I was reading some old topics here in Qz, and i was also reading this old article of Sound of Sound: link
so this paragraph got my attention "A search has since failed to locate this tape and so this section had to be processed into 5.1 surround from the stereo master (something that had already been decided for the 'God Save The Queen' guitar instrumental which closes the album, the multitrack of which was known to be missing before the transfer session started)."
I remember also that in the times of The Game DVDA, the coming soon multitrack was missing and some tracks of NOTW.
So my question is, since we got new 40 anniversary re-masters a while ago:
Which master tapes are still lost ? none?
I hope this doesn't raise another silly round collectors/non-collectors . lets focus on the topic :)
I think the remasters were done from the original stereo mix downs, and not from the actual multi tracks?
The difference being that the recordings were first made onto the multi track tapes and these are needed to do a proper remix of channels levels etc, such as the 5.1 mixes. Once the recording is complete, the next stage was to create a stereo mix on a new tape - this is then subject to mastering etc before being pressed to vinyl, cd etc... It is this initial stereo mix, before any of the original mastering, that they would have used for the recent remasters.
"This 2011 version has been meticulously re-created using the finest modern analogue and digital technology from the original first-generation master mixes."
i see...
So, i guess the known lost multi tracks are still lost
I seem to recall that GSTQ was eventually found on the same multitrack tape as Procession.
In about 2003 Brian was quoted in a newspaper as saying they were missing 10 tracks, including Spread Your Wings, All Dead All Dead, Sleeping On The Sidewalk and Sheer Heart Attack.
It's possible that some have turned up since, or that they at least have work in progress/alternate take copies a la Coming Soon. I've heard they found a couple in America held by Hollywood Records, but I don't know whether they were missing or when they were found.
Perhaps we could ask Brian via his Soapbox?
The middle bit of Prophet Song was missing. Thank god!
as it happens, I was so pleased to hear the Coming Soon alternate version. One of my favorite tunes.
You could ask Brian via his Soapbox, but the May "police' will intercept your mail and given that it contains no reference to Badgers, Foxes, stars, photographs that no on eis interested in or Kerry Ellis, will simply delete it.
This is far too importan a tpoic to be on Brian's radar.......