I dream with a full "queen version" from this clip, like i've seen in some promo photos...
Sorry for my bad english... by the way... the books on the table!
pittrek wrote:
Rare ? I thought everybody has this
Oh, you thought... I can see, that you can think with your "kind-of-a-brain", but never sharing with people this "not-rare" stuff. Very hypocrite, isn't it?
DJGreg wrote:
Oh, you thought... I can see, that you can think with your "kind-of-a-brain", but never sharing with people this "not-rare" stuff. Very hypocrite, isn't it?
Hey. Don't diss somebody who has been trading for years and who never thought this was "rare".
I widely traded shed loads of audience recordings back in the late 90's, some of which I discovered a few years ago were not common ANYMORE. That doesn't mean I've hoarded them (and they've been shared since I might add before you have a go at me)
Many people who I traded with back then are no longer actively part of the Queen trading community (many of them are now in their late forties early fifties and have lost interest due to lack of time because of other commitments like work and family), and so those recordings were/are, to all intents and purposes, "rare" these days.
I go to convention each year and believe me when I tell you that there are SO MANY people who do NOT know about Queenzone or even care about it and therefore they have no idea that something in their "old" collection may be considered a rarity now.
Until somebody actually says "This is rare", those of us with big collections going back through decades of collecting have NO IDEA that other people don't have it.
Case in point: It took me to upload my Solo DVD collections for other people to come forward and say "Thanks mate, but I've got such and such in better quality if you want it". Those people weren't hoarding or being hypocritical, they probably just figured that a late 1990's video recording of a TV show would be in circulation in decent quality.
Tell you what: why don't you list EVERYTHING in your collection and then we'll tell you if you have anything rare, after all, we wouldn't you coming on here in a few years and saying "Hey dude, I've had that video for years. Didn't think it was rare", and then getting slated by some arrogant cock who thinks everyone should KNOW what's rare in their collections and what's not...
Nice! Although people need to take their tongues out of other peoples arseholes. Just because they do or say this that or the other, doesn't mean what they say is gospel
space ghost wrote:
I dream with a full "queen version" from this clip, like i've seen in some promo photos...
Sorry for my bad english... by the way... the books on the table!
I saw this pics em some years ago and I hope to see one day a Queen version from this clip without the kids
Here is one of this pics: link
- No signal of the Kids on this pic. Even the mini Roger drum isn't there.
I don't know if it's rare or not, just copied the title of the video, but i'd never seen it (although i'm on this forum off and on for 12 years) and thought it would be nice to share here.
Why people have to go and jump eachother for no reason is beyond me.
Ontopic: Anyone know if there's a Queen-only version of this video or were those pictures made for promotional purposes only and were they merely posing?
=D Bunch o posing pansies!
tomchristie22 wrote:
As other people have expressed, the inverse of this would excite me a lot more. The whole kid thing always seemed kind of lame to me.
I'm afraid you spelled "cute" wrong, buddy. No biggie.
"The whole kid thing always seemed kind of lame to me"
Yeah. And creepy, as well, when you consider that they also had Invisible Man - where they basically spring into a kids bedroom under a kind of "shhhhh .. don't tell your parents" arrangement.
Maybe the first idea for the clip was a edit mix only with the band and the kids and in the end the scene that was in the video with all of them together.
Sorry for my bad english! By the way... "the books on the table"!
ACTUALLY the whole Queen and pop music basic catelogs are becoming quite rare now so God knows anything that's not on a major lable and hasn't been in print for a long time who knows if any of it even has a future?
space ghost wrote:
I dream with a full "queen version" from this clip, like i've seen in some promo photos...
Sorry for my bad english... by the way... the books on the table!
I saw this pics em some years ago and I hope to see one day a Queen version from this clip without the kids
Here is one of this pics:
- No signal of the Kids on this pic. Even the mini Roger drum isn't there.
it was probably a test run for the further choreographing. Only featured one outfit.
The other photos were probably takes for promotion (if it was ever used...i dunno)
what's the source of this original video?
Also. what's the source of the photo? (fan mag?)