I was listening to this song then as i heard the last verse i thought wait a minute that's not freddie singing. Then i found out that Freddie recorded the 1st half of the song but couldnt finish as he was tired and had to go for a rest. And he never came back :( so Brian had to sing the last verse which he sang great.
anyone else think becuase of what happend it makes this such a sad song.
Yup, it does make it that much more tragic. Thing is, he still sounds all right in his part of the song (for some reason, his voice sounds a little weaker in You Don't Fool Me, but maybe that's just because Mother Love is sung at a lower pitch) but then apparently he just can't manage to force it out of himself at all. He worked as hard as he possibly could to get out as much material as possible, and then eventually had to just give up on it. Freddie Mercury not able to sing? Blasphemy! And then, at the end of Freddie's last ever vocal recording, it essentially goes through his entire life backward. It's beautiful.
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The song is a bit sad about the fact that one of the last, besides that he could not finish, as Roger said, there is a verse that is lurid undoubtedly Freddie had a great voice
Welcome Friend!