I wonder was Cool Cat really written circa 1988 because it really is so similar to that light stuff on the miracle album such as rain must fall and/or my baby does me.
I know it was on hot space but still I do believe it could have been written for the miracle sessions.
Absurd. How could it be written for an album that didn't even exist at the time...? It was even 7-8 years before The Miracle would be released. It's one of the most absurd things that's ever been posted here.
well, it just so happens that when Brian bought Patrick Moore's house he discovered one of the "late stargazer's best kept secrets" - PM had a time machine installed in his basement, and Brian managed to transport the band back and forth thru time and cosmos in order to write "cool cat" for the first time 6 yrs after it was originally written!!! it's easy to do. it involves a bit of "bouncing" off the space time continuum" and doing one or two "Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently tricks", but it was done nonetheless..... if you all looked at your copies of Hot Space in May 1989, you'd have noticed Cool Cat had mysteriously vanished from the track listing....momentarily....and appeared (just long enough to be noticed by the quick sighted) on the Miracle album track list...between "I want it all" and "invisible man" :-)
una999 - you're a fucking imbecile, kindly fuck right off...forever.
brENsKi wrote:
well, it just so happens that when Brian bought Patrick Moore's house he discovered one of the "late stargazer's best kept secrets" - PM had a time machine installed in his basement, and Brian managed to transport the band back and forth thru time and cosmos in order to write "cool cat" for the first time 6 yrs after it was originally written!!! it's easy to do. it involves a bit of "bouncing" off the space time continuum" and doing one or two "Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently tricks", but it was done nonetheless..... if you all looked at your copies of Hot Space in May 1989, you'd have noticed Cool Cat had mysteriously vanished from the track listing....momentarily....and appeared (just long enough to be noticed by the quick sighted) on the Miracle album track list...between "I want it all" and "invisible man" :-)
una999 - you're a fucking imbecile, kindly fuck right off...forever.
thanks for the replies. well i am obviously wrong in this case, however i do believe it was a valid and worthwhile question.
only if you can't read the [P] dates on the back of cd/lp cases/sleeves...you f**king idiot
unless your cds covernotes are written in hieroglyphs or fucking klingon...tw*t
thanks for the replies. well i am obviously wrong in this case, however i do believe it was a valid and worthwhile question.
only if you can't read the [P] dates on the back of cd/lp cases/sleeves...you f**king idiot
unless your cds covernotes are written in hieroglyphs or fucking klingon...tw*t
well i'm glad my now perceived ridiculous question is being overtaken by your use of bad language in every line. maybe it's an irish thing using swear words constantly.
Yes, this question was ... different, but honestly, no question is stupid. Nobody knows all, hence questions exist. What is obvious for some, is a riddle for others.
RonB wrote:
Yes, this question was ... different, but honestly, no question is stupid. Nobody knows all, hence questions exist. What is obvious for some, is a riddle for others.
it was stupid beyond comprehension.he actually raises the possibility that a song was written 6 yrs AFTER it appeared on a previous LP - knowing and referring to its appearance on said previous LP
please - in light of that, retract your "there are no stupid questions" post
RonB wrote:
Yes, this question was ... different, but honestly, no question is stupid. Nobody knows all, hence questions exist. What is obvious for some, is a riddle for others.
it was stupid beyond comprehension.he actually raises the possibility that a song was written 6 yrs AFTER it appeared on a previous LP - knowing and referring to its appearance on said previous LP
Ok, after I re-read his first post you have a point there. That was pretty awkward :)
Seeing that the question was posted on the 24th, I guess he was drunk.