Just bought a 70s turntable second hand from my local specialized hifi store. I picked up a couple of old LPs , one being A Day At The Races.
Can I just say... If you've never heard the old crackle and warmth from these records, please, please, it's worth it.
You need a good turntable, needle etc. - a decent standalone phono amp (shouldn't cost the earth) and some decent speakers.
Honestly, it's heaven hearing the band this way!
It's interesting to note that back in the 70's we had the turntable with all the cracks and pops with the vinyl. Then in the 80's we got the cd's and people SWORE that we'd never listen to vinyl again as the crackles and pops will never be missed. But there seems to be a re-birth with vinyl and people really enjoying the sound on them. Especially people who never had turntables and vinyl. I miss those days but I'll never miss the needle scratching or skipping over the records.
Well my v old copy of ADATR, didn't miss a beat, but the crackle was akin to sitting around a campfire in the bush! It really is wonderful to hear Freddie, how I heard him when I grew up!
indeed !! Vinyl forever !! I received the last Queen vinyl re-issue as a x-mas present two or three years ago; but of course, despite looking extremely good, the sound was so clean and polished ! so from that point I started buying all the discography (again!), but this time original vinyl pressings (Spanish editions; I'm spanish and I find it's cool having the albums with the track titles tanslated and that kind of weird stuff); and once I was on it, spanish 7" singles arrived as well (aaaah ! "Reina Matadora / Killer Queen", "Eres Mi Mejor Amigo / You're My Best Friend" ... pure beauties !!)
The sound is unique, warm, really enjoyable. Yeah, nothing beats that sound !!
despite, sometimes, I fail miserably with some purchases (got one ADATR spanish first pressing and, man, that is really unlistenable!! no other record can have such huge clicks and pops !! LOL!)
I just cleaned up my copy of of Live Kllers and it sounds great. I purchased all Queen albums on vinyl as they were released and so many are probably older than a lot of you reading this, and they all sound fantastic. Played Jazz the other day and wow. I still buy new vinyl which apparently, is making a comeback. I think it's ironic that albums keep being re-mastered and re-issued on cd in an attempt to get the sound to resemble vinyl.
We played the reissue Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here LP, it didn't have the same vibrant warm vibe as all the old records , becaus I guess they start cleaning master tapes (fine) and process digitally to make things crystal?
Hunt down OLD LPs <1985 if you can - The vibe,sweetness and warmth is ....... Very Good.
If you already have great speakers - find an old turntable from a hifi shop and a phono amp - worth it!
Ok I've now discoverd - Queen Live (Australian Tour), which was an edited single LP version of Killers. I purchased it as a curiosity as a kid and hardly ever played it. Turns out my parents kept it!
Also, Innuendo the "Explosive Version' which is a 45rpm with a BIG ending. Probably not too rare? But sounds awesome on 45!
I've got a bent 12" I Want To Break Free - I've no memory of ever buying these, but my parents kept them!
Now if only I find my original Barcelona LP, and a heap of others..
I was quite disappointed to discover that many of my old Queen vinyls kick the ass of the 180g reissues.
And you don't need to be some sort of finely tuned audiophile with a 10 grand stereo to hear it either, the first album sounds absolutely SHIT compared to the CD or to the original. You can hardly hear the cymbals at all. And I have the UK & US reissue, and both sound equally terrible.
The only thing they got right was the packaging, which is very nice in most cases.
I am a child of the 80's and have a soft spot for vinyl BUT I remember the first time I heard Queen on CD (Greatest Hits) and was astounded by hearing the music I loved without the pops and scratches, hearing it with clearness and clarity, hearing the intricate sounds that were always there but could never be heard on vinyl....
Nothing beats holding a vinyl Queen album in your hands though.. I really do feel sorry for the download generation
Old vinyls has lo-fi charm which is not subjective, it's science. Hifi buffs, it he 70s had exceptionally well designed and engineered analogue technology - Queen were a band who insisted their engineers and their own performance in the studio was cutting edge. This was recorded onto analogue tape and mastered, EQd etc. to sound good on crappy car radios to full on hi fi valve Pre amp separates.
To cut a long sorry, the new 180g are probably mastered from the cleaned up tape, probably digitally etc. etc. you may has well have a remastered CD - although the phono amplifier stage is interesting in itself and will make things sound different.
But the old pressings, they're cheap and available - quality will be hit and miss for scratches, BUT your ears won't lie to you.
You need a good turntable (or a working second hand with warranty from ahifi store which is what i got)
A phono amp (Intergrated is fine)
And the best speakers that suit your room and wallet (buy new).
Go to your local hifi store - you know the one, it has LPs in the window and there's some withered man inside who is barely making any money but loves repairing old hifi equipment.
I'm NOT talking about Bose TV surround here - that's different and digital....