I'd be interested in getting a copy of this myself.
I'm not sure wether or not we would be able to share it here, since there is an official release of it. If i come across it I'll let you know.
MartynTS wrote:
I'd be interested in getting a copy of this myself.I'm not sure wether or not we would be able to share it here, since there is an official release of it. If i come across it I'll let you know.
I remember I have this video.
As soon as I can, I'll search this vhs tape, capture it, remaster it and upload it.
I think it will be a matter of weeks..
The Real Wizard wrote:
Ha, really !? Every version !?
I don't hope you are obsessed with freddie his bums in a tight red pair of pants on your 50" screen , if so you can always undust the Rare Live Vhs and find the shot in the intro. Or on the official live Japan dvd...
The Real Wizard wrote:
Ha, really !? Every version !?
Not sure if EVERY version, but check this : link at 4:11, this is what you were talking about, were you not ? To be honest I'm not sure if this is taken from the official video or from something else, but it's definitely NOT taken from the TV broadcast - that one had the famous shot where Freddie throws the water from the cup he is seen holding a few seconds before what you see in this video
The Real Wizard wrote:
Ha, really !? Every version !?
Not sure if EVERY version, but check this :
link at 4:11, this is what you were talking about, were you not ? To be honest I'm not sure if this is taken from the official video or from something else, but it's definitely NOT taken from the TV broadcast - that one had the famous shot where Freddie throws the water from the cup he is seen holding a few seconds before what you see in this video
It's got different angles. It's not from the official version. But what could be the source of this video if it's not from the TV broadcast?
pittrek wrote:
Not sure if EVERY version, but check this :
link at 4:11, this is what you were talking about, were you not ? To be honest I'm not sure if this is taken from the official video or from something else, but it's definitely NOT taken from the TV broadcast - that one had the famous shot where Freddie throws the water from the cup he is seen holding a few seconds before what you see in this video
Aha, maybe that's the shot I'm thinking of ! I remember always seeing a Tokyo clip in documentaries that wasn't on the official release.
What a killer jam at the end of the song, and they're having so much fun despite the fact that they were on the verge of breaking up. Sometimes I forget how great this band was.
ghostwithasmile wrote:
The official version CLTCL at 54.07 min
How strange... I never noticed it. Maybe it's a different edit of the video? Because when I myself was trying to find this bit, I managed to notice nothing.
I found the old vhs tape
I played it
and it's recorded on EP speed :-(
I would grade it Video Good- / Audio Bad quality
this japanese tv programme runs for about 45 mins
and in the end, has a tv interview with Brian and John.
Well, if you feel like uploading it, I'm sure a lot of people here would be happy to have it anyway as a comparison to the official release. And I'm sure the interview will be interesting too.
Yeah, keep the audio from the VHS ... it'll be as genuine as possible then.
Who knows, it might be a new mix or contain things not on the other copies.
If the uploader of the following version could share it on here would be fantastic as the quality is not so bad...
Excellent camera take shots ! Great to view this, very nice version, no doubt !!
Gabbizz, if you read this topic, please share with us this "rare video" !!! :)