There are really full video of this concert?
yeah if I send a link to download the whole video
I just saw a record of the song "We Are The Champions" and the construction stage and the scene as Freddie kicks the ball into the audience
allegedly aired on ZDF the concert
If you had a link to the full concert video and send it thank you very much:)
I'm not sure if you're asking if it exists or purporting to have it..
As far as we understand - only those 3 minutes of footage were filmed by ZDF. The reporter in the clip even says so (in German):
"We would love, of course, to show you more footage of the show, but the air time is limited and I have to tell you also that it's also the band's management's fault, because they allowed us to film only 3 minutes, but I believe that 3 minutes are enough for this great band."
The short ball kicking clip is the only other footage from the show to be seen, as far as I know.
Any clarification would be nice.
There are still people that write to send them a link of the full concert of Mannheim...
Me I ll send you the full concert of Knebworth filmed by the father of Brian
Copying from the request forum :
Do you have any proof that it exists ?
There were 2 camera crews that they, one working for ZDF and one working for DoRo. The ZDF crew filmed ONLY the stage building process and We Are The Champions, nothing more. Hard to say what (or how much) was filmed by DoRo, because all what was released were some aerial shots and Freddie kicking the ball down off the stage
Gaabiizz wrote:
Tape recording exist , it was a test filming , to then burn Budapest
This is not true :P
They tested the tape recording the concert in Cologne and is said to have removed this show from the tape ... I do not believe in it, they surely have this and other video recordings of concerts ...
i totally think the same. They also said that when they released wembley in 2003 and of the first night. You can even hear the director in an interview saying "we recorded some of the previous night as a test for the cameras" and actually was a big LIE because the whole show existed. So it would not suprise me if one day they released the cologne show. I don't now if the full concert was taped or only bits of it
This really is a pointless discussion, as you can't prove that something doesn't exist.
Talking about what might exist is a pointless exercise until someone presents a sample or a screenshot of new footage.
There might be audio of the Doors last show.
There might be a video of the Beatles last show in 66.
There might be a video of Zeppelin in Houston 77.
It's all talk until something tangible appears.
Mannheim is a great show--one of my favorites from the tour!
Funny story about that show: I was playing it in my car awhile back and someone asked if it was "another Wembley show" and an "official release" (because the quality's so great)! I said it was an unofficial soundboard recording from the same tour as Wembley--easily downloadable for anybody! He told me the next day, that he made 10 copies for his friends!
I guess it's "Magic!"