ok - off the bat - first listen - not bad in places - but we've heard it all before - and often (with the exception of HOTBL) usually done better by whoever was in/out of the matchday squad.
think the lead single "hell to pay" is f*cking cliche-ridden formulaic cock-rock
some nice guitar from Morse - but he'll forever be trying to step out of a very (man in black) shadow.
Don's keyboard pieces are nice - and it's not as if he is currently replacing the great maestro JL (Lordy left ten years ago)...but some of Don's flourishes sound very Lord-like - a nice tribute
anyhow, all of the above make for a "nice" album, were it not for one key thing. Gillain's voice. yes it's been rasped to f*ck down the years...but i think his vocal chords must be f*cked beyond repair because - unless i am mistaken - there's an abundance of full on phasing and autotuning on his singing. please put me right if i got this wrong, but even a cursory listen to the single tells you there's something really wrong
brENsKi wrote:
ok - off the bat - first listen - not bad in places - but we've heard it all before - and often (with the exception of HOTBL) usually done better by whoever was in/out of the matchday squad.
think the lead single "hell to pay" is f*cking cliche-ridden formulaic cock-rock
some nice guitar from Morse - but he'll forever be trying to step out of a very (man in black) shadow.
Don's keyboard pieces are nice - and it's not as if he is currently replacing the great maestro JL (Lordy left ten years ago)...but some of Don's flourishes sound very Lord-like - a nice tribute
anyhow, all of the above make for a "nice" album, were it not for one key thing. Gillain's voice. yes it's been rasped to f*ck down the years...but i think his vocal chords must be f*cked beyond repair because - unless i am mistaken - there's an abundance of full on phasing and autotuning on his singing. please put me right if i got this wrong, but even a cursory listen to the single tells you there's something really wrong
Having just heard it on youtube, I have to agree with you. On first play, it is very formulaic and it didnt exactly knock me off my seat either. It is nice but its not exactly smoke On The Water either......
brENsKi wrote:
someone please comment on whether it is phased/autotuned vocals
Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that, his voice really disappears into the guitar line going into the chorus. Really caught me offguard hearing that, sounded like a bad mix job at first!
just adding a little to this.
the single Hell To Pay - not only are the vox autotuned/phased, the lyrics are lazy - and seem like a "lift" from Mark Owen's "four minute warning" and Gillan's own "no easy way" - shockingly poor effort
sick of trying to give this album a proper listen...it's piss-poor all over - with "Blood From A Stone" being the ultimate barrel-dredger....
seems to me that Purple these last ten years - no Blackmore/Lord = no quality control....even mkII's very worst (HoTBL) was miles better than this -
I haven't really liked any of the DP albums Steve Morse has played on. That's not to say he's a bad guitarist - he isn't, technically, he's an excellent musician, but I never thought him particularly suited to Purple, and judging by a recent interview in Classic Rock magazine, he states himself, words to the effect that he feels like a bit of an outsider.
I've played the album a couple of times, but have no real desire to play it again. Can't comment on Gillan's voice, because I didn't really pay that much attention to it. He is getting on a bit now though, so I guess his voice won't be what it used to be.
i don't know why he didn't just drop the name after Jon (Lord) retired (2001?)....it may as well be a deep purple tribute band or a touring Ian Gillan Band
Purple has no quality control at all since the two great creative minds of the band left
ffs - even Slaves & Masters is better than this tripe
I thought Slaves and Masters was a Rainbow album - lol.
On that subject, I always thought JLT was a ponse, and I certainly never saw what Blackmore saw in him. Why is it that so many bands make a couple of really cracking, classic albums, then seem to deliberately f*ck it up by wanting to change?