MERQRY 26.01.2011 23:39 |
Hi! Here i will to share the dvd i promised a time ago... the fantastic Hammersmith 79 performance. This would be the First of a set of 4 Live dvds from my own archive tapes... One Dvd for each year of Queen. I hope this "shares" make up for the not so good QP bonus tracks. I Used Three sources for the video of my Dvd: My Vhs Copy (*) the Multisource pittrek's copy (Only little start bite,CLTCL Japanese broadcast and a NIH segment) (**) and The absolutest greatest bonus videos (***) And the fantastic Pittrek's Audio Matrix The lineage i think is this: Master>?>My vhs Copy The set list: Overture (Only Audio) Jailhouse Rock (Audio and Cut Video) (*/**) We Will Rock You (fast) (*/**) Let Me Entertain You (*) Somebody To Love (*) If You Can't Beat Them (Only Audio) Mustapha (Audio and Cut Video) (*) Death On Two Legs (*) Killer Queen (*) I'm In Love With My Car (***) Get Down Make Love (*) You're My Best Friend (*) Save Me (*) Now I'm Here (*/**/***) Don't Stop Me Now (*) Spread Your Wings (Only Audio) Love Of My Life (*) '39 (*) Keep Yourself Alive (Only Audio) Crazy Little Thing Called Love (*/**) Bohemian Rhapsody (Only Audio) Tie Your Mother Down (*) Sheer Heart Attack (*) We Will Rock You (*) We Are The Champions (*) God Save The Queen (*) Here a Screenshot to check the quality: ![]() And Here the Mediafire Links: link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link If anyone wants to make a torrent i don't have no problem... anyway i recomend a download managing program (Like Jdownloader) to download this files. Please DO NOT expect for a Profesionally dvd and Feel free to coment about the encoding quality (i have some problems with the demux in dvd lab pro and i'm not happy at all with some parts... anyway i tested the dvd in a relative new Tv and the quality is very aceptable... not bad at all for my first dvd in a long time) Just in case i will to keep the raw avi files for a time. Greetings and Enjoy it! |
Ale Solan 27.01.2011 00:02 |
thanks! only 670 MB? |
MERQRY 27.01.2011 00:07 |
Ale Solan. wrote: thanks! only 670 MB? Oh,no sorry i was editing the post Cheers! |
Ale Solan 27.01.2011 00:08 |
MERQRY wrote: Ale Solan. wrote: thanks! only 670 MB? Oh,no sorry i was creating the post Cheers! ****************** oh yeah! haha thanks again for this share =) |
MERQRY 27.01.2011 00:25 |
Ale Solan. wrote: MERQRY wrote: Ale Solan. wrote: thanks! only 670 MB? Oh,no sorry i was creating the post Cheers! ****************** oh yeah! haha thanks again for this share =) Thanks to you for coment! A little preview of my Next Share: Greetings! |
Gaabiizz 27.01.2011 00:38 |
exelente :):) |
Harry_queenrecordings 27.01.2011 01:33 |
Many thanks for this share! Looks very good. |
MERQRY 27.01.2011 02:00 |
gaabiizz wrote: exelente :):) Gracias Por Tu comentario! Espero que el dvd sea de tu agrado Saludos! Harry_queenbootlegs wrote: Many thanks for this share! Looks very good. Thank for your coment... the quality isn't Excelent but i think Good + as i said i'm not happy at all with the Dvd lab pro Demux (Maybe i had to made an even higher Bit rate... i used 8.800 kbps) But secure the dvd is not bad at all for a Vhs source... the day that i have the 16 mm master my dvd will be better ha ha Greetings! |
rubens 27.01.2011 09:31 |
Thank you very much . Looks like a nice upgrade. Very nice of you to share this with us : ) |
The Real Wizard 27.01.2011 10:38 |
Thanks a lot for this, Merqry ! One step closer to the definitive version. And the Munich sample is excellent too... the audio is a much richer stereo sound. Looking forward to it.. |
queenside 27.01.2011 10:44 |
thanks a lot. would you say this is improvement over pittrek's multi source version? |
Rick 27.01.2011 11:19 |
Thanks! I take it you don't have a decent version of Hyde Park? |
gizmo 27.01.2011 11:57 |
Thanks a lot !! Looking forward to your next share! |
neokaden 27.01.2011 12:44 |
Wow, Amazing!, Thanks. One question, you could encode your video in VHS, audio only such VHS, is I'm looking for different versions of the master audio to be available to create a matrix, but manysuffer from too much noise, that by removing sound forge, you lose much quality. En español: Wow, Amazing!!, Thanks. Una pregunta, ¿tu podrías encodear de tu video de VHS, solamente el audio de ese vhs, es que ando buscando las distintas versiones del audio del maestro de consola que se disponen, para crear una matrix, pero muchas sufren de mucho ruido, que al quitarlo mediante sound forge, se pierde mucha calidad. El proyecto lo tengo bastante avanzado, pero me falta solamente apalear ese problema. (Soy perfeccionista xD) Thank you very much for sharing this. |
pittrek 27.01.2011 13:14 |
Well, I have downloaded it and checked a few segments, and I have a few comments, which you probably will not like :-) 1) It's not what I expected. I thought you wrote that you have the video of the beginning of Jailhouse Rock, or was the meaning "Lost in Translation" ? :-) 2) Temporal denoising. WHY ??? And why such an aggressive temporal denoising ? Was it REALLY necessary ? There are definitely less aggressive methods which you could use for removing video noise :-) Temporal noise removal should not be used with scenes which are changing this fast, spatial , or "spatio-temporal" filters are a much better idea. 3) Small synchronization problems during the first songs. Is it how your original video looked like or did DVDLabPro mess it up (I know from my own experience that DVDLabPro can mess it up pretty badly) Otherwise it's a nice alternative version, thanks, looking forward to hear your Munich :-) |
Ale_Pisa 27.01.2011 16:26 |
Thank you for this one. Someone can create a torrent? I can help to seed... |
jamster1111 27.01.2011 16:39 |
Can someone please create a torrent. |
queenrocks!!!! 47980 27.01.2011 21:13 |
Genial amigo lo termine de descargar y se ve de maravilla!!! Muchas gracias por tu aporte! |
MERQRY 27.01.2011 21:14 |
Hi! First of all Thank you all for your comments! Yes sir Gh is a little steep in the right direction to a definitive version of this great gig! I read you PM today and i will write you soon. I don't know if is really a great improvement over the pittrek version is another source and i dont have the pittrek experience making dvd's. But is a Nice version to Watch... i will keep the two versions. Yes i've got a Vhs from Hyde Park gig... is a copy from the QTV version and i dont know if has better quality that the version shared here (i should to check these...) Hola Neokaden te contesto en español para mayor comodidad: Justo uno de los problemas de mi Vhs es que como no tiene audio (o mejor dicho es casi imperceptible) tuve que usar la version "Matrix" de Pittrek que era la mejor opcion del momento. Hi pittrek! please you (and anybody,also) are free to coment your point of view... everything what you could say is "constructive" and welcome to me...anyway i will to reply your comments: 1)Oh! yes you understand that i had the start of JR and i only missed the tail... i would had to say "i misses the Start of JR including the Tail." The meaning was lost in translation... 2)Yes maybe the Noise Filter are little agresive,i think that a temporal Noise filter would be more Light...anyway i'm not good with the filters ha ha. maybe when i have more time i will make a little upgrade with a better filtration... all forms my Vhs not have much noise... 3)The little synchronization mistake is a Dvd Lab pro problem... i'm not happy either with the result of the bitrate after demux! Jamster1111: Now i see your coment i remeber i had to upload We are the campions for you... Sorry! Ale_pisa: Grazie per il tuo commento! Greetings! |
MERQRY 28.01.2011 01:45 |
Well for the user that ask me about Hyde Park... Yes I've got a vhs copy of Hyde park. I'm cheking the quality and i belive is almost the same... maybe a little better... my copy has the same "tape gaps" and almost the same awful and distort audio. I upload a bit of the John's Bass solo (I removed the Qtv logo with a fiilter) link I Also find more than one interesting tapes but i can't say more cause I cannot share all. Greetings! |
Rick 28.01.2011 03:34 |
Thanks for uploading! It's not an improvement unfortunately. Oh well, the search goes on. Thanks anyway :-) |
MERQRY 28.01.2011 12:22 |
Rick wrote: Thanks for uploading! It's not an improvement unfortunately. Oh well, the search goes on. Thanks anyway :-) Indeed! sadly i never see a great copy of the whole Hyde Park gig in great quality... if someday i get a better hyde park tape you can be sure i will share it here Greetings! |
pittrek 28.01.2011 13:05 |
Just checked your Hyde Park sample and I have a question - what did you use to remove the QTV logo ? Some time ago I experimented with the free VirtualDub filter called "DeLogo", it was supposed to be the "best", but your removal looks better for most of the time. Also could you share your version of Hyde Park anyway ? The sample looks nice |
Farrokh The Great 28.01.2011 14:01 |
Muchas gracias MERQRY !!!, aun no he checado tu video, espero alguien haga un torrent, este concierto vale la pena intentar dejarlo lo mejor posible en calidad usando todos los medios disponibles, me hubiera gustado comentar antes de que lo subieras acerca de las imagenes demasiado rojizas para mi gusto pero no tuve el tiempo necesario. Saludos !!!! |
Indo77 28.01.2011 16:52 |
I prefer this version for the main reason that much of what the OP used as his source looks like proper interlaced video. There is nothing worse than seeing something which was originally shot on VT to be processed to look like film, for that reason alone I prefer this version of the DVD. Edit: OP I can't seem to find the links for Part 16 and 17. It jumps after 15 to 20. |
CERATOPHRYS 29.01.2011 09:23 |
Thank you very much!! Munich footage looks very well,amazing quality! Edit: I can't download part 16 and part 21.I have the same problem as Indo. |
queenside 29.01.2011 12:45 |
pittrek is this version inferior or superior to your multi source version? |
Indo77 29.01.2011 16:19 |
It's superior simply because pittrek video looks like film and not the way the original concert was shot on videotape. A concert should never be presented to look like film when shot on VT which was a fundamental error in Pittrek's video editing. |
MERQRY 30.01.2011 00:49 |
Hi! Indo 77 and CERATOPHRYS: The links are not in order... but don't worry they're all in the post and you can download anyway! Pittrek: The Filter is called logoaway and can be used in VD. i upload my file for you: link And if you want someday i could share my Hyde Park copy i have no problem. i said i will share 4 dvds from my "archive" i already have choosed two (Hammersmith 79 and munich) maybe Hyde park could be the third election (But i'm not sure at all) Hola Farrokh The Great Gracias por tu comentario! Lamentablemente lo del color rojizo casi que no lo puedo alterar mucho porque es algo que ya esta presente en el master (y de hecho tambien en el concierto) fijate que,aunque quizas en menos "cantidad",la version de i'm in love with my car que salio casi oficial con el absolutest greatest tambien presenta colores rojizos... De todas formas en la version final le atenue un poquitin los tonos Rojos... Igual como dije antes si el master ya los posee es poco lo que yo puedo hacer. Indo: Thanks foryour coment! Glad you like my dvd! you're right! i neither like the de-interlaced too much, but i belive is an "editor" election... On fact i'm thinking in make (if i have time for this) a little upgred of this version improved a bit the image (don't worry i will not de-interlaced) but i can't promise nothing cause in this days i don't have much time (and for the moment are priority another shares) anyway i'm 80% happy with the result of this version. The Munich Gig is coming soon! I can't say if this version is better or not... i think is different... i think pittrek will choose his own version (is very naturally) Well... Thank you all for your coments! Greetings! |
queenside 30.01.2011 04:09 |
Indo77 wrote: It's superior simply because pittrek video looks like film and not the way the original concert was shot on videotape. A concert should never be presented to look like film when shot on VT which was a fundamental error in Pittrek's video editing. pittrek's version look like film? i don't understand what does that mean. i know it wasn't shot on film like montreal '81 for instance. so what are actual differences between pittrek's "film" version and this version? which is also great share btw |
Indo77 30.01.2011 04:44 |
Visually the images are more fluid that MERQRY has sourced from his VHS tape as a result of not de-interlacing the source material. Deinterlacing is ok when something has been shot progessively or on film but never when the original material is interlaced VT, many of the Earl's Court DVDs that did the rounds over the years had this horrid effect even though the concert was shot on VT. I am really looking forward to burning this version onto DVD. |
pittrek 30.01.2011 05:34 |
queenside wrote: pittrek is this version inferior or superior to your multi source version?Hard question, I prefer my version, I don't like the "ghosting" on this version |
pittrek 30.01.2011 05:39 |
MERQRY wrote: Hi! Indo 77 and CERATOPHRYS: The links are not in order... but don't worry they're all in the post and you can download anyway! Pittrek: The Filter is called logoaway and can be used in VD. i upload my file for you: link And if you want someday i could share my Hyde Park copy i have no problem. i said i will share 4 dvds from my "archive" i already have choosed two (Hammersmith 79 and munich) maybe Hyde park could be the third election (But i'm not sure at all) Indo: Thanks foryour coment! Glad you like my dvd! you're right! i neither like the de-interlaced too much, but i belive is an "editor" election... On fact i'm thinking in make (if i have time for this) a little upgred of this version improved a bit the image (don't worry i will not de-interlaced) but i can't promise nothing cause in this days i don't have much time (and for the moment are priority another shares) anyway i'm 80% happy with the result of this version. The Munich Gig is coming soon! I can't say if this version is better or not... i think is different... i think pittrek will choose his own version (is very naturally) Well... Thank you all for your coments! Greetings!Thanks a lot for the information and the filter |
pittrek 30.01.2011 05:41 |
queenside wrote:Don't be afraid, I also see no "film effect" on my version or any differences between my version and the original PAL sourceIndo77 wrote: It's superior simply because pittrek video looks like film and not the way the original concert was shot on videotape. A concert should never be presented to look like film when shot on VT which was a fundamental error in Pittrek's video editing.pittrek's version look like film? i don't understand what does that mean. i know it wasn't shot on film like montreal '81 for instance. so what are actual differences between pittrek's "film" version and this version? which is also great share btw |
queenside 30.01.2011 05:58 |
tracklist, run time and audio quality are the same? |
MERQRY 31.01.2011 03:10 |
queenside wrote: tracklist, run time and audio quality are the same? Queenside as i said in the first post the set lis is the next: Overture (Only Audio) Jailhouse Rock (Audio and Cut Video) (*/**) We Will Rock You (fast) (*/**) Let Me Entertain You (*) Somebody To Love (*) If You Can't Beat Them (Only Audio) Mustapha (Audio and Cut Video) (*) Death On Two Legs (*) Killer Queen (*) I'm In Love With My Car (***) Get Down Make Love (*) You're My Best Friend (*) Save Me (*) Now I'm Here (*/**/***) Don't Stop Me Now (*) Spread Your Wings (Only Audio) Love Of My Life (*) '39 (*) Keep Yourself Alive (Only Audio) Crazy Little Thing Called Love (*/**) Bohemian Rhapsody (Only Audio) Tie Your Mother Down (*) Sheer Heart Attack (*) We Will Rock You (*) We Are The Champions (*) God Save The Queen (*) I used the same Audio source that pittrek... Cheers!! |
queenside 31.01.2011 04:18 |
ok, thanks for the info |
Goodoldfashionedloverboy 31.01.2011 23:43 |
MERQRY wrote: Hi! Here i will to share the dvd i promised a time ago... the fantastic Hammersmith 79 performance. This would be the First of a set of 4 Live dvds from my own archive tapes... One Dvd for each year of Queen. I hope this "shares" make up for the not so good QP bonus tracks. I Used Three sources for the video of my Dvd: My Vhs Copy (*) the Multisource pittrek's copy (Only little start bite,CLTCL Japanese broadcast and a NIH segment) (**) and The absolutest greatest bonus videos (***) And the fantastic Pittrek's Audio Matrix The lineage i think is this: Master>?>My vhs Copy The set list: Overture (Only Audio) Jailhouse Rock (Audio and Cut Video) (*/**) We Will Rock You (fast) (*/**) Let Me Entertain You (*) Somebody To Love (*) If You Can't Beat Them (Only Audio) Mustapha (Audio and Cut Video) (*) Death On Two Legs (*) Killer Queen (*) I'm In Love With My Car (***) Get Down Make Love (*) You're My Best Friend (*) Save Me (*) Now I'm Here (*/**/***) Don't Stop Me Now (*) Spread Your Wings (Only Audio) Love Of My Life (*) '39 (*) Keep Yourself Alive (Only Audio) Crazy Little Thing Called Love (*/**) Bohemian Rhapsody (Only Audio) Tie Your Mother Down (*) Sheer Heart Attack (*) We Will Rock You (*) We Are The Champions (*) God Save The Queen (*) Here a Screenshot to check the quality: And Here the Mediafire Links: link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link If anyone wants to make a torrent i don't have no problem... anyway i recomend a download managing program (Like Jdownloader) to download this files. Please DO NOT expect for a Profesionally dvd and Feel free to coment about the encoding quality (i have some problems with the demux in dvd lab pro and i'm not happy at all with some parts... anyway i tested the dvd in a relative new Tv and the quality is very aceptable... not bad at all for my first dvd in a long time) Just in case i will to keep the raw avi files for a time. Greetings and Enjoy it! I heard you're going to do your version of concert in Hyde Park 1976. Is it true ? |
pittrek 01.02.2011 05:26 |
And if you want someday i could share my Hyde Park copy i have no problem.Reading previous posts can be useful |
Goodoldfashionedloverboy 01.02.2011 05:28 |
MERQRY wrote: Hi! Indo 77 and CERATOPHRYS: The links are not in order... but don't worry they're all in the post and you can download anyway! Pittrek: The Filter is called logoaway and can be used in VD. i upload my file for you: link And if you want someday i could share my Hyde Park copy i have no problem. i said i will share 4 dvds from my "archive" i already have choosed two (Hammersmith 79 and munich) maybe Hyde park could be the third election (But i'm not sure at all) Hola Farrokh The Great Gracias por tu comentario! Lamentablemente lo del color rojizo casi que no lo puedo alterar mucho porque es algo que ya esta presente en el master (y de hecho tambien en el concierto) fijate que,aunque quizas en menos "cantidad",la version de i'm in love with my car que salio casi oficial con el absolutest greatest tambien presenta colores rojizos... De todas formas en la version final le atenue un poquitin los tonos Rojos... Igual como dije antes si el master ya los posee es poco lo que yo puedo hacer. Indo: Thanks foryour coment! Glad you like my dvd! you're right! i neither like the de-interlaced too much, but i belive is an "editor" election... On fact i'm thinking in make (if i have time for this) a little upgred of this version improved a bit the image (don't worry i will not de-interlaced) but i can't promise nothing cause in this days i don't have much time (and for the moment are priority another shares) anyway i'm 80% happy with the result of this version. The Munich Gig is coming soon! I can't say if this version is better or not... i think is different... i think pittrek will choose his own version (is very naturally) Well... Thank you all for your coments! Greetings! I'd like to see your version Hyde Park, please |
Goodoldfashionedloverboy 11.02.2011 02:14 |
MERQRY wrote: Hi! Here i will to share the dvd i promised a time ago... the fantastic Hammersmith 79 performance. This would be the First of a set of 4 Live dvds from my own archive tapes... One Dvd for each year of Queen. I hope this "shares" make up for the not so good QP bonus tracks. I Used Three sources for the video of my Dvd: My Vhs Copy (*) the Multisource pittrek's copy (Only little start bite,CLTCL Japanese broadcast and a NIH segment) (**) and The absolutest greatest bonus videos (***) And the fantastic Pittrek's Audio Matrix The lineage i think is this: Master>?>My vhs Copy The set list: Overture (Only Audio) Jailhouse Rock (Audio and Cut Video) (*/**) We Will Rock You (fast) (*/**) Let Me Entertain You (*) Somebody To Love (*) If You Can't Beat Them (Only Audio) Mustapha (Audio and Cut Video) (*) Death On Two Legs (*) Killer Queen (*) I'm In Love With My Car (***) Get Down Make Love (*) You're My Best Friend (*) Save Me (*) Now I'm Here (*/**/***) Don't Stop Me Now (*) Spread Your Wings (Only Audio) Love Of My Life (*) '39 (*) Keep Yourself Alive (Only Audio) Crazy Little Thing Called Love (*/**) Bohemian Rhapsody (Only Audio) Tie Your Mother Down (*) Sheer Heart Attack (*) We Will Rock You (*) We Are The Champions (*) God Save The Queen (*) Here a Screenshot to check the quality: And Here the Mediafire Links: link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link If anyone wants to make a torrent i don't have no problem... anyway i recomend a download managing program (Like Jdownloader) to download this files. Please DO NOT expect for a Profesionally dvd and Feel free to coment about the encoding quality (i have some problems with the demux in dvd lab pro and i'm not happy at all with some parts... anyway i tested the dvd in a relative new Tv and the quality is very aceptable... not bad at all for my first dvd in a long time) Just in case i will to keep the raw avi files for a time. Greetings and Enjoy it! Hi, MERQRY! Can I ask you do torrent file of your version Hammersmith Odeon 1979? |
bokkepoot 12.03.2011 13:05 |
Is anyone able to upload this version again ? All the links are dead already :( Doesn't matter if it is a torrent file or a 1-click host like mediafire, megaupload, rapidshare or multiupload. Thanks in advance ! |
Farrokh The Great 12.03.2011 14:25 |
Hi bokkepoot, as MERQRY said before, there'll be a better version available, let's wait a bit. Greetings! |
bokkepoot 12.03.2011 15:26 |
Thanks Farokh the great ! After reading so much treads and different posts, torrents and 1-click hosts I missed this point. Anyway, thank you :) |
Hangman2011 07.05.2011 14:46 |
MERQRY wrote: Hi! Here i will to share the dvd i promised a time ago... the fantastic Hammersmith 79 performance. This would be the First of a set of 4 Live dvds from my own archive tapes... One Dvd for each year of Queen. I hope this "shares" make up for the not so good QP bonus tracks. I Used Three sources for the video of my Dvd: My Vhs Copy (*) the Multisource pittrek's copy (Only little start bite,CLTCL Japanese broadcast and a NIH segment) (**) and The absolutest greatest bonus videos (***) And the fantastic Pittrek's Audio Matrix The lineage i think is this: Master>?>My vhs Copy The set list: Overture (Only Audio) Jailhouse Rock (Audio and Cut Video) (*/**) We Will Rock You (fast) (*/**) Let Me Entertain You (*) Somebody To Love (*) If You Can't Beat Them (Only Audio) Mustapha (Audio and Cut Video) (*) Death On Two Legs (*) Killer Queen (*) I'm In Love With My Car (***) Get Down Make Love (*) You're My Best Friend (*) Save Me (*) Now I'm Here (*/**/***) Don't Stop Me Now (*) Spread Your Wings (Only Audio) Love Of My Life (*) '39 (*) Keep Yourself Alive (Only Audio) Crazy Little Thing Called Love (*/**) Bohemian Rhapsody (Only Audio) Tie Your Mother Down (*) Sheer Heart Attack (*) We Will Rock You (*) We Are The Champions (*) God Save The Queen (*) Here a Screenshot to check the quality: And Here the Mediafire Links: link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link If anyone wants to make a torrent i don't have no problem... anyway i recomend a download managing program (Like Jdownloader) to download this files. Please DO NOT expect for a Profesionally dvd and Feel free to coment about the encoding quality (i have some problems with the demux in dvd lab pro and i'm not happy at all with some parts... anyway i tested the dvd in a relative new Tv and the quality is very aceptable... not bad at all for my first dvd in a long time) Just in case i will to keep the raw avi files for a time. Greetings and Enjoy it! =============================================================================================== Please make a torrent on your version |
Indo77 22.10.2011 05:18 |
I never got all the parts the last time but from what I recall this was a non-deinterlaced version of this show that looked good. Could the OP reupload this again with all parts? This link is still listed on as "awaiting". |
jazz 1979 02.01.2012 15:37 |
any chance of a torrent please as the links are already dead !!!!! thankyou |
mirkoking96 29.01.2012 06:57 |
Please, Merqry, repost your awesome DVD!! I'M VERY CURIOUSS TO SEE THE QUALITY OF THESE FOOTAGE!! :D Please... |
biba 27.05.2012 04:30 |
All the links don't work :( Is it possible for this to be re-uploaded? |
ihadmytime 11.09.2018 16:10 |
Please re-upload |
Agr123456 17.09.2018 14:43 |
Another source: link |
ihadmytime 23.12.2018 17:41 |
can somebody reupload this, thanks. |
Queen1984 26.07.2019 10:41 |
Would be faboulus if there's a re-upload on mega! |