have been looking around for anybody who may have posted a clip on youtube with the Freddie "appearance" but nobody has posted anything and some of the comments suggest that he did not appear
freddiefan91 wrote: have been looking around for anybody who may have posted a clip on youtube with the Freddie "appearance" but nobody has posted anything and some of the comments suggest that he did not appear
Wow, DeNero's wife looks like a tranny. I forgot about his "involvement" in WWRY.
I guess he put up some dough, but I remember at the presser when he was asked what his favourite Queen song and he looked panicked as he tried to think of one.
Apparantly he (freddie) appeared at the very end of Boh Rap but even on the clip i have seen i cant see him, unless a professional clip comes out that will be better
shamar to jest tak, ze Brian mówil od poczatku, ze to nie jest hologram tylko 'iluzja'...mówil, ze to niby bedzie porównywalnie dobre jak hologram 2Paca ale to jest gówno prawda...w ogóle tego typu iluzje trwaja po te kilka sekund chyba ... oni na pewno tego od lat nie przygotowywali bo jakby to mieli tyle robic to predzej by ozywili Freddiego ... tam sie chyba pokazal zarys Freddiego albo czegos co niby mialo go przypominac ... nic wielkiego ... póki nie bedzie nagrania dobrego to lipa ... ale ta 'iluzja' teraz ma byc pokazywana co kazde 'anyway the wind blows' na kazdym musicalu WWRY, wedlug Briana hologram byl niepozyteczny jesli w tygodniu graja 8 wystepów chyba czy jakos tak bo jakos tak gadal nie wiem czy tam w miesiacu ... raczej w miesiacu... u dagi na forum poczytaj co MK napisal co Brian robil gdy on poprosil go o autograf ...
Most likely it was a ruse by Brian to get Publicity for WWRY and its anniversary and what better way to get than to announce that Freddie will appear by way of hologram/optical illusion/whatever it was and then only have maybe 2-3 seconds of him "appear"
@ Kacio -
I know that wasn't real hologram so I wrote "hologram". The same way Pac's thing wasn't real hologram.
Then it wasn't big deal (as Brian says) but just cheap 3 seconds FX trick ruined by light and smoke (as people says).
No-one record it. Was it so bad that they haven't noticed ? link link
May was pathetic in comparing that shit "illusion" to Pac thing.
Take a look- theres nothin. BIG NOTHIN. Not just small 3 seconds of "illusion". 3 Seconds of nothing. link
Kacio wrote:
Finally, 'see' this 'illusion' Freddie link
To be honest I think I can just about see a smokey image in the spot light at about 5.08 in this particular clip.
But it's certainly nothing to write home about.
That reminded me of the smoke "hologram" effect that U2 used a couple tours ago where they had a face giving a speech projected onto smoke.
Only theirs was more sustained and was just "part of the show" not used to cash in on the hologram hype after the Tupac thing.
deleted user 19.05.2012 11:00
This just proves that 'Queen' without Freddie just sucks! I cannot believe people actually pay to go see this tripe. I guess Queen fans just want some connection with Freddie and Queen's music. What a disappointment.