I bought it today, and had a couple of listens. If I am to nit-pick... The bells don't sound as good as before on the title track... and although the sound of Rufus Taylor's drums are alright, his drumming seems a bit too basic when he could've done a little more (perhaps that's just me being fussy) - though it's still better than the old drum-machines from the original. Apart from all that, overall, it's better - and the orchestra definitely makes it sound more powerful in places.
Anyone else bought or heard the album yet?
yeah to totally agree but i think they have fecked up a masterpiece they should have just left it alone plus the special edition 2nd disc is the same as the stuff on the freddie book wtf 4/10 :(
I have it and I like it. It's a good alternative to the original. I'll give it some time to fully appreciate it. I wasn't a huge fan of the 1988 album at first (I didn't not like it, either, it just wasn't my thing), but I did come to like it a lot and think it's a jewel in the Queen/Solo catalogue. On the first few listens, I was mostly trying to hear the differences, rather than taking it in as its own album. It's hard to form an deep opinion when every few seconds you think, "Oh, that's new!" I do the same with remixes and live versions, so have to let them sink in after a time.
I just don't get why people are angry at it. The original is still available, so if you don't like the orchestrations, nothing's stopping you from putting the earlier CD on or recommending to friends that they buy 1988 edition and not the new one.