ITWEMBLEY86 19.03.2013 23:17 |
the freddie mercury biopic is in pre production to be in pre production a movie has to have a director NOW WE ARE TOLD IT IS IN PRE-PRODUCTION STILL YET HAS NO DIRECTOR see here link THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE. the movie has been in pre production since before christmas and was to start shooting this spring, which is now Stephen Frear must have signed a contract to become the films official director, and he was listed as the director, the actual director on the imdb page, a movie cannot go into the pre production stage without a director, so all things known and borat involved, this story about frear being replaced and the film being still listed as still in pre production, FREAR IS STILL RUNNING THINGS AND IS STILL THE DIRECTOR AND HAS ACTUALLY STARTED FILMING ON LOCATION SOMWHERE IN LONDON OR EASTERN EUROPE THIS has to be CORRECT and THE MEDIA STORY WAS a ruese by cohen to cover up the fact THEY HAVE ACTUALLY STARTED FILMING. If it was not coorect the movie would have been said to shelved until they can find a new director and would not be still isted as in pre production, also if Frear had really left the movie media would have wanted the story and told it but they didnt. a DIRECTOR JUST DOES NOT LEAVE A BIG MOVIE AND IS NOT QUESTIONED ABOUT IT BY THE MOVIE RAGS IT JUST DOES NOT HAPPEN. They are wittingly involved in a sacha baron cohen stunt, they are traitors to Freddie me and you and the public at large and have become slaves to borats stupid media stunts. Director's job during preproduction The film director is much like the conductor of an orchestra. First, like a conductor has to create a mental ideal of how the music should sound, the director must create an ideal vision for how the film will look. Secondly, like a conductor, the film director must communicate that vision to the various players so everyone is working together toward the single vision. The director's job is sometimes compared to a military general barking orders to the troops. Although some directors do work like that they are generally not well liked or long-term very successful. The most effective directors work by sharing their vision and encouraging the crew and actors to participate in the process by each contributing their best effort and creativity. In actuality the two processes of creating and sharing the vision are actually a single ongoing process, begun by the director but continuously evolving as all the individuals of the filmmaking team contribute their input and the director realizes ways to improve and enhance the overall vision. The director's job is really about communication. Although some directors may also be filmmakers wearing many hats during the filmmaking processes, the only activity involved in the director's job is talking, listening and pursuading. The director needs to understand writing and storytelling, and all the tricks and craft available to do the best job of telling the story. Good directors create a notebook or journal of their thoughts, ideas and plans for the film to keep them on track and to be sure that nothing gets forgotten in the chaos of production. Reading the script The director's first job in preproduction is to read the script. For many independent filmmakers the director is also the writer so you might assume that s/he would already be totally familiar with the script and could skip this step. That would be a mistake for this step is where the vision for the movie is formed. This is where the director can go beyond the script as a blueprint for a movie and dig deep to clarify the premise, find all the hidden meanings, the psychological drives, the common themes, the passion, the sights, sounds and smells and formulate a powerful and memorable vision. The writer/director is often at a disadvantage in this step because s/he will have a harder time reading the script from a fresh perspective. Read the script as though you were watching the finished movie and had no idea what the story was about. Just let the story play out in your mind's eye. After you have read the script write down in your notebook what your thoughts were. Especially recognize what emotions you felt during the reading. Your job as a director is to create a movie that will bring these emotions to your audience with maximum effect. If the action goes dead at certain points note this also. Resist the temptation to try to come up with fixes at this point. For now you are trying to note how the story works. Finally determine what is the emotional core of the film. What is it really about. What is the goal and obstacles of the individual characters, what emotions are involved and how will your audience relate to, and learn from the character's plight. A good thing to do at this step is to try pitching the story to a friend and see if s/he has a similar reaction to yours and if the story works well for them. In-depth analysis and breaking down of the screenplay This step of the director's preproduction job involves breaking down the script to learn exactly what makes the story work. Determine exactly what are each major character's spine, or life goals and objectives, over the course of the story. Every character has a desire to empower, destroy, ridicule, teach, blame, heal, learn, find, change or seduce. Most characters will have external and internal goals. For example a character's external goal is to build a house but his his internal goal is to find fulfillment and prove his worth to his friends. These objectives may have already been in place before the story starts or may get formed by happening in the first act. Determine what these objectives are for each character. What are each major character's obstacles to reaching their objectives? In an interesting story the real obstacles are internal, psychological blocks, but are represented by more obvious external obstacles such as other characters in the story or natural elements such as a raging blizzard. What are the actions the characters will use to try to overcome the obstacles and reach their objectives? These are the actual steps the characters perform to get their way. What are the ways and means the characters will use? These are refinements on the actions and can be expressed as adverbs such as calmly, boastfully, forcefully, quickly or seductively. What adjustments do the characters make when their actions and means don't succeed? Repeat the analysis of each major character's objectives, obstacles, means, actions and adjustments for every scene that they participate in. Take good notes in your notebook. This will be very important to be able to retrieve during the production process to help the actors give the strongest and most accurate performance. Also determine in each scene what realistic doings the actors can be engaged in so that they aren't just standing around and reciting lines. Real people are always engaged in some kind of doing, preparing a meal, reading a book, surfing the web, while they are engaged in the various dialogs and actions that happen as they try to achieve their objectives. Working with the writer If the director is not also the writer then it is very wise that the director and writer try to achieve a good working relationship during preproduction and carry it through production. Writers see a story in their mind's eye whereas the director must translate the story into moving images of real locations and actors speaking and performing and do it all within a certain budget. This often leads to disagreements over vision. Additionally writers are often too close to their story to see or appreciate possible improvements that may come from the director with his/her fresh view of the story. The director should always maintain a positive and enthusiastic attitude toward the script. Recognize that the writer has been working in relative is |
ITWEMBLEY86 19.03.2013 23:35 |
Also as he would have signed a contract when he became the actual director (which he was) IF HE HAD LEFT , either him or Queen would have had to either agree on nullifying his contract or pay each other off if there was disagreement BUT understand that if that did really happen (as they are saying it has) THE FILM WOULD BE SHELVED As a film CANNOT BE IN PRE PRODUCTION WITHOUT A DIRECTOR. the media is not worth shit as they are hoodwinking the public for they know the above is true yet are duping the public they are LIARS!!! I DONT WANT TO WASTE MY TIME READING THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE SO MEDIA DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY OR BE KNOWN AS LYING PROPOGANDISTS WHO LIE FOR BIG MONEY THINGS LIKE MOVIES SHITHEADS!!! It is beyond a joke when you cannot trust anything on the internet unlesss you read my posts |
ITWEMBLEY86 19.03.2013 23:59 |
check this out how to make a movie and get to the stage of pre production without a director link |
ITWEMBLEY86 20.03.2013 00:17 |
it was on frears imdb page but now it isn't that does not happen! Stephen Frears - IMDb link - Cached - Similar 2014 Untitled Freddie Mercury Biopic (pre-production) ... 1997 A Personal History of British Cinema by Stephen Frears (TV documentary) . link |
ITWEMBLEY86 20.03.2013 00:20 |
ha caught it cache link |
rocknrolllover 20.03.2013 00:23 |
Moron's back again |
Queenfred 20.03.2013 04:41 |
Tais toi |