Show was brodcast online by some Lamb fangirl.
She has 70% battery loaded on cellphone when concert starts (good idea, doesn't?) and streamed online just parts with Lambert. Yeah, that's correct - the main cause for her was streaming Lambert. Here're are clips recorded by her. Alomost full concert in 4 parts. link Here’s the best video quality so far (full show)
1. Flash(intro) , 2. Seven Seas Of Rhye, 3. Keep Yourself Alive, 4. We Will Rock You (Fast) link
5. FatBottomed Girls (HQ) link
6. Don’tStop Me Now link
7. UnderPressure (Roger/Adam duet) link
8. I WantIt All link
9. Who Wants To Live Forever link
10. A KindOf Magic (Roger) link
11. These AreDays Of Our Lives (Roger) link
12. Love Of My Life (Brian + Freddie at the end) link
13. ‘39 (Brian) link
14. Dragon Attack (some short parts of "Get down, make love" on bass) (Different source) link
15. Drum Battle / Last Horizon / Guitar Solo link link
16. I WantTo Break Free (HQ) link
17. AnotherOne Bites The Dust link
18. RadioGa Ga link
19.Somebody To Love link
20. CrazyLittle Thing Called Love link
21. The Show Must Go On link
22.Bohemian Rhapsody link
23. Tie Your Mother Down (Brian) link
24. WWRY link
25. WATC link Different cams, angles:
1. Flash (intro)
PROTV Cam link link link link
4. We Will Rock You (Fast) (Low A-V) link
6. Don’t Stop Me Now (Medium video, good audio) link
7. Under Pressure (medium audio) link
8. I Want It All (good video, LQ audio) link
9. Who Wants To Live Forever
10. A KindOf Magic (Roger) Low AUDIO link
Medium AUDIO, Good VIDEO link
11. These Are Days Of Our Lives (Roger)Low AUDIO link
12. Love Of My Life (Brian + Freddie at the end)
medium AUDIO, medium VIDEO link
low AV link
Low AV link
13. ‘39 (Brian) Low AV link
They didn't play Fun It! RRrrgh.
Last Horizon is good, probably more interesting than the regular 'Brighton Rock solo' which no longer remotely resembles Brighton Rock's solo.
I'm concerned that they've done a few gigs now and it hasn't dawned on them that the Flash / SSOR segue is really jarring. Just do WWRY fast after the intro, THEN SSOR / KYA.
Adam's doing better, I guess. Is he more restrained or is he somewhat keeping his voice for the latter gigs?
Seeing the intro once again made me think they should play "The Hero" in its original key. What better introduction for Mr. screeching voice?
Can anybody find me somebody (to love) with good audio recording? If so, contact me! I got a lot more of HD quality videos but audio is really shity, I'd love to swap audio and then post all recordings
shamar wrote:
PS - editor is f***d up, deleted some links. I'll re-up these tommorow.
Step 1 : open your first post in "edit" mode
Step 2 : Copy all text from your first post into any text editor
Step 3 : Format the text in your text editor so it looks like you wish, including the formating tags
Step 4 : Remove all text from your first post and save it.
Step 5 : Open your first post (this time empty) in the "edit" mode
Step 6 : Paste into the field the newly formatted text from the text editor and save it
"Hopefully" it will work
Richard Orchard wrote: i wonder if the set list will stay the same for all the shows. i am presuming it will.
Kiev - Flash (intro) (Hero riff)
Moscow - Life Is Real (with Zemfira)
Wroclaw - Last Horizon
Viewtiful_Lui wrote: link
THX. I'll add this.