BRIANMAYCOLLECTOR 12.02.2013 17:07 |
Someone hacked the post! until yesterday won the adam lambert and not appeared today with thousands of votes less! adam lambert sucks as much as the hackers!!!! |
GratefulFan 13.02.2013 11:45 |
Largely unintelligible, but I knew enough to look in on the ladies over at Adam Official! Sure enough on Sunday somebody posted the main page QZ poll about Lambert on their 24 foot list of "werk" to do for Adam. By Tuesday, they had "gotten it up to 63.2%" - who knows what it was before - and it is now up to 68.5%. So assuming the other two options remained relatively static, just between today and yesterday at 63.2% that's a difference of almost 1000 votes in favour of Adam Lambert. Who knows what they did on Sunday and Monday. This poll has been sitting there for months and yet pulls in likely something like 20% of it's votes in three days. I never want to have to argue ever again that these people screw with polls and their results. They think we're a 'real Queen site', which made me giggle. Some accidentally funny comments about the Grammys, too. link Because I'm an imperfect person, I took screen shots. Hahaha. |
GratefulFan 13.02.2013 12:14 |
Oh man. When I typed the above post just a few minutes ago the number of votes for Adam was 4013. Just now it climbed to 4100 in a matter of a couple of minutes. Sheesh. |
mgq39 13.02.2013 12:44 |
Haha I noticed and thought "does Queenzone even have that much active members" I for one do not like AL's voice but know a lot of people that do like it. P.s this poll is old. |
BRIANMAYCOLLECTOR 14.02.2013 10:45 |
took 32 years to be a fan and collector of queen, and the truth is that nobody really loves queen and freddie may think adam can be a good replacement, is an insult to the memory of Freddie |
Sebs 30.06.2014 04:24 |
Queen should stop with all they are doing these days. I never saw a band pissing on their legacy so much als Brian and Roger are doing. I can not defend them any longer. Doing shitty musicals, releasing shitty albums, doing a shitty tour with Paul Rodgers which i went to see and came back disilluisioned from, working together with shitty boybands which i despised my whole teenage years. And now the biggest shitfest of them all: Adam Lambert stepping in the spotlight where once the greatest showman and singer once stood. It's fucking unbelievable. Why can't you just release a couple of solo albums and call it a day? Why do you have to destroy my childhood like this? You diagrace yourself with every new project. Putting shame on the queen name and the people who love serious music. I love Rogers latest solo effort. It's a ray of light beaming throughout the darkness. Everything else is nothing more than two old men stil searching for commercial succes with no integrety at all for their musical legacy and the people who were involved in those glory days and the people who supporter them then! Please retire! If not: fuck you. |
rocknrolllover 30.06.2014 04:30 |
This must been happen one day!!! Finally I see those people who don't like Lambert and those who don't like the choice of Brian and Roger!! |
thomasquinn 32989 30.06.2014 04:41 |
Those AL fans look more like cultists every day. Having said that, so do posters who come up with what amounts to religious-fundamentalist drivel (brianmaycollector): "took 32 years to be a fan and collector of queen, and the truth is that nobody really loves queen and freddie may think adam can be a good replacement, is an insult to the memory of Freddie ". Stepfordism is utterly pathetic. |
pittrek 30.06.2014 04:51 |
Sebs wrote: Queen should stop with all they are doing these days. I never saw a band pissing on their legacy so much als Brian and Roger are doing. I can not defend them any longer. Doing shitty musicals, releasing shitty albums, doing a shitty tour with Paul Rodgers which i went to see and came back disilluisioned from, working together with shitty boybands which i despised my whole teenage years. And now the biggest shitfest of them all: Adam Lambert stepping in the spotlight where once the greatest showman and singer once stood. It's fucking unbelievable. Why can't you just release a couple of solo albums and call it a day? Why do you have to destroy my childhood like this? You diagrace yourself with every new project. Putting shame on the queen name and the people who love serious music. I love Rogers latest solo effort. It's a ray of light beaming throughout the darkness. Everything else is nothing more than two old men stil searching for commercial succes with no integrety at all for their musical legacy and the people who were involved in those glory days and the people who supporter them then! Please retire! If not: fuck you.Shitty musicals? I have seen just one and I liked it. Shitty albums? Which? If you mean the compilations, you can ignore them just like I do. They didn't release anything else yet afaik. Shitty tour with Paul Rodgers? I don't know, I enjoyed the one gig I went to. |
FreddieCat 30.06.2014 14:30 |
Back to the original post. It is interesting to see he has a support group. I cannot imagine a truly great performer needing one. I think the group as a whole (Brian, Roger, Neil, Spike, Rufus, Adam) are happy to be performing and act truly appreciative of the opportunity. But a support group for the frontman? Glad I didn't buy a ticket. Thanks for posting the website. |
Benn Kempster 02.07.2014 02:32 |
I watched / listened to a clip of Seven Seas Of Rhye from Toronto yesterday and was absolutely flabbergasted at the sheer rubbishness of it. From the arrangement to the delivery, its truly appalling. no light show can mask the fact that anyone buying a ticket is seeing nothing more than a glorified karaoke show. Throw buckets of piss at the stage folks......... Because that's what's coming your way! |
Vocal harmony 02.07.2014 06:53 |
Benn Kempster wrote: I watched / listened to a clip of Seven Seas Of Rhye from Toronto yesterday and was absolutely flabbergasted at the sheer rubbishness of it. From the arrangement to the delivery, its truly appalling. no light show can mask the fact that anyone buying a ticket is seeing nothing more than a glorified karaoke show. Throw buckets of piss at the stage folks......... Because that's what's coming your way!What a pleasant chap you are. If you don't like what they're doing, exercise your freedom of choice and don't watch or listen. Maybe someone should throw a bucket of piss at you. |
thomasquinn 32989 02.07.2014 07:55 |
Freedom of speech is also a freedom Benn is entitled to exercise. He was clearly disappointed with what he saw, and that's just as legitimate as being pleased with it. |
Vocal harmony 03.07.2014 08:28 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Freedom of speech is also a freedom Benn is entitled to exercise. He was clearly disappointed with what he saw, and that's just as legitimate as being pleased with it.I agree 100% and I would never disagree with that view. However what I am disagreeing with is that point where Benn, and others, hurl abuse and insults in an attempt to get a point over. So Benn's answer is for everyone to throw buckets of piss at the stage. I take it having watched the footage on Youtube he did the same to his PC or Laptop! |
malicedoom 03.07.2014 08:50 |
"So Benn's answer is for everyone to throw buckets of piss at the stage." I dunno. This just sounds so messy to me. |
thomasquinn 32989 03.07.2014 11:12 |
malicedoom wrote: "So Benn's answer is for everyone to throw buckets of piss at the stage." I dunno. This just sounds so messy to me.It's going to be especially enjoyable for the people on the first few rows. A balcony seat towards the rear never seemed more attractive! |
Vocal harmony 04.07.2014 09:40 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:Ha ha. True!malicedoom wrote: "So Benn's answer is for everyone to throw buckets of piss at the stage." I dunno. This just sounds so messy to me.It's going to be especially enjoyable for the people on the first few rows. A balcony seat towards the rear never seemed more attractive! |
FreddieCat 04.07.2014 12:35 |
I am disappointed as a newbie to Queen. I feel so shitty thinking/saying how much I dislike AL's voice since obviously the world and B&R love it. QAL seems to be the right collab in viewing the 6 of them on stage. It's unfortunate to me that I can't handle AL's vocals when listening to the vids. Too high in the tenor range. Not enough voice heft and grit in the tone. Don't like the vibrato and exaggerated notes not at all written into the songs composed by Queen. Queen's, especially Freddie's, intent to perfect every aspect of every song is well known. These are Queen songs unfortunately done as a tribute with yet another lead singer and two of the band members. We could opine a million years on who would be better than AL. There are many possibilities had B&R scouted a little harder. But really, they are going out as a tribute to themselves with a way lesser-than-Freddie lead man. |
Vocal harmony 05.07.2014 10:11 |
The phrase tribute keeps coming up to describe the current tour. If this was any other band it would just be a different line up, which in reality is exactly what it is. |
Sheer Brass Neck 05.07.2014 10:32 |
^^^ Probably because to a ton of fans, journalists, it feels like a tribute. Nothing new, just a rehash of the same old with a guy who can hit some notes that other singers couldn't. And the one thing that even long term intelligent posters on this board fail to comprehend is that Queen aren't, weren't and never will be "any other band." |
someonewholikesadam 11.07.2014 09:30 |
someonewholikesadam 11.07.2014 09:30 |
FROM BRIAN MAY'S TWITTER: Dr. Brian May @DrBrianMay · 14 Min. Adam smashed all the benchmarks tonight. Yeeeeow – He's a gift from God, Mama !!! @adamlambert Bri |
brENsKi 11.07.2014 09:57 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Those AL fans look more like cultists every day. that ^^^ has to be a typo, surely? |
thomasquinn 32989 11.07.2014 12:07 |
Cultist, someone who belongs to a cult. What typo? Did you think a bunch of tits that should be culled would be a better description? |
brENsKi 11.07.2014 12:26 |
brENsKi wrote:thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Those AL fans look more like cultists every day.that ^^^ has to be a typo, surely? thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Cultist, someone who belongs to a cult. What typo? Did you think a bunch of tits that should be culled would be a better description?thought you pressed the "L" key by mistake....when you meant to press the "N" key.... |
thomasquinn 32989 11.07.2014 12:43 |
Could be, but then I wouldn't have added "-ist". A number of them can be real tins and cutts, err, cits and tunts....well, you know. |
FreddieCat 11.07.2014 14:41 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote: Cultist, someone who belongs to a cult. What typo? Did you think a bunch of tits that should be culled would be a better description?He meant cuntists. :) |
someonewholikesadam 11.07.2014 15:10 |
Brenski, You are so clever! |