So this is kind of a silly topic, but why not. The last time Freddie was seen without his Moustache that I can find is Dec 26, 1979. (pre 1987 and minus the "Break free video) Is that correct? I always thought it was a "new decade, new look" thing he had going on. Since I never saw any picture of him from 1980 without the Moustache.
But I heard he appeared on the Kenny Everett show in March 1980 without a Moustache, but I am not sure that is when it was filmed.
He has the Moustache in the "Play The Game" video in May 1980. So I figured he grew it sometime between Dec and May.
But recently I saw a picture of him from March/April 1980 during the "The Game" recording sessions, and he actually had about a weeks worth of beard growth. I am guessing that was when he decided to change his look. It is a pretty interesting picture because IMO it kind of showed his transition from 70's Freddie to 80's Freddie. Anyone seen this picture? Anymore pictures like it from the early 1980 time period?
I've never really looked into it, though I've seen things floating around from The Game sessions where he was sans mustache (still had the perma stubble though). We'll have to wait till someone knowledgeable on the matter shows up.