El 24 de noviembre de este año será el 20º aniversario de la muerte de
Freddie Mercury, así que la Mercury Phoenix Trust se ha unido al Club
Oficial de Queen para realizar un concierto conmemorativo.
el 25 de noviembre en el Clapham Grand Theatre de Londres. Actuará la
SAS Band, encabezada por Spike Edney, quien participó con Queen tocando
los teclados en los conciertos de 1984 a 1986. Los demas artistas
invitados que participarán se irán anunciando una vez se hayan
On November 24th 2011, it will be 20 years since Freddie left us, and Maureen, from the MPT, and myself decided it was time for a commemorative concert.
We have booked The Clapham Grand Theatre, just opposite Clapham Junction station in London, for November 25th. Our main band are, of course the excellent SAS Band, featuring Spike Edney, Jamie Moses, Steve Stround and John Marter - and we hope to add to that a glittering array of special guests! (Guest Artists will be announced as and when we can confirm them.)
Tickets are £25 (28 euros, $40US) for fan club members and their guests, plus £2.00 per order (not per ticket) postage (3 euros, $4US). If you require secure registered mail for your ticket, then please add £5.05 (6 euros/$8) to your order. You can pay by Paypal (please add £1.50/2 euros/$3 for their fees). Card payments will be subject to a £1.00 card charge per order. All proceeds after expenses will be donated to the Mercury Phoenix Trust.
Queeneros are saying?