Hi, it's me again. This is a revision of Dreamer's Ball, and is one of the firsts songs I'm "revisiting" from the whole album. I'm doing (for myself) a pleasure project trying to repair the most defects as I can which all Queen songs contains which, of course, I'll share here with all of you, if you want.
Now is Jazz album moment on my list, and I started with Jealousy, Fun It and now this one. I tried to eliminate all the hiss, clipping signals, and horrible noises that ruins this beautiful song (as consequence of the new remasters or, in this case, the shitty sound of Jazz (Yes, it is. NOtW sounds so much better)).
So, it's not technically a HD mix, but is as far as I can reach without having the multitracks. So, hope you like it, and more are coming.
Main changes:
-Removed very audible saturation and clipping on the backing vocals, and the end of the guitar solo.
-Raised up hi-hat and changed drums general toy sound.
-Raised up acoustic guitar treble.
-Lowered down choirs.
-Changed guitars priority during the song.
-Stereo effects added here and there.
-Added a little bit of reverb to Freddie.
-Smoothed the "Oooahh... Take me" at 2:15 after the guitar solo (the song was cutted there and bad united after the drum fill)
-Added an extra cymbal there.
-Corrected the "s" on the backing bockals at the "slightest smile" part, in order that they do not sound like "sh".
-Paired a lot of (LOTS OF LOTS) volume differences during all the song.
PD: You probably will need good headphones to notice the whole pack of changes.
Well, I'm interested to know how you did all that without the benefit of multitracks or stems, but the results sound fairly good.
I'll have to compare this to the 2011 remaster before making a judgement, but on first listen, it does seem to me that the electric guitar is slightly muted (due to the noise reduction?), and some of the lead vocal seems just a little bit 'flat' (despite the reverb).
I'll give this a few more listens, but I'd also be interested to hear what some of the other audiophiles here think.
Thanks for the upload. :)
bloody hell!
some of the panning is very good
like the wayt he vocals really stand out
and you can definitely hear the guitars come n go
very interesting
I know how difficult is to change something when you don't have separated tracks to work with so congratulations for the final effect. Correcting the "s" parts are very well done. For me your version sounds better than the remaster 2011 one.
Thank you all for your nice comments Fickle, Brenski and PiotreQ. They give me desires to keep on with this project.
To do this I split every track into four channels, working with both stereo channels from the backing track and both from the voice with the Adobe Audition 3.0. That the way I can manage to make panning.
I aplied a slightly noise reduction to all songs because all the songs of the 2011 remasters have an annoying hiss on the back. But I didn't removed it completely to not loose much treble of the songs.
For every album, the best song to listen to this horrible hiss are (notice the beggining):
Queen - Liar
Queen II - TMoTBQ (FtS was ruined due the heavy clipping (2:05 - 4:00))
SHA - Tenement Funster
ANatO - Sweet Lady
ADatR - You and I
NOtW - SHA (WATC was ruined too, the last chorus (2:34!)WEE EAHGOSA THE GHKAHDMPCINSONS)
Jazz - Mostly Fun It, but all.
Game - Don't Try Suicide
Flash - Flash's Theme
Space - Soul Brother
Works - ITtWWC?
Miracle - Stealin'
Innuendo - Don't Try so Hard
Again, I really tahnk you three for your comments, (it might sound stupid, but they made me happy). That's why the responses are very important.
Here I let you Leaving Home Ain't Easy. And the list of changes:
-Raised up hi-hat and general trebles.
-Added more body to the lead voice and raised up it's volume.
-Lowered down the "S!" from "But I have to SSSay" at 1:15.
-Raised up the acoustic guitar shine.
-Raised up a bit the toms "bum!".
-Eliminated a light constant clicks from the whole ethereal voice part, every time Brian sings.
-Reduced every "s" intensity on that entire part.
-Added stereo effects to all that part, so it's more balanced and the hi-hat not only sounds by the right channel.
-Eliminated the high clipping when this part ends and the back vocals sings "Leaving home ain't easy", at 2:12.
-Reduced the "s" intensity of the last part with the backing vocals at 2:37.
-Added stereo effects to the ending guitar.
-Eliminated ugly noise on the very end guitars, at the fade out part.
In general the volume levels of the instruments are very good, the backing vocals aren't so strong like in Dreamer's Ball and doesn't make the lead vocal be on second place.
Enjoy it too!
Really cool. I still don't get how you do it really, but it's nice.
You're really doing remasters I guess. Keep it up! I'm appreciative and can't wait for the next one.
you should post a tutorial in the "fan mixing tutorial" sticky
- it'd help some of those who thought it was all simply about muting single tracks in stems
LHAI - nice one - again - sounds eerily atomospheric - can't put my finger on what it is that does it...but it's very different
are you sure you're not in possession of the full multitracks and sat at the mixing desk at EMI?
ps - Brian still sounds like he has a "head cold and runny nose" on this track - doubt that's something that'll ever get removed lol
Yeah, I'm still not getting how you're splitting these into four channels. What is the 'backing track' to which you refer?
Of course, it would be understandable if you don't want to give away your 'trade secrets'. I'll look forward to hearing LHAI later on, and to your future work. :)
Thank you very much beatmichael! I'll give the same treatment for every album.
Brenski, you're right, I should write a tutorial or something like that. I'll do it as soon as I finish this album (I try to make one song per day to go as fast as I can).
The "nose-less" fact doesn't allow people to hear "n" or "m" very clear, but I think it's a problem of the recording mics. The same happened on ANatO, SHA (listen to Lilly), the earlier albums, and Innuendo (but in this case it only affected Freddie's voice, I suppose as a consequence of the equalization).
As for the multitrack tapes, I have them all from Innuendo and Made in Heaven albums (joke, but I wish to have them).
Fickle, Might I didn't explain the process better due the lack of time that day, but I'll share my formula without problems as soon as I finish :) After all, I was a novice at the mixing thing a few years ago and I used the tutorials to start doing it, and them can help people getting started.
They are amazing!
You should do an album called "The C_Matt's Remasters" or "Ciber_Mato' HD Mixes" or similia.
I agree with PiotreQ : "For me your version sounds better than the remaster 2011 one."
Continues in this way!
AlexQRMX wrote:
They are amazing!
You should do an album called "The C_Matt's Remasters" or "Ciber_Mato' HD Mixes" or similia. I agree with PiotreQ : "For me your version sounds better than the remaster 2011 one." Continues in this way!
Thank you Alex. I prefer do it by album, so I'll upload whole Jazz in a few days, to have the songs separated and not all together. I'm replacing the Queen remasters with this new ones that (not to presume) I'm doing.
Cheers and thank you for the comment again Alex!