Elite traders who announce they really, really were going to share? It's a contradiction of terms!
No release so far!
Just trying to save their own image!
Best wishes (to everyone, incl. DavidRFuller).
face-it-alone wrote:
Elite traders that announce they really, really were going to share? It's a contradiction of terms!
No release so far!
Just trying to save their own image!
Best wishes (to everyone, incl. DavidRFuller).
Maybe you should read the threads again.
The relevent ones I wrote CLEARLY state in MAY...
It's also a long term project, so don't expect shit loads of uploads all at once.
Anyway. You've already had some stuff this year, courtesy of DRF...
face-it-alone wrote: Elite traders that announce they really, really were going to share? It's a contradiction of terms!
No release so far!
Just trying to save their own image!
Best wishes (to everyone, incl. DavidRFuller).
Speaking as someone who WAS initially invited to take part in the group and briefed on the goals, I can assure you that your claims couldn't be FURTHER from the truth.
No disrespect to you personally, but why is it so hard to understand that the group wanted to work in secret because of THIS type of anticipated abuse that would have been predictably hurled towards the group?! They wanted to be able to work on not only collecting together all of their individually possessed rarities (audio & video), but also compare duplicates to filter out the lower quality (higher generation) copies to ensure the highest quality rarities make it out the window, with QC checks in place to make it so. This type of distracting abuse is only going to slow things down, and it hurts EVERYONE on both sides of the fence who would like to see this through.
Also, please avoid starting up more shit, sorry I mean topics, on this subject. There's already at least three topics on this subject elsewhere, and Sharing The Music is NOT the place to put this! I have not seen such a waste of bandwidth since that one user we bandwagon jumped on and told off & to get a blog.
Please practice due consideration next time. Thanks.
face-it-alone wrote:
Elite traders who announce they really, really were going to share? It's a contradiction of terms!
No release so far!
Just trying to save their own image!
Best wishes (to everyone, incl. DavidRFuller).
i was going to do an impression of an arsehole, but i've been beaten to it