Me umpteen. He seems to be taking it personally - as in personally engaging with the comments he's getting. He might be about to learn why he didn't do it before. :-)
To be serious it will be interesting to see how he copes with/handles instant interaction, hope it really is Brian and remains Brian and he doesn't end up making his 'people' pretend to be him like a lot of other celebrities do
I dont doubt it is him. But when he starts getting a million direct messages a day from idiots asking about stuff he does not really care about right now... well, lets just see. Interesting that one of his first posts was to that Kerry person...
@mooghead Yes, I thought about the unexpected consequences as well. Now to keep plugging the idea of Dangerland unplugged. :-) Kerry thought it funny enough to retweet me on that. :-)
Reckon he might just use it at particular times that suit him. Right now there is a badger cull going on over there isn't there? Cos I reckon that would do it at the moment.
Yes...this is...extremely relevant.
(Damn quote system screwing things up as usual. I'm a perfectionist with the way my comments on this site are formatted, borderline OCD, so it really pisses me off when the site does this!)