breyes1984 25.10.2012 19:39 |
examples please..!! I want to know.. thanks |
waunakonor 25.10.2012 20:03 |
Define "good person." |
breyes1984 25.10.2012 20:12 |
Wiley 25.10.2012 23:29 |
Well, he had gay sex. That should tell you something. |
madrid1979 25.10.2012 23:36 |
Certainly he was a very good frontman ( best from 1978 to 1986) maybe not a bad person but maniac ( bios books conclusions), maybe he wasn't that "angel kind look alike" industry want to sell. He didn't like to see same fans on the first row, I don't think he was very involved in politics or solidarity campaigns. I think he was that kind of very conservative people who have to deal with people he considered the mass (audiences). He was very funny at parties, sure about that. |
tomchristie22 26.10.2012 00:13 |
If everything was morally black and white then this would be an answerable question. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, you can't define someone as good or bad. Freddie did plenty of things that many would consider 'bad'. I don't necessarily agree with his self destructive lifestyle that he later took on, but I'm not going to call him a bad person for it. I love him either way. |
mooghead 26.10.2012 01:02 |
He was certainly wreckless |
Heavenite 26.10.2012 02:23 |
tomchristie22 wrote: If everything was morally black and white then this would be an answerable question. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that, you can't define someone as good or bad. Freddie did plenty of things that many would consider 'bad'. I don't necessarily agree with his self destructive lifestyle that he later took on, but I'm not going to call him a bad person for it. I love him either way. Good answer tomchristie22. The other thing is that there is another band I love that have been described by some as horrible people, but does it really matter if you love the music? Probably not. Although I guess it is interesting to know more about the people who made the music you love. |
master marathon runner 26.10.2012 12:51 |
?????????? |
john bodega 26.10.2012 13:01 |
He wasn't a good person. He was fucking great. If you want to make an omelette, sometimes you have to break some eggs. |
madmetaltom 26.10.2012 14:34 |
Mr bad guy! yep i went there hehe |
DLCVinnuendo 26.10.2012 15:42 |
really bad guy he was!!! kkkkkkkkkkkkk |
Shvili 27.10.2012 14:17 |
He didn't want to pay his taxes and fled to Switzerland so ….no.. he was not a good person. On a serous note...who cares... In his short life he had a immense positive impact on millions of people and his music will stay as a source of inspiration as long as human kind exists. The man was a genius in his own right and by the way, most geniuses were to be known as complete arrogant assholes in personal relationships, but as far as I know Freddie was a very caring and loving person when it came to his friends and people close to him. P.S There is no way bad person could write something like Somebody To love. |
*goodco* 27.10.2012 17:32 |
He WAS a good old fashioned lover boy. |
Flash Jazz 27.10.2012 18:06 |
I heard once he told William Wordsworth he made boring poems. A cruel man, truly. |
...Bohemian... 30.10.2012 11:06 |
As far as I know from books, Freddie Mercury was very loving and caring to those close to him, and also very generous. He used to give a lot to charities. He doesnt appear to have grown arrogant with the years, despite his huge success. So, as far as you can get from books and stuff, he was a good person. Enjoy his art regardless, anyway! :-) |
brENsKi 30.10.2012 12:17 |
Heavenite wrote: but does it really matter if you love the music? Probably not. Although I guess it is interesting to know more about the people who made the music you love.unless it's Gary Glitter? |
Hangman_96 30.10.2012 17:13 |
breyes1984 wrote: examples please..!! I want to know.. thanksName the reasons why you want to know this. You could be a pervert. |
brENsKi 30.10.2012 17:19 |
he's a nosey c*nt that derives pleasure from absorbing salacious gossip ? |
Thistle 30.10.2012 21:13 |
I knew him personally from 1999-2003, and he was a complete twat. Seriously, though - how would any of us actually know? As far as I'm aware, no-one here knew him, so who could say? |
alBHMfan 30.10.2012 23:01 |
I think he was a good person with flaws (who of us doesn't have them). I'd say some of his blunt answers when being interviewed could come across as him being arrogant but that doesn't translate to being good or bad. He often said what he felt which is something we should all aspire to be. Even if some would get offended but at least we would be honest. I also heard he once broke a mirror on somone's head which is bad but we've all been in fights where we smash bottles on people so that's more of a tantrum than anything else. Over all those who were closest to him would say he had the ability to make you feel like you were really important in his world. My vote's that he was a good person, not perfect. |
GratefulFan 30.10.2012 23:11 |
alBHMfan wrote: ...but we've all been in fights where we smash bottles on people so...No we haven't! :) |
Mark_Glasgow 31.10.2012 09:58 |
Seriously, what kind of numbskull asks a question like this lol???? |
Heavenite 04.11.2012 05:51 |
Roger's View: "With a head held high, and a heart so big. One fist to the sky. Shake a leg!" |
Missreclusive 10.11.2012 09:32 |
LOL, this thread. GF, never smashed a bottle over anyones head? Did you ever wish to? Ah, dear Freddie. From what I gather he was certainly very human. Strived for perfection in all he did. Had to tell everyone he would be a star or legend ...convincing them and himself. I don't think even with all the swagger that he knew he would be what he is today. Search for love was obviously disasterous yet, he did find it with a couple of people both male and female who hung in with him for the long haul and even more friends who speak of him as being genuine and caring. Caballe loved him. He was human and fun and I think at the core a good man. Very very human. His personality ran the spectrum from funny to shy to flamoyant to crass ...everything under the rainbow. This is why his fans love him so. I see stars who are to me mostly one dimensional in personality. Freddie certainly wasnt that! My two cents on the subject. |
Holly2003 10.11.2012 17:09 |
He was history's greatest monster. Discuss. |
The Real Wizard 10.11.2012 18:45 |
I love how a two page thread is dedicated to making character judgements that nobody in said thread has met. Do go on. This is quite entertaining. But if anyone wants my two cents - sure, the guy once smashed a mirror on someone's head. He was a rock star. His ego was out of control. He wasn't a picture perfect human being, but later in life it seems like he tried to better himself. That's about as far as this can go. |
john bodega 11.11.2012 02:48 |
See, these arbitrary character judgements get right up my nose, and not just concerning dead famous people. If you can't describe someone in your life without employing the phrase, "SURE he was this and that, BUT-" then you should poison yourself before someone else gets around to it. It's nothing but a lot of weasel words for people who can't make up their mind on a topic or reconcile their own shortcomings against their aspirations to be a better person. |
The Real Wizard 11.11.2012 12:13 |
Well put. |
josueallen54 19.11.2012 12:56 |
he had his moments, but like us all he had to learn! |
josueallen54 19.11.2012 12:57 |
thomasquinn 32989 19.11.2012 13:36 |
brENsKi wrote:Is it actually possible to enjoy his music? I don't think so, and that 's probably nature's way of avoiding paradoxes like this :PHeavenite wrote: but does it really matter if you love the music? Probably not. Although I guess it is interesting to know more about the people who made the music you love.unless it's Gary Glitter? |
Holly2003 19.11.2012 13:50 |
When I was a kid Gary Glitter, Mud, Showawaddywaddy, Darts etc were great fun and for that reason I still have a bit of a liking for Glitter's music. I wouldn;t buy anything by him, of course -- not willing to fund his sordid trips to the Far East, but I don';t mind hearing his songs on the radio or on Youtube. Incidentally, I've heard it said that Rock and Roll Part II is a bit of a template for We Wil Rock You. |
Stoner 11.01.2013 04:48 |
Everyone I know is a "complete twat". But they all have their good sides so I love them. :) At least Freddie wasn't one-dimensional. One-dimensional people are creepy. Specially when they are smiling all the time. |
splicksplack 11.01.2013 05:47 |
Wiley wrote: Well, he had gay sex. That should tell you tells me he had gay sex. What's your point? |
YAFF 11.01.2013 09:51 |
Mark_Glasgow wrote: Seriously, what kind of numbskull asks a question like this lol????I think it's a fair question. I'd say Freddie was.......human. |
Hangman_96 11.01.2013 16:45 |
splicksplack wrote:Huh, my thoughts exactly. Just as if we didn't know what gay sex might have implied.Wiley wrote: Well, he had gay sex. That should tell you tells me he had gay sex. What's your point? |
FreddieMercuryKingdom 14.01.2013 13:56 |
Totally agree! He couldn't have written songs like 'Somebody to Love', 'Love of my Love' or 'You are the Only One' (unreleased, wonderful demo song) if he hadn't had the sensitivity to do that. A lot of his "crazy" actions were driven by his ambition to create a strong successful alter ego but deep inside he remained kind and gentle. Nobody is perfect of course, but I think the most striking thing that speaks quite loud about his personality is the fact that almost noone of the people around him (family, friends, other artists, even employees) can talk about him without tears coming down their eyes even nowadays- two decades after his death. So no, he was not an angel , he was an imperfect human like all of us but yet such a special, unforgetable personality! link Dedicated To Freddie Mercury |
Zaza Gabor 14.01.2013 14:07 |
As far as I know, he never abused little children or old people and he was never in politics; so yes, he meets my criteria. He was a good person! |
-fatty- 2850 14.01.2013 15:27 |
Extracts from the private & personal diaries of Freddie Mercury September 13th 1983 "Watched a programme on TV about an animal hospital that specialises in looking after sick hedgehogs. They were so adorable. Sadly one of the little hedgehogs had been attacked by a fox and was so badly injured that it had to be put to sleep. I cried for hours. Decided to send them a cheque for £10,000 to help look after the little souls." September 14th 1983 "Watched a programme on TV about World War 2 and the so called holocaust. More lies from the jewish propaganda machine." |
brENsKi 14.01.2013 16:19 |
think you'll find it was the "hedgehog propaganda machine" responsible for the holocaust lies |
Belladonic haze 15.01.2013 09:24 |
Yes. |
Zaza Gabor 15.01.2013 13:33 |
-fatty- 2850 wrote: Extracts from the private & personal diaries of Freddie Mercury September 13th 1983 "Watched a programme on TV about an animal hospital that specialises in looking after sick hedgehogs. They were so adorable. Sadly one of the little hedgehogs had been attacked by a fox and was so badly injured that it had to be put to sleep. I cried for hours. Decided to send them a cheque for £10,000 to help look after the little souls." September 14th 1983 "Watched a programme on TV about World War 2 and the so called holocaust. More lies from the jewish propaganda machine."Sounds like PETA's Person of The Century! LOL |
Archibald P. Sparrow 20.01.2013 05:06 |
First post for reasons that will soon become obvious. Up until a week ago, I thought Freddie Mercury was a vain, arrogant tough guy who happened to have a spectacular voice, end of story. Growing up, Queen music was like the wallpaper of my life, always being played on the radio or on TV. I remember Bohemian Rhapsody being played on a music video show once a week for what seemed like a billion weeks in a row when it was number 1. Men wearing make-up were too confusing for a 7 year-old and the song was eerie, about a man who was about to die - freaked me right out. As a pubescent, his sexuality was too raw and threatening (Crazy little thing called Love years) and I classed him as crass and arrogant. Even though I could not escape Queen, I never particularly sought them out. THEN LAST WEEK IT HAPPENED... I chanced upon a recently made documentary on TV whilst channel surfing. I landed on a bit when he was being interviewed and my jaw dropped. Was he welsh??? No... but he had an accent and, jesus christ, he sounds camp... CAMP? Freddie tough guy was effete and ... holy crap ... self-deprecating, intelligent and thoughtful at the same time?? Not only that but he was a brilliant artist, musician and songwriter... bastard! Completely intrigued I watched the rest of the doco and had my illusions completely shattered - absolutely smashed. So this week I have watched as many docos on the man as I could and am in the process of reading a book about Queen and listening to the music with completely fresh ears. So I have to give my very recently (and very uninformed compared to all of you) impressions of the man. What has made undoubtedly the greatest impression on me, and what has me so completely hooked, is how well-integrated he was as a human being. He accepted every aspect of himself so completely and knew exactly who he was and what he wanted from an early age. That is really freaking rare in my experience. How many people who are wasted from cancer are able to look at themselves in a mirror as critically as Freddie did in that last video shoot and stand it? He was incredibly brave and obviously very strong to be able to do that. I think his wealth and the success of Queen happened because he was so at home in his own skin. And then he was able to help out his friends financially and materially. He seemed terribly generous to those close to him and very solicitous of their feelings and shielded them from different aspects of his life that could cause them upset. From what I have read and seen he strikes me as having been a very special person. He's like a poster child for Ayn Rand who said something like you can only nourish others if you feed yourself first. He did and he did. Anyway, sorry for long 1st post but these are my first impressions in my very first week of Freddie Mercury enfatuation... |
matt z 20.01.2013 05:37 |
What a humble name.... Reminds me of Rufus T Firefly |
Gaabiizz 22.01.2013 09:31 |
Yes :') |
deleted user 22.01.2013 11:08 |
Wow! Archibald P. Sparrow, what a lovely post. So many people have so many misconceptions about Freddie Mercury. |
brENsKi 22.01.2013 11:48 |
Mr Sparrow, not wishing to knock the shine off your new perspective but perhaps you need to read/search out a bit more about freddie, and you'll probably end up with a view of a person somewhere between angel and devil. "He accepted every aspect of himself so completely and knew exactly who he was and what he wanted from an early age." no he didn't. he was in complete denial about his own sexuality -until at least the late 70s - he was in his 30s by then That is really freaking rare in my experience. How many people who are wasted from cancer are able to look at themselves in a mirror as critically as Freddie did in that last video shoot and stand it? He was incredibly brave and obviously very strong to be able to do that. please don't do this "cancer" thing. it doesn't work - until YOU have cancer and are dying from it (and i hope you never do) then you cannot say this. I think his wealth and the success of Queen happened because he was so at home in his own skin. you have no real proof of this And then he was able to help out his friends financially and materially. He seemed terribly generous to those close to him and very solicitous of their feelings and shielded them from different aspects of his life that could cause them upset. he was sexually extremes. that's about all you need know about his personal life the only thing we can all say safely about freddie - great musician |
Heavenite 22.01.2013 13:53 |
Hi Archie Welcome to the Queen Forum. I'm relatively new on here too but unlike you I have been a Queen fan since Bo Rap. I think Freddie was fantastic, but a flawed individual like the rest of us (as BrENsKi basically says). I only recently saw the latest Freddie Mercury video myself and found it to be excellent. And I thought the last bit was hilarious. He was an absolute character. I was laughing uncontrollably yet with tears in my eyes watching the end bit when he was talking about all the different countries. Only time I can recall doing that before was when a rather naive friend asked me whether I was going back to work that afternoon at my mother's funeral. Myself and a couple of close friends just cracked up and were having hysterics! And watching Freddie being so irreverant and blatantly materialistic, even if it was just in jest, cracked me up in a similar still makes me laugh thinking about |
Archibald P. Sparrow 22.01.2013 16:56 |
Hi brENsKi, you touch on so many things I want to respond to: brENsKi said "Mr Sparrow, not wishing to knock the shine off your new perspective but perhaps you need to read/search out a bit more about freddie, and you'll probably end up with a view of a person somewhere between angel and devil. Totally agree. I'm just calling it as i saw it without knowing anything at all about the man. I've subsequently read stuff that suggests an absolutely over the top ego was at work for quite awhile there. I am open to it all as far as this guy goes. You can't have the angel without the devil and I'd hate it if that was the case. brENski said "he was in complete denial about his own sexuality -until at least the late 70s - he was in his 30s by then." Although, naturally I defer to your experience, I disagree. Obviously he was with Mary Austin while he was figuring it all out but I believe when he took the step away from her he was in no denial at all (and he was young - you don't just wake up one morning and say, oh wow, I'm queer. it can be a lengthy, confronting and confusing process). I think from that point, though, he knew and plunged in, albeit discretely. Discretion does not equate to denial. I'm after decent material to read/watch - how did you come to your conclusion. As I said, I'm happy to learn. brENsKi said "please don't do this "cancer" thing. it doesn't work - until YOU have cancer and are dying from it (and i hope you never do) then you cannot say this. Sorry, my father died of cancer not too long ago so I guess his experience was in my mind both when I was watching the documentary and when I wrote that. And also in the early days of AIDS, which I remember all too clearly, we called it gay cancer because it didn't really have a name then. My point was Freddie was so vain, looking fantastic meant a lot to him and seeing himself looking so wasted must have been very hard to take yet he put himself through that last video. To me, that's courage and strength personified. Archie said "I think his wealth and the success of Queen happened because he was so at home in his own skin." brENsKi replied "you have no real proof of this." Well, I believe a crystal clear focus that harnesses all energy toward one outcome is key to success. I'm not sure you can achieve that, esp. as a performer, if you're scattered in your perception of who you are but whether it was true in this case, I agree, I have no proof but i like to think it had something to do with it and i like to think he was at home in his own skin (and I like to think Superman really existed) ;) Archie said "And then he was able to help out his friends financially and materially. He seemed terribly generous to those close to him and very solicitous of their feelings and shielded them from different aspects of his life that could cause them upset. brENsKi replied "he was sexually extremes. that's about all you need know about his personal life." Again, sorry. I took this info from a documentary I saw and the book I'm reading - various interviews with people seemed to suggest it or say it outright. As it was in the public domain, I thought it would be up for discussion. Is there a list somewhere of what's allowed to be discussed and what isn't? Maybe you could point me to it. BTW just being a person is sexually promiscuous, it doesn't discount them being an excellent person. We don't live in the stone age anymore. And promiscuity was a big part of the gay experience of the '70s/early '80s. I do know what went on at The Anvil, dear ;) Thanks for you thoughtful reply. If you could recommend me a highly reputable book or documentary on the band, I would be really grateful. |
Archibald P. Sparrow 22.01.2013 17:09 |
Hey, Heavenite, thanks for the welcome. I agree with what you say totally. He absolutely reveled in his OTT lifestyle, didn't he, and he kind of did it all with a wink. I love that about him. He was completely irreverent! The only thing he seemed to really take seriously was the music. Everything else was there for his entertainment. APS. |
Belladonic haze 23.01.2013 08:05 |
brENsKi wrote: he was sexually extremes. that's about all you need know about his personal life what?? how it's that something anyone needs to know about anyone's life! O_o I would tend to think things like that should be utterly private? How much more interesting would it be if all those biographers (and "friends") would have delved deeper into his formative years, into all the influences he absorbed since he was a quite young boy with all his travels, the cultures and religions he lived amidst, the music he listened to in his childhood and early youth and also when he was already famous (obviously it's much easier to write entire chapters devoted to his sexual appetite and his 190.029 lovers per minute than to mention lightly in one sentence "he was an Aretha Franklin fan", as it seems), or investigate and write about his art studies or his overall education, or his work ethics and his discipline and dedication, or the development of his vocal technique and range, and so many more things that would have helped paint a more throughly idea of the enormous artist and witty, kind, sassy person he was? All that stuff is given barely centimeters of print. And in any case it would be the stuff that matters. I can't care LESS about his supposedly insatiable sexual appetites. I certainly don't NEED to know about his promiscuity, which in any case should have never been written about, printed and SOLD by so-called "friends" who "sooo" much loved him. The realm of the private was repeatedly and utterly violated by his adorable, trustworthy friends and collaborators. Nice move... |
brENsKi 23.01.2013 08:23 |
the reason it's pertinent is the thread title: was freddie mercury a good person? a person's morals are a significant contributing factor toward assessing whether they are good or bad. so, sexually, freddie showed he had no morals whatsoever. you might not need to know. but once a person has been so indiscreet as to not care themselves, and their sex life became public domain then it's their own fault. freddie was incredibly promiscuous and didn't seem to care who knew. so it's his own fault the info is out there. the only point i am making is that - knowing this info is relevant. think about it: if you're compiling a database and there's some data you have that you don't like. what happens if you discount all of the data you don't like it? - you get an inaccurate result therefore, freddie's lack of morals MUST be counted toward assessing if he's good or bad. and something as significant as this must at least mean he was far from being good. maybe (at best) just an average person with normal human flaws - so neither good nor bad let's stop making him out to be something he wasn't. he was a great musician/singer/writer - that's it |
Belladonic haze 23.01.2013 08:32 |
Therefore... he was a "bad" person? if he was sexually very active? or more: being very active sexually makes you "immoral"? eh? |
brENsKi 23.01.2013 09:16 |
being very sexually active is NOT the same as extremely sexually promisuous - check the meaning and DON'T try implying i said very active - i dind't to back up what i said - here's a direct quote from freddie himself you decide if he was "sexually very active" or "extremely sexually promiscuous" Mercury said later. "I don't know if they would have had me on the record anyway, because I'm a bit old. I'm just an old slag who gets up every morning, scratches his head and wonders what he wants to fuck." |
Missreclusive 23.01.2013 09:31 |
APS, great addition to the thread...thank you. My experience with Queen was much the same although, besides liking the music I never delved deeper and knew little about the four guys until the past two years and then, all we can gather is what's recorded. Seems the more you see and read of Freddie...the more captive you are and the more you fall in love with the guy. I have literally listened to some Queen daily for quite a while now even though I do enjoy other artists. I'm sorry I didn't see Queen live back in the day when I had the chance to, I could have seen them in Houston or Dallas. Ah well, I did see QE this past year and it was too great! (yes, for another thread) Anyway, welcome. |
Belladonic haze 23.01.2013 11:31 |
I still don't get what you're trying to say, brENsKi. Extremely active or promiscuous... still determining how good or mean a person is? I've had very promiscuous friends with really GOLDEN hearts and the kindest ways. Anyway, I don't really need or want an answer or further development on this topic. I don't want to suddenly become what I'm trying to stay as further away as possible: people discussing other people's sexualities, specially Freddie's. Over and out. |
Holly2003 23.01.2013 12:04 |
Did we ever get an answer to this question? I mean, if a whole bunch of people who never met him can't come to a definitive answer about the man's character then I don't know what the world's coming to ... |
brENsKi 23.01.2013 12:42 |
Belladonic haze wrote: I still don't get what you're trying to say, brENsKi. Extremely active or promiscuous... still determining how good or mean a person is?stop telling me i said something different to what i actually said. i never said it determined how good he was. i said it's a contributing factor. i also said he was pretty much a normal person in that he had faults and flaws. as you need it clarifying. very active - you can be very active with the same person extremely promiscuous - means you put it about lot - very simple to understand |