Pretty sure Bieber headlining with an act that headlined with Adam Lambert would prove to be an embarrassing move for the kid.
After this, if we're lucky, maaaaybe we can get William Hung.
Actually - wait - William Shatner anyone?
Every time I see queen forum I'm asking myself why most of people here are wasting time for stupid posts, some of them full of frustration another being just idiotic provocations or posts like that when someone is so arrogant to give himself a righ to tell what others shell do to justify him....who the hell give a right to tell brian or roger what they have to do with their band and their own songs....
They don't tell anyone to buy their records or tickets to their shows...they dont't tell that we have to listen to them or giving orders to support their previous activity....It's simple , If someone is pissed of because of collaboration with Paul Rodgers he can still listen to old cd's and no one is telling him to bus cosmos rocks...if somenone is against adam lambert just don't go to the's simple... it's his free choice...but I don't understand how people can write thing like "WE WANT and then requirements list starts with thing like ..stop ruining the legacy...bri and rog should guit..or should change name...or that we want 70's dvd's only etc..."
Firts of all, I never write in anyone else opinion...cause there are so many fans with different expectations...some of them will be happy of next gig with lambert so they don't deserve to have a joy from permormance because someone thinks band should quit...others who are pissed of wont buy the tickets so whats the problem? but I often see that people on queen forum are enough arrogant to speking in everey one else opinions...
And for the second, as I mentioned earlier...I'm never telling what others have to do to justify me, and I would be pissed off if anyone else offend me because have different point of view about thing I have to do with my OWN, Brian and Roger are the only people who have a right to decide if they want to perform their songs or not, with who or not, or what to release on CD or not...if You don't like, don't's your business what You do with Your money, the same as it's rog and bri business what they do with the band...why just people are sticking nose in not their things instead of just look on themeselves...
sorry for english...but the standarts of speech on that forum drives me I just make the exception this time and write something down...but have no pland to bother everyone else here in future
The Real Wizard wrote: Great post. Please keep posting here. We need more of this.
The sense of entitlement of some people is just astounding on days like today.
The word 'entitlement' has always really bugged me in this context. Criticism, however base or undeveloped, is not 'entitlement'. It's criticism. Part and parcel of creative output for public consumption. It may be destructive criticism, it may be unproductive, but it's not 'entitlement'.
"The sense of entitlement of some people is just astounding on days like today"
I get infuriated when people tell me I should settle for crap. It's called having standards - now if this was a new thing coming up, I'd reserve judgement.
Before the Paul Rodgers tour, I had an open mind - and some of what they did was alright! Before the album, I decided I would give it a shot - it was mostly lame, but had a couple of nice moments and I'm glad I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
I had the same willingness to give Adam Lambert a shot, and instead he gave me the worst Queen-related listening experience of the year (a far cry from the Tom Chaplin job on It's A Hard Life).
Sorry, but if I'm supposed to be doing handsprings that this warbling idiot is playing with Queen again, then something is screwy on this earth. I'm not entitled to good music - that's something you sometimes have to search for - but I'm well within my rights to say that this sucks mega dick. Because it does.
(Although I am mollified by the idea that Brian and/or Roger will get songs themselves. That'll at least make it worth sifting through).
I actually think that this is a good idea,a sort of fitting tribute to Freddie in his last live venue...Folks,QUEEN ARE NEVER GOING TO TOUR AGAIN,so these one off festivals are all you are going to get.They don't need the money,and both Bri and Rog are 'getting on a bit'(!).As for Mr Lambert,imagine the pressure...firstly,he is not replacing Freddie,the band realise by now that this is completely impossible,no one on this earth can deliver a vocal performance to that level or ever will.It will be two hours of fantastic music,so just be grateful Robbie williams doesn't show up...............
Goldfinch1 wrote:
I actually think that this is a good idea,a sort of fitting tribute to Freddie in his last live venue...Folks,QUEEN ARE NEVER GOING TO TOUR AGAIN,so these one off festivals are all you are going to get.They don't need the money,and both Bri and Rog are 'getting on a bit'(!).As for Mr Lambert,imagine the pressure...firstly,he is not replacing Freddie,the band realise by now that this is completely impossible,no one on this earth can deliver a vocal performance to that level or ever will.It will be two hours of fantastic music,so just be grateful Robbie williams doesn't show up...............
One of Adam Lambert's pre-fame, pre-American Idol songs written and recorded by Adam and Monte Pittman (Madonna's guitarist) with Adam's rock band Citizen Vein.
Not very good sound quality, though. link