AlexRocks 31.12.2012 21:50 |
"Queen Live At The Rainbow" should NOT be released! At least as an individual product! It should be included in an anthology of some sort! I just think that having a product out there with the word "Rainbow" in it hurts Queen's reputation in particular in the U.S. of A....but of course with people all around the world. It is just too much of a reference to gay imagery and terminology for certain people to have to deal with. I am serious here but it would be like calling a release "Lick My Dick". It's just not a good idea. Even if it sells well. It just hurts Queen's reputation even farther. |
matt z 31.12.2012 23:47 |
Exactly how much have you been drinking? The RAINBOW was a reputable venue. Anyways. I find the post funny |
MERQRY 01.01.2013 01:29 |
The world isn't only USA, dear... in many places of the world the word "Rainbow" hasnt any gay conotation... and anyway is stupid to think they wont release a gig only cause a fucking word... if the people from usa is stupid and homofobic then Rainbow should NOT be released in Usa, like happened with I want to break free video or with a big delay like happened with all the 40 anniversary stuff... Oh, and sorry if my english isnt the best i'm almost drunk and i barely can speak my own mother lenguage haha |
*goodco* 01.01.2013 02:06 |
Quick....someone tell Ritchie Blackmore not to name his band.... Oops, too late, nevermind. |
Sebastian 01.01.2013 03:39 |
I guess people in America never buy things by gay acts. That's why Village People sold nought and no-one ever remembers any of their songs .Oh wait... Not to mention Elton John, etc. |
brians wig 01.01.2013 04:07 |
OMG. Don't anyone mention "Rainbow - Live at the Rainbow" incase the idiot explodes..... |
bobbyo 01.01.2013 05:11 |
Lick My Love Pump did fairly well in the States so I don't think there's an issue. In fact, it's a ridiculous notion. |
tomchristie22 01.01.2013 05:59 |
Well I don't know about you guys but I would totally buy a Queen release called 'Lick My Dick'. |
Sebastian 01.01.2013 08:35 |
Prince's Purple Rain has outsold any Queen product (in terms of global sales) including GH. Seriously, this thread may be the stupidest ever, together with the HS/Miracle one. |
TheWorks84 01.01.2013 09:05 |
Ridiculous |
TheWorks84 01.01.2013 09:06 |
If someone would think these things about a name of a venue, then they are not too bright. |
splicksplack 01.01.2013 09:56 |
The rainbow flag is used as a symbol of Gay Pride (and not only in the US). Any link should only be a good thing. However, should any backward cunts from the dark ages pick a copy up and scream because they think they may have caught AIDS from reading the title, then I would doubt that Queen would want such people as fans. My own opinion on this thread is that the starter thinks too much about these things and is probably grappling with his/her own sexuality. (come in, the water's fine) |
david (galashiels) 01.01.2013 09:59 |
Rainbow warior |
AlexRocks 01.01.2013 10:11 |
Not at all! Lol! I think it is great! I just think it is a terrible p.r. move. Big difference! Don't attack the messanger! Maybe they could release it but do it under a different title. Maybe something like "Queen Live At The Mole Hill" or something. I would just like to think it would have a chance selling in the U.S. of A. (and wherever elese) without hurting Queen's reputation. BUT with that said. I think an anthology that featured the first filmed Queen concert would be a fantastic feature. Especially in particular if it could only be found on that anthology. It is still the first Queen filmed concert...right? Sigh. |
earwig 01.01.2013 10:40 |
Iron Maiden, Genesis and Thin Lizzy are just 3 examples out of many who have released a "Live at the Rainbow' product. Anyway... what's wrong with being gay?! ;-) (post-ironic comment!) |
earwig 01.01.2013 10:41 |
Also... I don't think George, Zippy and Bungle will be too pleased haha!!!! |
thomasquinn 32989 01.01.2013 11:57 |
tomchristie22 wrote: Well I don't know about you guys but I would totally buy a Queen release called 'Lick My Dick'.Call it "Somebody to Lick My Dick" and you have an instant hit. Can you just imagine all the people walking into record stores and saying "Hi, I'm looking for "Somebody to Lick My Dick"? |
Hangman_96 01.01.2013 12:11 |
AlexRocks wrote: "Queen Live At The Rainbow" should NOT be released! At least as an individual product! It should be included in an anthology of some sort! I just think that having a product out there with the word "Rainbow" in it hurts Queen's reputation in particular in the U.S. of A....but of course with people all around the world. It is just too much of a reference to gay imagery and terminology for certain people to have to deal with. I am serious here but it would be like calling a release "Lick My Dick". It's just not a good idea. Even if it sells well. It just hurts Queen's reputation even farther.OMG did you even re-read that post of yours after it had been posted?? Really, are you serious when saying it? |
DLCVinnuendo 01.01.2013 12:14 |
Fuck the USA, in respect to American fans, but the Queen does not need them, especially when the band played the Hot Space album totally connected to the Americans, they are not called. |
brENsKi 01.01.2013 13:11 |
Yoda, you are |
MartynTS 01.01.2013 13:26 |
Rainbow being linked to Freddies sexuality is something that's honestly never even crossed my mind... |
tomchristie22 01.01.2013 18:37 |
They shouldn't have released Live At The Bowl either - the drug reference could have destroyed their reputation. |
Elektra 01.01.2013 19:09 |
AlexRocks wrote: "Queen Live At The Rainbow" should NOT be released! At least as an individual product! It should be included in an anthology of some sort! I just think that having a product out there with the word "Rainbow" in it hurts Queen's reputation in particular in the U.S. of A....but of course with people all around the world. It is just too much of a reference to gay imagery and terminology for certain people to have to deal with. I am serious here but it would be like calling a release "Lick My Dick". It's just not a good idea. Even if it sells well. It just hurts Queen's reputation even farther.You are simply a Fuckwit! you No Nothing! Grow Up! |
the dude 1366 01.01.2013 20:13 |
In America the more anti-gay you are, the more likely that you an evangelist...that's gay. And we all know how religion sells in America. Jimi Hendrix used rainbow in his lyrics and his Woodstock band was called, "Gypsy Sun and Rainbows". |
AlexRocks 01.01.2013 20:34 |
Oh yeah! I'm just making this up aren't I?! Lord! In the name of God I don't think this myself fuck wads! I am talking about how MOST people even around the world think! Especially with words such as "Queen" and "Rainbow"! Shit! What the fuck?! Especially added together! It's like the letters s-h-i-t honestly don't mean anything but sometimes they might depending on how you use them! Get it? Got it? Good! I don't even care what you all think but acting like you are mentally ill and can't see the dick slaping you in the face is odd at best but more than likely doesn't help your case in anyway either! How about being strategic for the gay cause instead of fucking things up?! You know slide it...or some things along the way?! God damn it! |
rocknrolllover 02.01.2013 01:09 |
"Live at the Rainbow Theatre," a new edition has the right to exist. We can throw away shitty VHS. |
liam 02.01.2013 03:41 |
Some Americans really love helping the international reputation they have for being conservative, insular and arrogant. |
Pingfah 02.01.2013 03:55 |
The OP is a homophobic twat. Fuck him. |
Arnaldo "Ogre-" Silveira 02.01.2013 04:41 |
Give the poster a break, folks. You are treating him as if what he mentions as a possibility of failure in sales were actually his own ideas about sexuality. Bear in mind there are huge language and cultural differences around here. No need to be calling names. Chill, Ogre- |
rocknrolllover 02.01.2013 07:01 |
I did read all comments and I've been dazed and confused. They( Brian and Roger) could do right choice concerning vocalist but they did choose Freddie and it means they don't care that he Homosexual. In USA every other musician is gay, bisexual, lesbian, transsexual. What of it? Sexual orientation does not always prevent the music, but usually affects the image of musician |
Gaabiizz 02.01.2013 08:51 |
MERQRY wrote: The world isn't only USA, dear... in many places of the world the word "Rainbow" hasnt any gay conotation... and anyway is stupid to think they wont release a gig only cause a fucking word... if the people from usa is stupid and homofobic then Rainbow should NOT be released in Usa, like happened with I want to break free video or with a big delay like happened with all the 40 anniversary stuff... Oh, and sorry if my english isnt the best i'm almost drunk and i barely can speak my own mother lenguage hahahahaha Good answer! |
Benn 02.01.2013 09:26 |
Alexrocks, in all the years you've been posting utter shit on this site, this has to rate as the most illiterate, mind-numbingly fucking stupid of your whole career. You've actually shoked me at the level of your idiocy. By extension, do you think that any of the other bands that ever played at The Rainbow (i give you Hendrix, Clapton (released), The Who, zappa, Genesis, Pink Floyd, The Beach Boys (released)) would have been concerned about the name of the venue affecting sale of a live album? Please, go back to your initial post, re-read it and think. Then, do us all a favour and have the post removed. You buffoon. |
AlexRocks 02.01.2013 15:37 |
Not at all in the slightest Benn. Coooonnnncccccennntrraaatttteeee. Of course companies and organisations consider what the public perceive. This is not a secret or news to you, right? All I've said is that a significant amount of people add one and one in different ways. It's NOT my opinion. Why the denial? Of course there isn't a denial. That's the interesting thing. You are just saying I'm shit for realising, considering, and acknowledging it! Oh how dare I care! I'm such a monster! Oh and by the way! In what way have I not enlightened you with my infinite wisdom over the years Benn? |
MartynTS 02.01.2013 15:41 |
It might hurt Queen's name? I think Freddie being gay is pretty widely known. No one is going to go buy it and be like "Queen......Rainbow? Definitely Gay." and decide to not buy it. Anyone who would be interested in the product would already know. And it's not like it's a bad thing to be gay, it's starting to get some serious support here in the USA. Really I think it's starting to become a fashion in a lot of the media to support gay rights. Anyway... If this is the logic of thought then most 70's concerts shouldn't be released. Anyone who see's Freddie in his checkered unitards from Houston and Earls Court. Or even the black unitard (?) he wears at the Rainbow and Hammersmith '75? And I'm pretty sure his leather clothes from Hammersmith '79 are pretty gay... |
Holly2003 02.01.2013 15:44 |
They should call it Queen Live at the Chuck Norris Auditorium for Heterosexuals. |
AlexRocks 02.01.2013 22:11 |
Lol. ANYWAYS lol. You all realise that Queen are not like Culture Club? That most of their sales and interest both in the U.S. and worldwide are bought by people who enjoyed the music and group other than whatever gayness was going on. This is NOT a flag waving group. I dare say most people even here know that. You can rest assured that many people would be far more turned off by certain things that are considered gay or gay themed period! Hence why one of the reasons early Queen films haven't been released up to this point. I love the way that Queen look and Freddie with all of the gay shit BUT he also is not a full on transvestite. Hell it isn't even that. If there were not this view that most people have then why isn't all of the gayness in the world more accepted lol?! Jesus ANYWAYS. The idea that I am somehow "illiterate" or "ignorant" is a joke of the highest order. Maybe if you had a clue about human history you would be more cautious and less callous in so many ways. Get a fucking clue. And yes Martyn TS you can rest assured that many people throughout human history also thought being gay was as you put it "fashionable". How intollerant of you. What are you TWELVE?! |
Benn 03.01.2013 09:26 |
Alex rocks, Again, you're just re-inforcing my theory that in order to operate and access a computer and the internet, users should have to apply for a license and go through rigorous mental dexterity testing in order to be granted the privellage of a license. >Hence why one of the reasons early Queen films haven't been released up to this point. Utter rubbish when considering that the HEIGHT of Queen's (and Freddie's) popularity in the USA during this self same period. If you go back and read your Queen history (ok - picture books if you struggle with words), their popularity dwindled post-1982 and the switch from a rock band on stage to a band that wanted to produce more chart-friendly material. The moustache also appears to have been a factor in aligning Freddie with the gay scene and scaring the shit out of the Yanks. QPL would gain more mileage in the USA if they had the gumption to put out the material THERE that they were famous for. Houston '77 would be a cracker in the States. The band's European chart popularity became greater in the 1980's and is why we have to put up with Montreal, Milton Keynes, Wembley and Budapest - the hits are on there and they are the songs that the plebs identify with. >Freddie with all of the gay shit Again, you're unable to differentiate between 'gay' and 'camp' - refer to my reply above. >Jesus ANYWAYS. The idea that I am somehow "illiterate" or "ignorant" is a joke of the highest order No, it's not; you are. The quote I use above, from you, illustrates that you know nothing about Queen history. And your use of the word "ANYWAYS" proves that you have not used spell-checker to help you with the written word. It's not a word - it was made up by the Americans who also felt the need to spell commonly used words to suit the "speak-and-spell" retards. >Maybe if you had a clue about human history you would be more cautious and less callous in so many ways. So you're grasp of HUMAN history is better than your grasp of QUEEN history I assume; come on then, enlighten us with a justification with that sentence. I hope all of this helps. |
splicksplack 03.01.2013 10:32 |
Qu9ote Alex - "I love the way that Queen look and Freddie with all of the gay shit BUT he also is not a full on transvestite" That sentence makes about as much sense as saying "I love the way that Queen look and Freddie with all of the gay shit BUT he also is not a cab driver" You bloody tool. |
The Real Wizard 03.01.2013 10:44 |
Benn wrote: The quote I use above, from you, illustrates that you know nothing about Queen history. And your use of the word "ANYWAYS" proves that you have not used spell-checker to help you with the written word. It's not a word - it was made up by the Americans who also felt the need to spell commonly used words to suit the "speak-and-spell" retards.^ bravo. |
Pingfah 03.01.2013 10:53 |
MartynTS wrote: Rainbow being linked to Freddies sexuality is something that's honestly never even crossed my mind...I'd wager it's never crossed the mind of anybody with one to cross. |
Benn 03.01.2013 12:02 |
The sad reality is that QPL couldn't give a monkey's about US sales; America CHOSE to drop Queen. The record buying public made their choice NOT to support the band and thus, the band and its management has dropped them. The last chance saloon was the deal with Hollywood Records and that pretty much fell on deaf ears. Marketing strategy is now soley centred upon the UK and Europe and what appeals to the masses in those territories; hence the reliance on '80s material. Not sure this would have crossed Alexrocks 'mind'...........twat. |
AlexRocks 03.01.2013 14:05 |
Actually...Queen's resigned contract was worth fifteen million U.S. dollars when they resigned with Hollywood Records in 1990 and it was never taken away or reduced that I ever heard about. Not that I would know but it seems like that MIGHT have made news...I don't know. It was then after that Queen quite popular again in the U.S. with "Bohemian Rhapsody" in 1992. They have done alright here. The U.S. got the "Crown Jewels" as a matter of fact while the rest of the world did not. Learn YOUR facts and pay attention! Oh...and yes I know the difference between "camp" and "gay" but you can rest assured that most people do NOT distinguish between the two. In particular in the U.S. of A. Check out the "Ambiguously Gay Duo" animation clip on YouTube. It's funny as hell. ...and the fact that you know that people in the U.S. were bothered by Freddie's mustache just confirms that right or wrong people do think certain ways about certain things. Are you all still going to go with the idea that a "rainbow" is not used for gay imagery? It certainly does not but this day and age I think most people who have clue view it as such. I honestly for one may not even mind if Queen do whatever I am just saying I don't think from either a business or p.r. standpoint is it a good idea. |
Martinmanchester 03.01.2013 14:21 |
The group should just go all the way and change there name from QUEEN and all the homosexual/camp connections and outrage that that must cause the poor us record buying public.... |
GratefulFan 03.01.2013 14:28 |
A rainbow has several strong cultural connotations, only one of which has anything to do with homosexuality. If the immediate context is band and rock and music and venue, and one's brain somehow jumps to 'fags!', I think that would be rather, uh, atypical. |
AlexRocks 03.01.2013 14:53 |
Just a news flash there are many people who as soon as they think of people who are in the arts there is a heavy assumption of them being gay. Again not my opinion but there is the stereotype. There are significant differences between straight, gay, and ambiguity. I would say Queen have embraced all three all at different times to many different degrees. (...and with different results.) Oh...and yes. It would be funny if it were called "Somebody To Lick My Dick" so you would have to ask FOR that whenever you would go into a store looking for this item. |
Bo Alex 03.01.2013 20:46 |
Holly2003 wrote: They should call it Queen Live at the Chuck Norris Auditorium for Heterosexuals.hahaha nice!! |
splicksplack 04.01.2013 02:45 |
AlexRocks - "there are many people who as soon as they think of people who are in the arts there is a heavy assumption of them being gay" That's right. Bruce Springsteen, Steve Tyler, Bob Dylan, Eminem. Immediately "many people" think, watch your back, FAGS APPROACHING. |
AlexRocks 04.01.2013 10:13 |
Lol. You know what they say, "You never know!". Lol. |
tomcat39 04.01.2013 14:42 |
If anyone see a DVD with the words Queen and Rainbow and JUST THEN put the two together to conclude that equals too gay, they aren't fans who are going to buy it anyway. If someone already knows about Freddie's sexuality and has an issue with it, they aren't going to buy anyway. Point is, with or without Rainbow in the title, it matters naught. And yes, sign me up for 'Someone To Lick My Dick', in fact I'd love to request that to radio. |