pietrek 05.04.2012 04:09 |
"Bad trader alert - David R. Fuller! Breaks promises, lies, steals expensive recordings from people who trust him. BEWARE!!! I haven't come across such a betrayal since late 90's." And you have a gall to say something like that?? Sorry but after everything what you've done you should be as quiet as a mouse. |
MadTheSwine73 05.04.2012 05:44 |
*sigh* |
pittrek 05.04.2012 06:58 |
WTF ? |
Lord Fickle 05.04.2012 07:33 |
pittrek wrote: WTF ?Indeed! |
Gaabiizz 05.04.2012 08:21 |
Only they know... |
Wiley 05.04.2012 09:08 |
Mr Scully runs QueenConcerts.com. I'm assuming he posted that text regarding David Fuller on his Website. The OP is taking a jab at Mr Scully for posting that, who -without a doubt- will not care at all. |
Micrówave 05.04.2012 10:33 |
I like Hamburgers. Especially when logging onto Queenconcerts.com. Sometimes I go with Bacon but there will always be cheese. |
kthrss5 01.05.2012 11:05 |
And you have a gall to say something like that?? Sorry but after everything what you've done you should be as quiet as a mouse.sorry for bumping old thread but can anyone describe shortly to others what do you mean by "after everything what you've done"? what that guy "has done"? maybe I've missed something. i admire his queenconcerts.com very much (same as queenlive.ca - really great work and useful websites are these) |
GratefulFan 01.05.2012 11:15 |
I'd suggest everybody ignore the speculative garbage about everybody else and just enjoy the websites and YouTube channels and releases for what they are, rather than contributing one more second to the irresponsible character trashing all around. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 02.05.2012 14:33 |
Well i think Martin his point is to harsh. Though i fully agree did dave the cross the thin red line it isn't fair to put his name on a website. Google will keep on finding his name this can have a very negative effect for dave his future job interviews or other applications. Though he did the wrong thing Martin isn't a judge nor should he act like one. I personally think he wouldn't like a message on the internet saying that martin Scully is a child abuser. This is what happened to friend of mine. Though he could prove it wasn't true he lost his job as a police captain due to this sort of postings on the internet! In the end he was forced tomove to another region to have a quiet social and family life. Though it wasn't only he that moved to another place so did the false rumours. He hanged himself in the end to give his wife and daughters some rest... I think public lynching isn't the right of one person. It's incorrect and unethical to put someone's name on your website in a bad way. And did Dave steal anything which belonged to Martin ? If not scully sould be a greater man to remove his fuller his name from his website. Or give fuller the right defend scully his accusation openly on scully his website. Now dave hasn't any posibilty to defend hinself or explain the acusatation made tomhim by skala. |
pietrek 02.05.2012 15:09 |
ghostwithasmile wrote: Well i think Martin his point is to harsh. Though i fully agree did dave the cross the thin red line it isn't fair to put his name on a website. Google will keep on finding his name this can have a very negative effect for dave his future job interviews or other applications. Though he did the wrong thing Martin isn't a judge nor should he act like one. I personally think he wouldn't like a message on the internet saying that martin Skala is a child abuser. This is what happened to friend of mine. Though he could prove it wasn't true he lost his job as a police captain due to this sort of postings on the internet! In the end he was forced tomove to another region to have a quiet social and family life. Though it wasn't only he that moved to another place so did the false rumours. He hanged himself in the end to give his wife and daughters some rest... I think public lynching isn't the right of one person. It's incorrect and unethical to put someone's name on your website in a bad way. And did Dave steal anything which belonged to Martin ? If not scully sould be a greater man to remove his fuller his name from his website. Or give fuller the right defend scully his accusation openly on scully his website. Now dave hasn't any posibilty to defend hinself or explain the acusatation made tomhim by skala.That's not the problem. Martin Skala made friends with Peter Freestone who at that time lived in Prague(still lives?). He was given a tape with Hot Space demos in case that he would not deal for it with other collectors, but he stared to and it was certain that everything will leak soon. And then it happened. Peter was pissed off and said he'll not share his tapes with anyone excepting QP. |
Sebastian 02.05.2012 17:04 |
I don't think having DRF's name on a website may mar his chances at a job interview ... his actions may. It's good for his potential employers to know who he is. If DRF were innocent, he could sue for libel. He hasn't (AFAIK), so... |
inu-liger 02.05.2012 21:30 |
pietrek1994 wrote:ghostwithasmile wrote: Well i think Martin his point is to harsh. Though i fully agree did dave the cross the thin red line it isn't fair to put his name on a website. Google will keep on finding his name this can have a very negative effect for dave his future job interviews or other applications. Though he did the wrong thing Martin isn't a judge nor should he act like one. I personally think he wouldn't like a message on the internet saying that martin Skala is a child abuser. This is what happened to friend of mine. Though he could prove it wasn't true he lost his job as a police captain due to this sort of postings on the internet! In the end he was forced tomove to another region to have a quiet social and family life. Though it wasn't only he that moved to another place so did the false rumours. He hanged himself in the end to give his wife and daughters some rest... I think public lynching isn't the right of one person. It's incorrect and unethical to put someone's name on your website in a bad way. And did Dave steal anything which belonged to Martin ? If not scully sould be a greater man to remove his fuller his name from his website. Or give fuller the right defend scully his accusation openly on scully his website. Now dave hasn't any posibilty to defend hinself or explain the acusatation made tomhim by skala.That's not the problem. Martin Skala made friends with Peter Freestone who at that time lived in Prague(still lives?). He was given a tape with Hot Space demos in case that he would not deal for it with other collectors, but he stared to and it was certain that everything will leak soon. And then it happened. Peter was pissed off and said he'll not share his tapes with anyone excepting QP. While I never heard of Martin being attached to the HS demo tape leaks, my understanding from a serious conversation I'd had last year was that there a "few people" (quote and unquote) who made copies of the tape and betrayed Peter's trust in the process, when they were strictly meant to be played FOR certain people (as in to be listened to, not copied). Same way the FM/MJ demos leaked! |
The Real Wizard 02.05.2012 23:28 |
pietrek1994 wrote: That's not the problem. Martin Skala made friends with Peter Freestone who at that time lived in Prague(still lives?). He was given a tape with Hot Space demos in case that he would not deal for it with other collectors, but he stared to and it was certain that everything will leak soon. And then it happened. Peter was pissed off and said he'll not share his tapes with anyone excepting QP.Assuming your user name is the year you were born - these things happened when you were barely out of diapers. Either way, you should keep your mouth shut about things you know nothing about. |
thomasquinn 32989 03.05.2012 09:29 |
Let's face it, Martin Scully was never fond of anyone releasing anything outside the trading network. I remember him getting very upset over a number of leaks in the 2005-07 period, so I'm not surprised. I don't like hoarders myself, but I don't think Martin OR DRF are important enough to get upset about. Both think they are tremendously important, and evidently Sebastian thinks so too, throwing around big words like 'libel'. Tell me, Sebastian, do you honestly think anyone is going to waste money on a libel suit against Martin Scully, which at the *very least* would involve the jurisdiction of two countries (probably three, if DRF is not British)? Bottom line: a few childish collectors are having a go at each other. Have the teacher break it up and send a stern note to their parents, because honestly, it's not worth any more attention than that. |
Queenrockyou 03.05.2012 10:05 |
... This forum is becoming so childish, and we are all responsible all that. So sad, really. I feel sad for everyone involved here. |
Queenrockyou 03.05.2012 10:06 |
ghostwithasmile wrote: I personally think he wouldn't like a message on the internet saying that m***** ****a is a child abuser.You just did, idiot... |
The Real Wizard 03.05.2012 10:07 |
But this guy isn't even a collector. He's just an idiot spouting off third hand information that has no connection to reality. I'm not sure what the source of this character smear is, but if this forum is going to survive, some people who contribute nothing but hostility to this place need to be banned. |
thomasquinn 32989 03.05.2012 10:31 |
The Real Wizard wrote: But this guy isn't even a collector. He's just an idiot spouting off third hand information that has no connection to reality. I'm not sure what the source of this character smear is, but if this forum is going to survive, some people who contribute nothing but hostility to this place need to be banned.I've lost track of what half the arguments in the Serious Discussion forum were really about years ago - I just don't understand the world of these serious collectors. What I do know is that reputations in the trading world appear to me to often be made or broken for no discernible reason whatsoever, and the QueenZone forum seems to be a part of the trading world. |
Ghostwithasmile is BACK! 03.05.2012 13:12 |
ruth.olivier 25008 wrote:Just edited thanks for the tip!ghostwithasmile wrote: I personally think he wouldn't like a message on the internet saying that martin Scully is a child abuser.You just did, idiot... |
Mr. Scully 03.05.2012 13:58 |
Okay, a bunch of lies... which doesn't surprise me on QueenZone anymore. First of all, I did indeed get several tapes from Peter Freestone about 11 years ago. I was however NOT asked to keep them to myself. I was just asked to trade it with reliable people and NOT leak them to general public. And I respected that! I traded them three or four times. BUT, there were SEVERAL DIFFERENT transfers of his tapes (to audioCD's), he gave those tapes to his good friend from the UK and he also gave it to his Dutch friends. I'm pretty sure it was the Dutch version that leaked and yes, Queen Productions have aproached Peter with questions about that and he wasn't happy about that! Of course he didn't know who leaked them - I know and I told Peter about it. I have no idea if the Dutch collectors broke their promise or not. It's not my business to find out what was the deal between the Dutch collectors and Peter. I just know I have kept my word. |
Queenrockyou 03.05.2012 14:08 |
Well, that's a strange answer from you, ghostwithasmile. I could say you're stupid once again, but I won't (oh, damn, in fact I did). But you're probably only searching some fight or something, as I don't assume you're that stupid in fact. Oh ok, let's stop there, too far for me. I don't want to rant over 30 pages, that was not the goal here. I just saw people attacking themselves here, and wanted to share the feeling I had that, within the last few years, this forum became a place where you could find mostly anger, fight and stupidness, where it should be all the other way, friendly people and interesting discussions. I just went too far, I now play the game I don't want to see. Forget it. It used to be nice to discuss with new people here, I'll stick to the people I know. |
Mr. Scully 03.05.2012 14:10 |
And regarding David Fuller... he has not harmed me personally in any way, I don't collect Queen anymore, I don't care about leechers, thieves and other people on QueenZone. It's just that I was able to witness his actions first-hand and it has really shocked me, mainly the way he did that (without hesitation, without covering traces, with blackmailing etc.). It's like being invited into a living room of new neighbours and then shit right on their persian carpet. |
Sebastian 03.05.2012 18:48 |
BTW, 'libel' is not a big word at all. |
ludwigs 04.05.2012 04:24 |
Mr Scully, I was reading through your excellent site and was going to add something to it. Regarding the 'gong' in the instruments used section. It said that it was played once at the end of Bo Rhap. It was used quite a bit during 'White Man' too. |
Mr. Scully 04.05.2012 11:09 |
ludwigs - thanks, I will add that in the forthcoming update. Hopefully this weekend :-) |