Considering the look on his face, I think he knew. He seemed rather serious here, do you agree? Also, I heard one or two more stories of him saying similar things during the Magic tour. In fact, I think it was Brian who talked about his outburst at John after one gig along the lines "I don't know how much longer am I going to be doing it!".
Hey, I'm curious, where did you find out about the backstage fight in Madrid '86?
Also, I'm quite sure he was aware of his condition then. He probably knew something was wrong even earlier than that, but the improved AIDS tests would have confirmed it by then.
Unless he was living deep in denial, he must have known in 1986. I'm sure by that time many of his lovers had already been diagnosed or had died and how would that not tip him off?
That being said, I think he was drunk during the interview and the comment was more of a sarcastic off the cuff drunk thought, not necessarily a declaration that he was HIV positive.
I'm more interested in the fights backstage in Madrid. What happened?
The Real Wizard wrote: 1986? He almost certainly did.
Easter 1987 , that was the moment he knew he had Aids... Maybe he "felt"something in 1986... late 1986 he went to see his doctor Graham in London, easter 1987 he got the results...
The Real Wizard wrote: 1986? He almost certainly did.
Easter 1987 , that was the moment he knewhe had Aids... Maybe he "felt"something in 1986... late 1986 he went to see his doctor Graham in London, easter 1987 he got the results...
Do not confuse being diagnosed as HIV positive with having AIDS.. there (fortunatly) is a big difference.
People can be HIV positive and never develop AIDS.. (although not back in 1986, then it was rather certain
anyone HIV positive would develop the disease.)
Freddie knew in 1986 he wouldn't be doing live performing for much longer. Losing people you had sex with
to AIDS is a rather certain way of knowing you're in trouble. He didn't need a doctor to tell him that, only to confirm it.
When Peter found out is not necessarily when Freddie found out. I tend to take most of what's written in these "tell-all" books with a pinch of salt ... or maybe even the full shaker.
Everyone wants to think they were closest to Freddie and heard the real deal, but it's highly likely that only Freddie knew. And as Dane pointed out, it's very probable he felt something was wrong with his health even before he got confirmation from a doctor.
Judging by his behaviour on and off stage during the Magic tour in 1986, I'd say he knew.
malicedoom wrote: Right. From what I've read, he had already gone full-blown AIDS by Easter, 1987.
Maybe I misunderstand you and I am not a doctor, but based on my laic knowledge of the subject I think a full blown AIDS would have killed him in those days within one year or less. I think he didn't develop the illness until mid 1989 or so, when he started losing his weight and was visibly exhausted.
The line between HIV positive and Full-Blown AIDS differs from country to country.
It has to do with the level of (parts of) white blood cells in a persons blood.
When this drops below a certain level then they have AIDS, until then it is called HIV positive.
The determination of this level is free for every country to decide for themselves.
Idiotic but true..
The Real Wizard wrote: When Peter found out is not necessarily when Freddie found out. I tend to take most of what's written in these "tell-all" books with a pinch of salt ... or maybe even the fullshaker.
Everyone wants to think they were closest to Freddie and heard the real deal, but it's highly likely that only Freddie knew. And as Dane pointed out, it's very probable he felt something was wrong with his health even before he got confirmation from a doctor.
Unless we're running on the assumption that Fred was an exquisite, irresponsible, inconsiderate selfish asshole, I'd assume he would inform his live in lover and sexual partner as soon as he knew anything concretely. Jim claimed in his book that it was Easter 1987, and based on the biopsy of some tissue from his skin, which was confirmed to be Kaposi's Sarcoma - an AIDS defining illness. Usually AIDS is diagnosed with the white cell counts Dane noted, or the presence of an AIDS defining illness. So all things considered I think Jim's claim of a diagnosis of full blown AIDS in April 1987 is credible.
Right - it was the Hutton book that I was making my assumption based on - the fact Freddie had developed Kaposi's Sarcoma, which I've read appears when you have AIDS and are not simply HIV positive.
I think the proof you need is in Freddie's own writing in the December 1986 Xmas edition - that he was aware something maybe happening. I quote "The tour was fun and a great success, although I must admit I had to be coaxed into doing it. I'm glad I did it now."
What says to me he probably didn't fancy touring in 1986 but it was dawning on him following Live Aid etc they were kind of reborn & he might not get another chance in the future. Brian May said in one of the interviews Touring probably was a good distraction given what he might be facing instead of having 1986 as a "quiet" year, which was Queen's intention before the Live Aid success.
MAXPOWER WROTE "What says to me he probably didn't fancy touring in 1986 but it was dawning on him following Live Aid etc they were kind of reborn & he might not get another chance in the future. Brian May said in one of the interviews Touring probably was a good distraction given what he might be facing instead of having 1986 as a "quiet" year, which was Queen's intention before the Live Aid success."
I reckon Freddie probably felt obligagted to tour due to their Live Aid success. Had it not come at that time, The Works tour could have been their last hurrah which was possibly their intention given the re-introduction of their earlier material on stage.
Would their legacy still have been so great without that last massive tour... I doubt it. It was groundbreaking in it's size, and surely had such an impact to music fans (both Queen and neutrals), that it's still thought about today. EVERYBODY had a copy of live at wembley... whether bought or taped from TV. It's the first (and only) concertI remember watching as a youngster... mainly due to Freddie looking so cool in the yellow jacket (and him having a mosuatche the same as my dad's).
As we're notsure when he found out about his illness, we'll never know if that last tour was down to their resurgence in popularity thru Live Aid or Freddie's live farewell to his fans? Whether he did it out of obligation or for more personal reasons?