Is it true that there are DJ promo copies out there for this track back from 1989 when it was originally supposed to be released?
When the Demories Please Majesties bootleg first came out, Brian May commented (in the Winter 95 Fan Club issue) that the version of TMLWKY included there appeared to be the version they were going to release back on The Miracle - yet the version on that bootleg is barely 2 min long - doesn't seem to make sense.
He also said he thought promo copies were sent to radio stations in the USA (!) - which also struck me as strange.
Anyone know for sure? Does this sort of promo item really exist somewhere??
No it wasn't his own single he was referring to, it was a version with Freddie on lead vocals.
Apparently it was supposed to come out on The Miracle but there were legal issues regarding the rights to the song (Brian wrote it with 2 other people, etc.) and instead it sat on the shelf for a while (until they got around to finishing/releasing 'Made In Heaven).
How can you improve on perfection? Simple answer - you can't. The Miracle mix was already the best it could be, so they simply re-mastered it to fit the MIH sound and that was it. Similar to the recently re-re-re-re-released ANATO.
Well, for one thing, the vocal was DIFFERENT. Freddie's vocal - at least in some parts - is clearly a different take on that bootleg when compared to the version that ended up on Made In Heaven.
That 'earlier' version is also available on a bootleg titled The Ultimate Miracle.
But I'm still wondering if there are promo copies out there as Brian indicated there were. I've never seen one for sale or even a picture of one.
You are talking about different versions, people.
Version 1 - the "work in progress" version, cca 2 minutes long, completely different
version 2 - the promo version, almost identical to the MIH version
version 3 - Brian May solo version
version 4 - Made In Heaven version
Gotcha. Well, what really threw me is that Brian heard the '2 minute' version (from Demories Please Majesties) and his reply was that perhaps it was taken from the promo that was released to radio stations in the USA in 1989 (which, obviously, couldn't be true...)
Heheheheheeheh... OK.
Well, here's a question then:
Is "version 2 - the promo version, almost identical to the MIH version" available online anywhere? I'd love to hear the differences between it and the Made In Heaven version.
I remember, before Freddie died, a CD (boxset, I think) was due to be released in the US containing a song called "Too Much Love" (I think). I had ordered it through Record Collector but it was withdrawn.
I didnt hear anything of this title again until I was at Wembley the following Easter and Brian played "Too Much Love Will Kill You" for the first time and I assumed (and always have) that the two songs were the same.
I also assumed that the original Queen version was like the FMT and BTTL versions, but have no basis for this assumption.
It wasnt til the Marquee in December 1992 that Brian played the version with the guitar solo, I described it at the time as the rock version of the song, and this was essentially the same as the MIH version.
Again assumption only, but I always thought Brian developed the 'guitar' version during 1992 and this he played on the solo tours later, then re-visited the original Queen version to add the guitar specifically for MIH, so I too would be very interested to hear the original promo version. \is it out there anywhere?
bigV wrote: You trusted Brian May about information on Queen history? :D
heh :D
I've heard that freddie loved it too much and he went on and sing it with brian, that was supposed to be brian's solo one. Brian was shy because of the lyrics that were a little too much like freddie's life, by the way that was brian's life at that point who was creeping down, and freddie supposed to have said to him, sorry, i like it too much I'm gonna sing it and it will be a queen song. (Does my english make sense, because i'm french from quebec )