Here’s a set of four inofficial and unauthorised documentary dvds. Cover artwork included – please do not expect miracles as my scanner is old and weak…
We will rock you
A complete Rock Case study
We thank you all
A documentary DVD
total running time aprox. 60 min.
Under Review 1980 – 1991
An independent critical analysis
total running time aprox. 78 min.
Under Review 1946 – 1991
The Freddie Mercury Story
total running time aprox. 67 min.
No idea if this has been shared before. I do not see any problems in sharing.
Otherwise feel free to let me know.
Anyway - enjoy
Maybe not officially sanctioned by QPL, but they ARE sold in shops, so someone somewhere is LEGALLY making money out of these, so my concensus is that they should NOT be shared....
Well the fact that these dvds are sold in shops does not make them legal - I've never heard of any cooperation of QPL with record companies called "Sexy intellectual", "Hurricane int." or "Silver and gold". Maybe one of the QZ experts can clear this.
"This DVD is 100% unauthorised" (Queen we will rock you)
"This DVD is not authorised by the estate of Freddie Mercury, the music group Queen, or by any record or publishing companies with whom either has worked" (Under review 1946 - 1991)
"This product contains no original music by Queen" (We thank you all)
Im far from an expert but would say that altho they may not be the product of QueenProductions they are still a proper release available to legally buy n therefore breaking copyright laws by being shared here.
These DVDs aren't authorized by the band, so for the purposes of this forum I can't see why they'd be considered any more legit than a bootleg.
The problem with "official" material here is that the band and/or record label aren't happy when they lose money on downloads that could have been sales. But if they didn't authorize these DVD releases, there is no lost revenue either way for them. So if anything, the band should be thrilled that a few dozen people won't have to pay for this stuff that they're not making a penny off of in the first place.
Can see the arguments from both sides.I was more concerned that if it was deemed to break any sort of copyright (not by Queen but whoever produced the dvds) that the site may be closed and we'd miss out on other more valuable shares here.
to be honest mate Iv no idea how they judge what is allowed and what isnt.Often seems to depend on the person whos sharing it rather than the content lol