redferns)"
I tried to write down as much information as possible because I hate lack of information when it comes to this.
Here I uploaded resized previews for all of them. If you have doubts I can show you the raw version of the picture you desire to see in full size. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k86u2g9pb9ethrz/PBSbWTof8r
Full size previews -
Paris '82 photo by Steve Jennings - http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/1518/10343590610.jpg
Knebworth '86 photo by Peter Still - http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/7281/8613196710.jpg
Wembley Arena '84 photo by Phil Dent - http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/4532/8503445310.jpg
I am trading for Queen and Michael Jackson stuff.
Contact me here - rudolf.greeva@gmail.com
The first picture definitely isn't Paris. The bass drum skin is the one Roger used in North America and Japan. His head was the bass drum skin in Europe/UK, like on the Milton Keynes DVD.
Sorry. It just was written so in the description. They aren't always correct.
Also I'm not aiming for anything high. Even if the content isn't rare but is better quality that's fine by me. For example some better quality TV rip that's not as widely available.
Are you sure all of these pics are available? If so, a mod can delete this thread.
If these pictures are worth anything, you can offer anything that is of this value in your opinion. My intention isn't ripping somebody off. I simply have very little knowledge about Queen trading world.
If we can put it like this - there's the top shit and there's the small shit. I'm after this small shit. Looking for top shit would be overestimating. Anyway please Wizard tell me if these pictures overall have any value. If not then I'm ending this now.
For sure - they have much value, trading and otherwise. But I honestly don't know many people who trade pictures instead of recordings.
Trading recordings doesn't cut in on anyone's income because the things being traded aren't commercially available. But photos like these are the property of the photographer. It's their bread and butter. They'd prefer people bought the pictures to make their own prints (there's a good reason why they tend to be watermarked when you find them online).
My two cents if you want it :-)
Yes, your two cents is useful. Thanks. I see what you mean. I just thought I'd use these somehow. Don't want to sell them. Basically offer me anything, I'm open. It's just that I'm passionate about live stuff.
My pet mouse hid in terror when he saw your photo, mouse rapist. When I asked him what was wrong, he told me about something very dark that once happened to him. Your name came up. Expect the cops at your door anytime soon.
Added a bit less than 200 more HQ pics. That is about ~1200 pics in total.
Anyone interested can contact me through email rudolf.greeva@gmail.com . You can offer whatever you want, we can work it out.