GuitarMay 23.07.2012 20:43 |
Hello. I'm collaborating here in Queenzone posting this torrent originally shared in Dimeadozen by user "glasnostrd19". All credits for him. Original notes writed: * Contrast Clause * Contrast Clause * Contrast Clause * this concert was also posted (on July 20, 2012) from an unknown lineage recording (except "from silver CD") by fallenqueen at torrent #413523. that torrent includes 3 concerts, this one from Boston, Montreal (7/21) and N.Y.C. 7/28. the uploader mentioned that his torrent is slightly EQ'ed. this one is not EQ'ed at all and is just the Boston concert. it is a raw transfer from my rarely played 1st generation cassette, which I probably got just a few months after the show. I've never been sure that this recording is complete, but it appears to include all of the songs included in the previous posting, which lists it as a complete concert. the lineage info. of this one is more complete, missing only the type of master tape used to make the recording. that is included in the info. file below. it is likely from a different recording since I haven't posted this before 7/23/2012 anywhere. hope you like it. just do not sell it. Ian Queen for a day (in boston) Boston Garden Boston, Mass. U.S.A. July 23, 1982 Freddie Mercury: lead vocals Brian May: guitar, vocals John Deacon: bass Roger Taylor: drums, vocals 1st generation audience tape runtime: 90:18 setlist: 1: introduction > old rock and roll 5:22 2: action 5:23 3: the game 5:00 4: stay power 4:10 5: now I'm here 4:15 6: dragon attack 5:50 7: save me 4:21 8: calling all girls 4:54 9: get down, make love 2:20 10: Brian May guitar solo (spliced at 5:16, tape flip) 11:14 11: under pressure 4:14 12: fat bottom girls 5:21 13: crazy little thing called love 4:15 14: bohemian rhapsody 6:00 15: tie your mother down 3:45 16: body language 2:55 17: another one bites the dust 3:50 18: we will rock you 2:11 19: we are the champions 3:34 20: god save the queen 1:24 (brief cut in middle) lineage: master cassette (probably Maxell UD, 90 min. normal bias) > Sony TCS-310 cassette recorder with built in, auto leveling mikes, no dolby, Thomas or otherwise) > copied on Nak 100's to 1st gen Maxell UD 90 min. copy cassette (normal bias) > played on Nak. 300 into soundforge (wav) > flac (sb's aligned) > torrentially yours. A purple moon recording (thank you) a purple glasnost moon production. Do not sell this recording. Share freely, losslessly and gaplessly. and god save the queen. (before they're all gone) ENJOY ! :) |
bootLuca 24.07.2012 02:14 |
thank you very much for this new source! |
cmi 24.07.2012 02:39 |
That's great! Quality is very good. Now we finally can compile a complete show without a gap in Guitar Solo from two sources. |
pmatsynot 24.07.2012 02:53 |
thanks for this new share |
MDNA 24.07.2012 04:09 |
This looks like a 1st gen copy of Rob's master that we already have here on Queenzone. The cut in the guitar solo apears to be in the same exact place. |
bootLuca 24.07.2012 04:37 |
it looks different, for example the tracks get down make love and guitar solo are long 8 minutes in the rob's master and 13 minutes in this 1st gen. also the intro of Save Me looks different for me these are 2 different sources... |
GAP 24.07.2012 05:14 |
It looks pretty much interesting, any chance to upload it in mediafire, please? |
rschoorl 24.07.2012 06:39 |
No way I would ever lose 5 minutes of a show for a single tape flip. 30 seconds tops. |
Harry_queenrecordings 24.07.2012 06:45 |
Many thanks for sharing this! I sounds a bit better and also somehow ''wider'' than the old source. To my ears it sounds like a different source. Or else it must be a much better transfer than the old source.. Any more ideas? |
GuitarMay 24.07.2012 08:20 |
Hi Harry and friends, I edited the announcement of this topic, because after hearing this version again this show actually appears to be really a new source :-) |
people on streets 24.07.2012 08:32 |
Thanks for the share. Wich source sounds better? This or Rob's tape? Kind regards, |
MDNA 24.07.2012 08:45 |
rschoorl wrote: No way I would ever lose 5 minutes of a show for a single tape flip. 30 seconds tops.You didn't. The solo track on this file set is a mess, it was clearly edited by someone who didn't know Queen shows all that well The first 1:20 is actualy the synth efects at the end of GDML. The solo starts proper at about 1:30 Then cuts and restarts at 5:16, from there on it apears to be complete without any further cuts. So by properly editing the solo section, we should have the complete show from these two tapes. I thought it was strange that Brian did an 11 min+ solo on this tour when we know he was not particularly happy at this point in his life and carreer. I only listened to the first track and the solo, but based on crowd noise in these, it apears in fact to be a different recording. This in my opinion is inferior, because if nothing else the tape has a lot more hiss. Bob, I would rate this a B+. |
The Real Wizard 24.07.2012 09:26 |
Agreed. I can't rate it as highly as Rob's source because of all the hiss. But it's still great to have an alternate source, no matter which show. Thanks to GuitarMay for bringing it here ! |
pittrek 24.07.2012 12:27 |
So ... is it a new TRANSFER or a new SOURCE ? MDNA claims something different than the rest of you :-) |
MDNA 24.07.2012 13:04 |
pittrek wrote: So ... is it a new TRANSFER or a new SOURCE ? MDNA claims something different than the rest of you :-)Read my second post. I now believe it is a second source, although it needs some work. The solo is not realy 11 min long, more like 6 min, it plays over almost twice, and the fist 1:20 is actualy part of GDML. |
people on streets 24.07.2012 13:04 |
Thanks to all who provided info about the sound quality. Will not download this since Rob's version seems superior. |
Gaabiizz 24.07.2012 13:21 |
Great , thanks for sharing! |
Harry_queenrecordings 24.07.2012 13:40 |
In my opinion it is really worth to take this source as well. Besides the more hiss it's still highly enjoyable and I like it a bit more than the old source. But of course it's a matter of taste. |
The Real Wizard 24.07.2012 19:47 |
For those who are still unsure - it is absolutely 100% an alternate audience source. The torrent seems to have been pulled from Dime, btw. |
vivaqueen 25.07.2012 04:48 |
merci beaucoup |
Marknow 25.07.2012 15:24 |
This torrent was banned on Dime, anybody know why? |
The Real Wizard 25.07.2012 21:33 |
Possibly because the topic starter didn't specify previous threads where the alternate Boston 82 source was made available. That is protocol at Dime, and a mod chimed in to point that out. He pointed out the new Godfather boxed set containing Rob's source, and then I pointed out the master copy. Maybe that was the straw that broke the camel's back and the mods pulled it? If that's the case, then we have yet another example of Dime taking these things a bit too far. This is new music for crying out loud.. |
Marknow 26.07.2012 03:48 |
Ah right, silly business. We should chip in and buy the Dime mods some anti anxiety medication, they seem on edge recently. Great site though. |
MDNA 26.07.2012 09:17 |
They are not taking things too far, they are just a small grout of people moderating the largest music sharing tracker on the web. They have to err in the side of caution in order tokeep it as streamlined as possible. In this case, I actualy exchanged som emails and messages with the mod desk and the uploader. If you recal there was initialy some uncertainty regarding this being a new source or a downgrade of the known source. Also, as all of you now know, the guitar solo track is poorly edited. The solo repeats almost twice, and part of GDML is tacked to the beguining of the track. I told both the mods and the uploader, that in my opinion this should be alowed to run as an alternate source, provided the editing of tracks 09 an 10 was corrected. The mods are open to alowing such a torrent, but the uploader is not to keen on doing the necessary work. |
The Real Wizard 26.07.2012 09:49 |
Fair play. |
The Real Wizard 02.08.2012 15:08 |
It's back on Dime. link It turns out the mod just assumed it was an inferior copy of the existing source. They took the word of someone who asked a question rather than the people who provided concrete answers. Luckily common sense prevailed in the end. |
tassilo 03.08.2012 11:49 |
Thank you very much! |
The Real Wizard 05.07.2017 02:06 |
Fun fact - anyone catch Brian May doing a tapping solo in Calling All Girls? This is such a fun show. |
aristide1 05.07.2017 02:55 |
Yes. Amazingly how an award can motivate somebody. |
The Real Wizard 23.11.2019 02:28 |
Here's a quick fix of track 10 - the original had a big cut and repeat, and part of it needed speed correction.!plEVmaLY!LKzMaNBKoDKqWXP_Ntmyctz7bhGePf9Twhix03GAw4w Link lasts for a week. |