I have this bootleg on CD: link
though the web page disagrees with the CD box on where it was recorded (CD says Beunos Aries, US Tour and Japan).
For a long time these CDs have suffered from water damage, the packaging was damp and stuck together when I bought it on Cambridge market. However I have now managed to clean the discs with spectacles cleaning fluid and got a perfect rip of it to FLAC with my RipNAS, confirmed by C2 error pointers. It's even got all the tracks tagged with track names.
So is this well know, or are people interested in me sharing it? It would be a torrent, and I'd have to try to follow the instructions having never created one but I'm willing to give it a try.
I can't comment on the sound quality, I haven't had time to listen to it since I ripped it. It's never even been playable in the past in CD players (a quick test shows it plays now in a CD player).
I keep seeing "the hub" mentioned but I have no clue what it is. But then I haven't been on Queenzone very long.
If this bootleg is already around, can people confirm where the various tracks were recorded given that the CDs themselves and the web page I gave a link to differ?
Gaabiizz wrote:
must register
For More Info , link
Having read it I'm struggling to see the point. It has forums, well isn't that what Queenzone is for? And it has peer to peer file sharing, but isn't that what torrents are for?
Seems to me like a lot of re-inventing the wheel. Or have I missed something about it?
dave76 wrote:
The Queen hub is simply said the holy grail for Queen fans. Go check it out! You won't be dissapointed.
Without knowledge of the contents upfront I can't see why I'd spend the time. It also seems rather insular to share files that way rather than doing it publicly with torrents. It seems rather closed in and trying to keep stuff to yourselves, which isn't my view of what the Internet should be about.
This also doesn't really answer my question: why? Why re-invent the wheel?
dave76 wrote:
The Queen hub is simply said the holy grail for Queen fans. Go check it out! You won't be dissapointed.
Without knowledge of the contents upfront I can't see why I'd spend the time. It also seems rather insular to share files that way rather than doing it publicly with torrents. It seems rather closed in and trying to keep stuff to yourselves, which isn't my view of what the Internet should be about.
This also doesn't really answer my question: why? Why re-invent the wheel?
The Queenhub is no "re-invent the wheel" because it was already there before torrents where introduced here on Queenzone.
The Queenhub has no intention to keep stuff by yourself. The sharing spirit on the Queenhub is the same as here on Queenzone with torrents and 1-click-links.
If you don't want to join the queenhub, no problem ofcourse. Everybody has his own choice, but don't claim that the hub is re-inventing the wheel or that there is no sharing spirit on the Queenhub because that is not true !
The lack of expertise and ability to communicate on this forum has risen at a staggering rate as of late..
Of course, QZ is a place to share bootlegs. But the one you've offered contains mostly officially-released material, and that stuff is (generally) not allowed here.
The link you posted is mostly correct. The back cover of the bootleg has mislabeled all three shows, which isn't at all uncommon in the bootleg world where people are always trying to make a quick buck. The bulk of the material is from the official Montreal 81 releases (the old "We Will Rock You" VHS), and disc 2 is padded out with a few tracks from the Milan 9-14-84 audience recording and some others from the official Live At Wembley show.
So if you're got the official releases, it's best we just grab the complete audience recording from Milan.
See download links here, if you're interested - link
The Real Wizard wrote:
As for the Queen hub... it's a place to share files, but it's pretty disorganized as a whole. There's nothing there that can't be found here.
The Real Wizard wrote:
The bulk of the material is from the official Montreal 81 releases (the old "We Will Rock You" VHS), and disc 2 is padded out with a few tracks from the Milan 9-14-84 audience recording and some others from the official Live At Wembley show.
OK thanks. Even the URL I posted didn't say the Montreal and Wembley sections were taken direct off official releases. In that case I withdraw the offer to share this. And presumanbly the mostly official source nature means it shouldn't really be on the Queen Hub either.
I have "We Will Rock You" on NTSC DVD with DTS soundtrack, and I have the replacement "Queen Rock Montreal and Live Aid" again on DVD with DTS (bought for the Live Aid section). I also have the "Live At Wembley" double CD, and checking my bootleg downloads I already have the Milan 9-14-84 complete audience recording.
So I guess this is just of interest for the sake of collection. Plus I really like the charicature of Freddie on the cover, whoever drew that has real style.
I hope I'm not contributing to the "lack of expertise and ability to communicate on this forum". I'm sorry I offered to share something that is mostly official, but I didn't know and the only web site I found documenting it failed to indicate the offical rip off nature. At least I asked before sharing it.
bokkepoot wrote:
The Queenhub is no "re-invent the wheel" because it was already there before torrents where introduced here on Queenzone.
OK so originally the Queenhub served a purpose before torrents, but why continue with it now a more generic solution exists which is more widely supported?
bokkepoot wrote:
The Queenhub is no "re-invent the wheel" because it was already there before torrents where introduced here on Queenzone.
OK so originally the Queenhub served a purpose before torrents, but why continue with it now a more generic solution exists which is more widely supported?
You don't want to know how many DC-servers are still running worldwide with a share of many PetaBytes.
So I guess there are still interesses in this format ?
OwenSmith wrote:
Plus I really like the charicature of Freddie on the cover, whoever drew that has real style.
Agreed !
I hope I'm not contributing to the "lack of expertise and ability to communicate on this forum". I'm sorry I offered to share something that is mostly official, but I didn't know and the only web site I found documenting it failed to indicate the offical rip off nature. At least I asked before sharing it.
No, that's not at all what I was referring to. Questions are good, and I love answering them. It was the completely useless replies unrelated to your inquiry that inspired me to express myself.
Check out my website queenlive.ca, as well as queenconcerts.com. It'll give you a good idea of how much info has amassed over the years.