hello again everyone!
as requested by Lo scomodo (Boris) I'm sharing this gig again, since lotta people is stucked at 99.9% and I have no chance to reseed since my FLAC version won't fit the original torrent, it's the same but for some reason doesn't work so I've decided to re upload the gig to mediafire (Marco hasn't uploaded this gig to his mediafire account yet) so this can be added to that share for sure ; )
I've included info tags using mp3tag and a front cover so you can see it at Winamp, WMP, etc.
I included the new artwork I made inside the first RAR file.
original thread: http://www.queenconcerts.com/queenzone/346407.html
now the Mediafire links: http://www.mediafire.com/?vu71tm9bejxhjui
Very nice share Alex !!
It's a good point to replace the 99.9% torrents with new ones !
After solving "my own sharing problems" with the new mediafire share, I go give some attention to this 99.9% torrents !
I will add this one later to the mediafire share.
I've found the original liner notes from whitemanadmin.
Artist: Roger Taylor
Date: 24th March 1999
Source: AUD
audience > minidisc master > pc > cd-r
Size 394MB
Liquid Rooms, Edinburgh, UK. 24th March 1999
Total time 73,56
We will rock you
Pressure on
A nation of haircuts
Believe in yourself
I want to break free
No more fun
A kind of magic
These are the days of our lives
Under pressure
I'm in love with my car
Tenement funster
Strange frontier
Radio GaGa
Probably the best sounding Roger Taylor concert of 1999.
Not a complete show as C'mon Down London Town is cut. There is a fade out at the end of under pressure and fades back in for I'm in Love with my car. This was done to make it 1 CD
I remember emailing the actual taper who said he had done that and then accidentally blanked the minidisc,
so this is as much as is out there.
I have decided to do this show as opposed to some of the other ones for a few reasons.
1. As I said I think it is the best quality Roger 1999 concert out there. There are some other stonking ones,
namely the Glasgow, Sheffield and Wolverhampton shows, but this has some extra definition to the actual sound, and I think it is crisper
2. It's a 1 Cd show. It is a taster for roger solo, some people may want more, they may not, so therefore it is a testing ground.
3. They have a technical break where Jason Faloon is having a problem with his guitar and you get a little interaction with Roger,
more so than is normal in Rogers's 1999 tour.
4. I was in the audience! If you listen just before No More fun, when they are having a few technical difficulties, and roger says,
"You wont believe this, this is the first break down on the entire tour" you can hear someone shouting Molly Malone.. that is yours truly,
fuelled by 10 pints of Guinness! :-) Also got a wink and wave from Treanna Morris...
Hopefully you enjoy it, was a great night and a great concert.
So In Short I was there ...done that...and still have the T-Shirt!
Hopefully you enjoy it.
As you did for my last torrent, please keep your windows open, so others can download them.
My Trade list is at link if anyone has any requests,
Very nice sound and a great concert! Thank you very much to all involved!
I've seen Queen, Brian and QPR live, but sadly never got the chance to see Roger or The Cross. He is so underrated!