I know my shelf and at least 2 other people who have a "sick" obsession with Scandal. Especially the extended version link
These is a certain edge to this song, a combined anger-pain and extatic release of these supressed fealings that is almost unparalleled.
Are there any others who feel the same?
I have that scandalous obsession too! Love to hear the song "Over and over and over and over again (guitar solo)". I think the point is that the melody is so powerful and the lyrics are so great too, some metaphors "They're gonna turn our lives into a freak show" or "Here come the bad news, open the flood gates, They'll leave us bleeding, we'll say you cheapskates" (beside I believe "cheapskates" coud be a stronger word).
And... the bridge part which Freddie sings "Today the headlines tomorrow hard times, And no-one ever really knows the truth from the lies, And in the end the story deeper must hide, Deeper and deeper and deeper inside" Is just fabulous in all aspects.
The video is great, Freddie looks like a demon (I supose it was not intentional, it's result of the lot of make-up he had) and fits perfectly with his powerful voice, and John, Brian and Roger looks very serious, and when they smile, it's like if they do it for compromise.
The scenography is great, and the actors role at the begin and the end of the video too. "Next scandal coming soon"... brilliant mind who thought that...
Freddie looks like a demon!!! Never thought about that but makes sence. The catwalk mooves and the way he crowls down the floor gives to me now that impression too.His eyes also are filled with pain and anger like he is really suffering (he was actually) for the things he sings but with a F**k You attitude underlying all the way.
Also the way he sings "It's only a life to be twisted and BROKEN".The way the word Broken is singed especially in the extended version on 3:05 is out of this earth. I think it has an echo ( that its not used in the original version) that makes him sound like a demon a beast and a god, thw same time. End then comes ( in the extended again) that stereo guitar solo that hits me like electricity.
And sould we say anything about that boombasting bass line ?
I love the song and that line And no one really knows the truth from the lies, freddie looks straight into the camera and for a moment you see the freddie of the mid 80's when he was fit and healthy
When I first heard that song and saw the video,I must have watched it a hundred times. I totally agree about the lyrics, they are sung so perfectly and with such inflection, I was very hooked on it for a while.
I like 12 inch version too, but for different reasons. I wish there was an uncensored version of the lyrics, becasue I could just imagine what they literally wanted to say. Of course the lyrics are as great as you have all described...just sayin
Yes... yes... YES!
The FIRST thing I posted after signing up here was: WHERE'S THE LOVE FOR 'SCANDAL'???
I freakin' LOVE that song. I play it ALL the time. No kidding: I literally use the friggin' track as my 'wake-up' song in the morning after partying it up the prior night.
And, to me, the 12" version of Scandal is the best 12" mix of ANY song I've ever heard. I'm SO glad Hollywood Records included it (in such great quality) on their 'The Miracle' CD remaster from 1991.
Fantastic track. To me, one of Queen's all-time best.
It's amazing to me that no one from the group itself cares for it much, to the point it was left off ALL the 'Greatest Hits' compilations and it took until the 'Greatest Video Hits 2' release to FINALLY get a decent copy of the (excellent) video! Brian and Roger make it clear in their DVD audio commentary that they don't think much of it (the song OR the video).
A shame. I wonder what Freddie thought of it. He sure sang the hell out of it.
It was left of GH3,but they put on the awfull SMGO with Elton John making a real pigs ear of it !In fact the tracklisting leaves a lot to be desired on GH3.