David Bowie new album The Next Day has a song called Dirty Boys in it,which after some research on the Internet, seems to be a gay reference (try searching the phrase "Dirty Boys" on google) and it will leave you with little doubt as to the meaning.
The possibility that this song is a Reference to Freddie, becomes even more so, when you look at the lyrics though.
I will buy you feathered hat
I will steal a cricket bat
Smash some windows make some noise
We will run with dirty boys
It also contains a reference to Finchley fairy
Which seems to be symbolic also, as there is not a Finchley fair seemingly, but there were nightclubs in the area that queen frequented.
"Queen are limbering up for their forthcoming tour in Germany and to celebrate another single rising majestically up the charts, they’re holding a little press bash in Munich’s P1 club. A place even more decadent than the South Finchley Whiskey A Go Go." link
If any of you have seen the recent Queen documentaries, it was revealed Freddie threw a cricket ball? breaking his manager John Reid's window , and it is said Freddie liked cricket.
Freddie also tried at an early image which included a feathered hat!
Lyrics here link
Weirder still the official Freddie mercury site run by a fairy so to speak is headquartered at Finchley
Or his songs are!!!!
ABOUT FREDDIE; ASK PHOEBE; CHARITY. MPT; FFAD; LINKS; SHOP ... of the Data Protection Act 1998 the Data Controller is Mercury Songs Ltd of Regina House, 124 Finchley ...
Also which seems relevant and to important not to mention is that the following song is called the stars are out tonight, which gives reference to dead stars, who are not sleeping but look at us from behind.
the whole song seems to be a comment on the lasting power and influence on us, of the great and famous, be they dead or alive, the stars are never sleeping but still hold us in their charismatic power like Greek gods.
Tellingly Bowie himself made notes on the lyric sheet,
video- stars like Greek gods cruel and controlling
Queen fan wrote:
David Bowie new album The Next Day has a song called Dirty Boys in it,which after some research on the Internet, seems to be a gay reference (try searching the phrase "Dirty Boys" on google) and it will leave you with little doubt as to the meaning.
The possibility that this song is a Reference to Freddie, becomes even more so, when you look at the lyrics though.
I will buy you feathered hat
I will steal a cricket bat
Smash some windows make some noise
We will run with dirty boys
It also contains a reference to Finchley fair
Which seems to be symbolic also, as there is not a Finchley fair seemingly, but there were nightclubs in the area that queen frequented.
If .any of you have seen the recent Queen documentaries, it was revealed Freddie threw stones at his managers window and liked cricket.
Freddie also tried at an early image which included a feathered hat!
Lyrics here
Something like Tobacco Road.....
The Queen's Tobacco-pipe once was the common name of the furnace in the north-east corner of the tobacco warehouses in the London Docks. It got its name for the burning of all sorts of contraband, especially tobacco and cigars.
[edit]References link
Anyone got a picture of Freddie in his highwayman outfit with the feathered hat?
The word highwayman is first known to be used in the year 1617;[2] other euphemisms included "knights of the road" and "gentlemen of the road."
Something like Tobacco Road
A fellow of a good Name, but poor Condition, and worse Quality, was Convicted for laying an Embargo on a man whom he met on the Road, by bidding him Stand and Deliver, but to little purpose; for the Traveller had no more Money than a Capuchin, but told him, all the treasure he had was a pound of Tobacco, which he civilly surrendered.
—The Proceedings of the Old Bailey, 25 April 1677, [5]
And wasn't it a cricket ball that John Reid said Freddie threw through his window ,smashing it?
It wasn't
It was a brick, I just checked , but a brick is inferred in the dirty boys lyric anyway.
Famously after joining up with manager John Reid, Freddie did start " running with dirty boys"
as it was his way into the gay circles, as John Reid himself was gay.
What Tobacco Road?
If the above Freddie and queen connections to the phrase Tobacco Road are not enough what about this?
In the recent weeks muso journalists have been trying to unravel bowie's latest albums lyrics, including dirty boys and its Tobacco Road and Finchley fair references.
many have commented there is no Tobacco Road in London neither is there a Finchley fair.
My explanations fit.
And then we have this
A quick seach of Google Maps reveals there is no Tobacco Road in London, UK. However, Tobacco Road could refer to a number of other things. These are:
Tobacco Road, London, Kentucky, United States
Give me give me give me , kentucky fried chicken
So from every angle we can connect The song to Freddie.
Bizarre! As in Bizarre Love Triangle!
Freddie wrote Love of my Life and John played the triangle! There is a Queen link there! Not to mention Roger's 1975 demo called I'm in Love with Bizarre!
Shut up Medusa.
You are deranged and your style shines through your posts like the sun through an open window.
Try every username you want but your insanity will stay the same and will make you easy to recognise.
It could be MEDUSA; the only problem is that the post isn't in caps-lock. Doesn't really matter though.
Speaking of which, anyone notice how MEDUSA-RULES is still the most recent post in the sticky POST IN THE RIGHT FORUM OR RISK BEING DELETED thread, even though his post has long since been deleted? I think we should keep it that way, as a sort of reminder to never forget.