Buy your own ballet slips in YOUR size;come on, be an individual. As regards Freddies' member, grow your own or buy a suitable device. Seriously, what a stupid "discussion"...unbelievable!!
11. I looked at his shoes, I couldn't resist to ask! for a 5.10" man, his feet were very big for his height and he did have big big hands which I thought were beautiful by the way, and long legs. you can see pics attached. There is a pic of his hands online that ARE not his, beware. You need always "good" sources, real sources.
Hi Matt, my reply was meant for the person who posted the photos, Kmnka. I didn’t think about a filter and haven’t seen it in person. The quality is so good that it looks like a photo at a glance. I thought it was a painting bc it had an artist signature. You’re probably right, though, about it being a filter.