Well, don't take that poll very seriously. Really, we all know who the greatest singer is and we don't need that poll! Anyway, I think being so close to anniversary of MJ's death, he got a lot of sympathy votes. You cannot possibly compare his (MJ) voice to the great, great voice and range of Freddie Mercury and have him come out on top if you are being honest about it. He was a great entertainer and had some really good pop music, but he just is not the greatest singer. Just my opinion. That poll went on for far too long too. Not to mention I had problems with my voting. I wrote to them, but never got a response. Freddie rules and always will. He's number one in many other polls and MJ doesn't even come into contention.
Lostman wrote: master marathon runner wrote:
Kylie - fat.
Did you mean Kylie Minogue? :-)
Of course.
I've seen the list, and it's pure rubbish.
Words to define Michael Jackson: Molesting no-good moronic piece of filfth - may he burn in hell for being basically the 80s equivalent to X Factor winners - hyped up plastic surgery and a doctored grily voice.
Words to define Freddie Mercury: Celestial god of singing. Enough said. Viva Freddie.
Noteworthy selections from the list -
Axl Rose 4th? Pull the other one. Rose trashed WWRY and Bo Rhap at the Freddie Tribute. He's OK on Paradise City, but nothing more.
David Bowie 6th. Hmm... good. Even outside Under Pressure, I have to give the Goblin King credit (see the film Labrinyth to see what I mean) for being a very good vocalist. Good to see David being given his dues.
Jim Morrison 13th. Impressive. A fair few Doors songs are trippy rock feasts, and the first album is good. He has true vocal power, I have to say.
Quick question - why didn't the greatest female singer of all time make the list?!?!?!??!!??? I am of course refering to the immortal goddess known as Karen Anne Carpenter! Every time I hear a Carpenters record my head swims and I begin to melt. Karen should get credit for being a true angel (R.I.P Karen :'( 4/2/1983 is one of the saddest days in music).
A recommendation for everyone who reads this - type 'Queen of the Carpenters' into a Youtube search and click the option which has Karen sitting on Richard's piano. You may think it's sacrilege, but for a Queen maniac and Carpenters worshipper like myself its a lovely combo. Quite heartwarming too.
br5946 wrote: I've seen the list, and it's pure rubbish.
may he burn in hell for being basically the 80s equivalent to X Factor winners
I knew this was a Queen forum, but wow. just wow
I actually fell off my chair
best singer,hell the list is endless.........the various years,stiles(styles),vocal range.
it could go on forever.
would you class mercury above louis armstrong,,,,,,,,,sting above bono(thats a yes lol).
it comes down to a personal choice,me myself,the best singer,,are.
in no order.nat king cole
eva cassidy
noddy holder
robert plant
louis armstrong
mr mercury
rod stewart
at his best(dont shoot me)simon la bon
bruce dickinson
the guy from judas priest ,halford,i think
hell even glam rock had some great singers,,,,rubettes,mud,slik,
the list could be endless,as for jackson being the best??????????
take 3 songs.
billy jean,thriller,even ben.............the guy had some great songs.
this all comes down to a personal choice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and whoever happens to read.......vote for the best singer in a pole.
next week,aload of brotherhood of man fans could see a poll and vote for the singer from them(unlikley i know),but you never know.
so untill the nation votes as one(like the censun)it will never be known.
for me best top singer,in a band or solo is..............
1.rodger daltry
3.louis armstrong
5.rod stewart
6.midge ure
7.tom farmer(blackfoot sue).ask your dad
8.diana ross
9.marvin gaye
10.dionne warwick..
my list may surprise a few people,but i have a wide liking of music..........from jazz to rock to punk.
but as my list shows,i could never chose a best singer,or best leader of a band
as a music lover(hell i wish i was a critic),i can only pic my prefered choices.
so poles dont matter ,i know what i like and i know what i prefer.
but can i point out.some missing name(for obvious reasons)
garry glitter(coughs),
he could have been good,if he had not let his fingers do the walking..
like i said this is a personal list,,,,,,,,,,hell you might prefer,jonny rotten or even caren carpenter(now she was good).......
its a personal choice....
master marathon runner wrote:
Of course.
Ha ha, I knew that. That Kylie girl always will look awesome (I'm a fan of her, by the way). Sorry for off-topic though.
Lostman wrote: master marathon runner wrote:
Of course.
Ha ha, I knew that. That Kylie girl always will look awesome (I'm a fan of her, by the way). Sorry for off-topic though. =======================
Doh ! - you had me there. i'm thinking; is there another Kylie?
Master marathon runner
master marathon runner wrote:
Doh ! - you had me there. i'm thinking; is there another Kylie?
Master marathon runner
Of course not ;)
I wouldn't put too much stock in anything NME or it's readers say or do, to be honest.
Michael Jackson was a great, great artist. But the poll was about the best singer. There's obviously only one winner there.
Lets be honest, MJ came first in that poll because he's the most recently deceased of the entire thing. That's how these things work.