Production wise, Thriller sounded a lot like Off The Wall. Is it possible that MJ inspired Queen who then inspired MJ thus taking Queen totally out of the loop?
Perhaps Queen should have thanked Michael Jackson's Thriller before they started recording Hot Space.
Bouth songs have strong repetitive bass lines.The melody and stracture is formed around the cathchy staccato beat and bass.
Lyricwise they create a mysterious and destressed atmoshephere suggesting something bad is going to happen.
Propably similar B.P.M. also.
Lyricwise they create a mysterious and destressed atmoshephere suggesting something bad is going to happen.
Like this comparison?
Trust me. There is no musical comparison to structure, form, lyrics, etc.
Possibly Similarties you should use instead:
1. Both were recorded works of music
2. Both were sold at record stores in the mid-80's
3. Both were danced to many, many times.
4. Both have hidden backwards-masked lyrics
5. Both feature "additional percussion"
6. Both charted, though one much higher and longer
7. Ronald Reagan was President of the US when both were released
8. Both have featured on "Spotlight on Music"
That's about all I can find.
"Lyricwise they create a mysterious and destressed atmoshephere suggesting something bad is going to happen"
Wow..! That is by far the wankiest thing ever written on this message board... and that is an IMMENSE feat!
mooghead wrote: "Lyricwise they create a mysterious and destressed atmoshephere suggesting something bad is going to happen"
Wow..! That is by far the wankiest thing ever written on this message board... and that is an IMMENSE feat!
You must have missed his youtube name... OBERONSTAR.
Help me OBERONSTAR. You are my only hope.
(Quote function sucks, mooghead didn't write all that stuff)
No, Michael Jackson did not become ripe because of Another One Bites the Dust; your question makes no sense.
Now, if you meant RIPPED off, that makes more sense. Both songs are both sort of funky tunes, so naturally they are going to have similarities, particularly a repetitive, catchy bass line. That's not Michael Jackson ripping off Queen, that's just him doing what virtually ever funk song ever has done; it's called conforming, not stealing. Besides the fact that both have a repetitive bass line, they're really not that similar at all. MJ has said he was influenced by Queen, but that doesn't mean he stole anything.
A few people have said something pretty similar to this, I'm just putting it all together and rewording it. I guess you could call that ripping them off, but I don't really care.
STELIOS wrote:
Lyricwise they create a mysterious and distressed* atmosphere* suggesting something bad is going to happen.
Sorry, but...not really
PS: The way the lyrics are sung in The Invisible Man reminds me of the way the lyrics are sung in Bad. I think both are ripping off Ghostbusters.
the bassline and some parts of the melody structure are very similar
Gladly ABTD misses the silly lyrics and the sissy choreography of the jakson version
it makes me wonder if there are any differences between mj gaga and bieber
My youtube name is simply a tribute to Merle Oberon i just add a star...
mooghead wrote:
"Lyricwise they create a mysterious and destressed atmoshephere suggesting something bad is going to happen"
Wow..! That is by far the wankiest thing ever written on this message board... and that is an IMMENSE feat!
That was my intention in the first place.You have to play the wanking game to find similarities between these two songs. On the other hand i bet that you couldn't do it even if you tried.So give us a break.
CosmosTales wrote:
the bassline and some parts of the melody structure are very similar
Gladly ABTD misses the silly lyrics and the sissy choreography of the jakson version
it makes me wonder if there are any differences between mj gaga and bieber
My youtube name is simply a tribute to Merle Oberon i just add a star...
AOBTD has the gayest choriography ever.Thriler has a mild-sissy choriography. That prooves is better to be flaming gay than mildly sissy.
STELIOS wrote:
AOBTD has the gayest choriography ever.Thriler has a mild-sissy choriography. That prooves is better to be flaming gay than mildly sissy.
they were both
- 7" diameter with a ¼" hole in the middle.
- black plastic with grooves
- had a b-side.
- had drums, bass and singing
- sold shedloads all over
- made reference to zebras and antelopes
* i made up one of the above
Reply: That prooves is better to be flaming gay than mildly sissy.
Almost, I just add that :is better to be flaming gay LIKE FREDDIE than mildly sissy....
liam wrote: No it should be an 'A' note in the song, not A flat.
The song was originally in E but sped up so is in F I believe?
Someone correct me please!
Yes, that's it exactly. When they sing it live, they play it in E.
Are you suggesting it was sped up in the Studio and was not recorded that way? That I am not sure of.
with a ¼" hole in the middle
Except here in the states... land of the bigger hole.