vetty_boop;) wrote: stupid school laptops. i can't access youtube from this, can somebody please tell me what is in the ad? :)
16(ish) year old lad playing a grand piano in your typical modern flat and random heads poping up out of the tops of the piano singing the backing vocals,
and aye, school computers suck! wont even let me on due to "nudist art" most art is nudist, apart from the nude side (i havent evn found many nude anyway) there are loads of brilliant pieces of art and stories! it all inspired me but unfortunatly beause a part of art is nudity they ban it ugh, i dont get the world! if some lads are gonen joke over some middle aged painted womans tits then their a wee bit strange
and my god thatd get on my nerves! thankfully it isnt on british tv, funny first time, 100000 times of watching it later on adverts you will grow to hate freddie for writing that song
lifetimefanofqueen wrote: vetty_boop;) wrote: stupid school laptops. i can't access youtube from this, can somebody please tell me what is in the ad? :)
16(ish) year old lad playing a grand piano in your typical modern flat and random heads poping up out of the tops of the piano singing the backing vocals,
and aye, school computers suck! wont even let me on due to "nudist art" most art is nudist, apart from the nude side (i havent evn found many nude anyway) there are loads of brilliant pieces of art and stories! it all inspired me but unfortunatly beause a part of art is nudity they ban it ugh, i dont get the world! if some lads are gonen joke over some middle aged painted womans tits then their a wee bit strange
and my god thatd get on my nerves! thankfully it isnt on british tv, funny first time, 100000 times of watching it later on adverts you will grow to hate freddie for writing that song
yeah it is ridiculous. becuase of some laddies at school who can't keep it in their pants, they block everthing by links... sooo if you go on a site which has an ad for sneakers, which may lead to Skins, which may lead to skin rashes, rashes may lead to genital rashes, genital rashes may lead to pornongraphy. so that is why this is a load of crap :(
when i get my laptop back I will definatey see this "horrendous" gum ad.
gaabiizz wrote: Jajaja buenisima la propaganda de Beldent (:
Me parece horrible, no es graciosa y no tiene nada que ver con el producto. Por suerte duró poco. Está bueno que siga sonando la música de Queen, pero cuando se usa de manera ridícula me da bronca.
The ad is not funny and not even related to the product. Luckily it was on air only for a few days. It's a good thing that Queen music is still around but I hate when it is used in a ridiculous way.
So many heads busy singing to Queen and not a one of them actually chewing the product? Which is really the most important part of the commercial - to sell and get across the product. So where is that missing piece of gum anyway .... my vote, is chewed up long ago and stuck underneath his piano bench. Crappy commercial for selling gum. Perhaps it will sell a song download instead?
queenUSA wrote: So many heads busy singing to Queen and not a one of them actually chewing the product? Which is really the most important part of the commercial - to sell and get across the product. So where is that missing piece of gum anyway .... my vote, is chewed up long ago and stuck underneath his piano bench. Crappy commercial for selling gum. Perhaps it will sell a song download instead?
Roughly translated, the idea is "What a good thing is to live alone! Buy some gum and see if you are the winner. The prize is that the gum will pay your rent for two years". Since it's a well-known brand they probably think that there's no need to show the product.