Happy birthday Freddie. Just think, 66. Miss you lots and today I have shaved my beard and will be prancing about with a ginger moustache in your honour.
Hey Freddie. If you've got internet up there and are standing next to "the man", could you have him do something about qz08927 aka MEDUSA?
Happy Birthday.
Hi everyone. New member but huge lurker. Have spent a lot of time reading.
Just wanted to wish Freddie a happy birthday today wherever he may be. I spent the day covertly listening to Queen at work and made my donation to the trust like I do every year.
and I hope he's somewhere that he can say Hi to my dad for me. I lost him today Sept 5/12. I lost the person who introduced me to Queen and Freddie.
I have great memories of my dad's Dodge Dart and the 8 track with Cat Stevens. Those 8 track things sure didn't last long.
My dad played me my first Queen song Killer Queen .Hell I was only 10 but I remember.
So Freddie Happy Birthday! and please if you get the chance wave at one of your biggest fans up there! I hope you enjoy spending as much time with him as I did.