Hi there!
Jan from Italy over here...
...don't wanna fuss about morbid FM pre-mortem pix, Adam L, badgers or Kerry E stuff...
...just a question...
...does anybody have the 2011 Box (the one containing 30cds)?
I've seen many on eBay but they all look like fake (chinese?) editions...Pricewise they are clearly rubbish...
I've been thinking about getting them all in bulk (my collection is pretty messy...I have them all, but I bought them in different editions throughout the years)...And having a -sometimes useless, but that's how it goes- bonus cd doesn't sound that bad to 'tidy up' my collection...
Amazon doesn't help either...
...Some other TRUSTED site?
I bought from an eBay seller in January. Took 3 weeks to arrive but it was the genuine article once I received it. Communication was a bit iffy, and the tracking number still doesn't acknowledge that I've received it, but I got my boxed set for £60 so I'm happy.
uhmmm...30 cds for just 60 GBP? Sounds like a real bargain! But I'm not yet convinced :D
BTW I can't understand why there's no 'official' shop that sells the complete box...
...I'll end up buying just the first 5 albums :P
Yeah I was a bit suspicious about it at first too, but I figure I was paying with PayPal so could get an immediate refund if it turned out to be a fake of some sort.
But no - when it arrived it was exactly as it should be, and full English language sleeves.
dbruce wrote:
I bought from an eBay seller in January. Took 3 weeks to arrive but it was the genuine article once I received it. Communication was a bit iffy, and the tracking number still doesn't acknowledge that I've received it, but I got my boxed set for £60 so I'm happy.
I seriously doubt that it's genuine, and here is why - just before Christmas last year, I too took the gamble on a cheap Queen40 box and paid £60 for it. When it arrived, everything looked great - the covers were fantastic, the discs were exactly as they should have been and the contect was all present and correct. The PS3 even recognised them as the new Island remasters. Apart from ONE thing...the cases. The cases were standard issue jewel cases and not the deluxe round ones on the official release. I put up a complaint via paypal, and was told that the seller could only refund if I sent the box back, but when I told the seller that I was unwilling to falsify a customs document by saying that the contents were legit, he refunded me the WHOLE amount and let me keep the discs.
If they were the real deal, and not bought at 10 a penny by him, he would have kicked up a fuss. My only conclusion is that they are definitely fakes.