peterkoz1 30.05.2010 16:42 |
Nothing interesting other than................. just to say thanks for making it a truly great bank holiday here in the UK with the sharing of the bbc sessions in glorious sound. the best i am sure, posts in a long time here on queenzone. many thanks on behalf of a lot of very happy fans ..........cheers and if your ever in sunny Lancashire your welcome to come round for a beer !! |
Ale_Pisa 30.05.2010 17:30 |
John S Stuart 30.05.2010 17:46 |
I do not like repeating myself, but I have to say, I do NOT condone the public disemination of this material. Copyright issues aside, on a personally selfish note, it means that I cannot trade these tracks for other rare tracks - so if anyone is willing to share personally with me the 'unmentionable' elusive 24-track, I would be more than grateful. I also want to point out that the versions uploaded here are taken from 'Mini-Disc' copies - rather than a proper digital clone from the master tape. However as pointed out in another thread, it does mean that a marginally better version could some day see an official release, but that release will not be from the master tape, unless QPL (or their official authorised agents) decide to contact me. Life is too short for me to continually contact them. I guess it also clearly demonstrates that ALL of Queen's rarities - are NOT stored in the archives - and that some gems are outwith the grasp of even QPL (I hope that this goes some way to silence my critics) moreover, now that they have been circulated in the public domain, perhaps it will bring an official product even closer, and I would urge all those who have downloaded these tracks to buy the authorised release. |
Bo Alex 30.05.2010 17:46 |
Eternally thanks, John. You made Queen fans happy worldwide, at least for a while. |
A Word In Your Ear 30.05.2010 17:57 |
Yes, Thankyou John!!!! |
The Fonz 30.05.2010 18:55 |
*snap* that's the sound of the Fonz high-fiving John. 2 fonzie thumbs up for you, sir. |
tcc 30.05.2010 19:01 |
Thank you very much John. I will certainly buy the official Queen product containing those tracks that you have shared with us when it comes out. |
deleted user 30.05.2010 19:24 |
John you're great! |
seagull 30.05.2010 23:03 |
John, Thanks for sharing these tracks, they were meant to be heard by all of us. Living in Australia means it's 10 times more difficult to get hold of Queen music, so a really special thank you to you. If Queen Productions do release this material themselves, then yes, of course I'll be buying it. I buy every release of new meaterial. cheers Andy |
Saint Jiub 30.05.2010 23:16 |
Thanks John and Pittrek. I will likely buy it if officially released by QPL, but only if it is not diluted by predominently previously released material (like the singles box sets). |
rubens 30.05.2010 23:20 |
I think real fans always buy official reliases even if they already have it in a way or another. People who get stuff for free via download aren't fans and never buy your amazing share didn't change anything on this matter. Don't worry, we will buy it if it someday turn to be official (at least I will) : ) And thank you very much again!! |
TomP63 31.05.2010 00:58 |
Although I seldom post here, well let's say never. Me as a Queen adapt since Killer Queen, which seems to be long gone days like to add my gratitude toward John and Pittrek. I have a large collections Queen stuff containing the Beeb stuff. But in all fairness I never, ever heard my Beeb memories in such high quality. Of course I will buy the real thing, but to be honest, I won't hold my breath for the real Beeb, if such really excist to buy. Even then 'new deal' with Universal will bring us anything new. Why not you may ask. The only thing we ever had was, this is in the pipeline, this may of might be released. Remember the Made in Heaven singles? Nuff said. But nevertheless, a very, very BIG thank you to the two man who made this rare occasion happen. And now I am gonna revive my memory............. Sincerely, Tom |
pete66 31.05.2010 01:40 |
Many many thanks John for these BBC tracks be great to see them get a offical release i would certainly buy it ... cheers again |
Rado 31.05.2010 07:06 |
a dream cam truth for me. over long, and long ( and long for multiple times...)..time i could now hear to my best favourites bbc session in all stinkleness i feel very happy... 31/05/2010 - a day impressed definitively in my life... another day open thanks to sir JOHN S. STUART ! :) happy queen day fot you all |
stark 31.05.2010 07:23 |
FriedChicken 31.05.2010 07:37 |
This is really cool! Thanks very much! |
FriedChicken 31.05.2010 07:43 |
By the way... I don't want to nag, or be ungreatful or anything. But the speed of Session 6 is running a bit too fast. ;) |
chromant 31.05.2010 08:41 |
Thanks John...listening to the BBC version of "White Queen" just bring me to tears... and just to you also have the master tape with the proper intro to "Great King Rat"? thanks |
onedunpark 31.05.2010 09:48 |
Indeed, many many thanks, John, for your immense generosity. It is greatly appreciated. |
The Real Wizard 31.05.2010 15:35 |
rubens wrote: "I think real fans always buy official reliases even if they already have it in a way or another." Then I guess most people at this forum aren't real fans, because they don't buy the same songs 5 times just because they have a pretty package. If it wasn't for real fans (most of whom I reckon don't buy all the rehashed official products), there would have been no new Queen product in the last 5 years (unless you want to count the 2 new songs on Queen Rock Montreal). This is the very reason these sessions were finally shared here. QP should have released them years ago. |
deleted user 31.05.2010 16:07 |
JSS, you rock! |
gioscana 31.05.2010 17:41 |
T h a n k s ! ! ! |
rubens 31.05.2010 21:12 |
sir gh wrote: "Then I guess most people at this forum aren't real fans, because they don't buy the same songs 5 times just because they have a pretty package. If it wasn't for real fans (most of whom I reckon don't buy all the rehashed official products), there would have been no new Queen product in the last 5 years (unless you want to count the 2 new songs on Queen Rock Montreal). This is the very reason these sessions were finally shared here. QP should have released them years ago. " When I said real fans always buy new products even if they already have it in a way or another I was referring to songs that we got by unofficial ways, like silver salmon for exemple. I totally second what you say sir gh...the only compilations in my collection are the GH. |
rubens 31.05.2010 21:33 |
So when I said new products, it was about real new products, not re-reliases. I know we don't see one of this for ages now but if it start to come out, real fans will buy it Maybe this share start to change things who knows? (again silver salmon and oder early demos would be a good call) |
pittrek 01.06.2010 00:49 |
chromant wrote: Thanks John...listening to the BBC version of "White Queen" just bring me to tears... and just to you also have the master tape with the proper intro to "Great King Rat"? thanksDon't you mean Ogre Battle ? |
pittrek 01.06.2010 00:56 |
seagull wrote: Living in Australia means it's 10 times more difficult to get hold of Queen music, so a really special thank you to you.Really ? Even in the days of internet and eBay ? :-) If Queen Productions do release this material themselves, then yes, of course I'll be buying it. I buy every release of new meaterial. cheers AndyWe all should. I hope "they" will see that there is a huge demand for these things and start to make "buyable" releases instead of things like Absolute Greatest |
pittrek 01.06.2010 00:57 |
FriedChicken wrote: By the way... I don't want to nag, or be ungreatful or anything. But the speed of Session 6 is running a bit too fast. ;)I would say it sounds better that way :-) |
Benn Kempster 01.06.2010 02:35 |
John, Just a simpole word of thanks - incredible to have such great quality made availiable simply through an individual's generosity. |
Nummer2 01.06.2010 02:58 |
How great it is, that we all can have this in superb sound quality. Thank you very much, all who are involved! |
CM 01.06.2010 04:09 |
Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys have done more nice things for fans than the creators of Hits collections for x-mas presents (I miss their FM Box Set days). May I ask what stuff is still there that could be shared in the future? The rest of unreleased BBC sessions? Hangman? Roger's Reaction 60's songs? |
earwig 01.06.2010 08:38 |
Thanks so much for all this but one question if I may... Just a little confused - these are sourced from a minidisc copy that John S Stuart has, but does he actually have the 1/4" masters as well? Either way - thank you so much!!! |
chromant 01.06.2010 09:04 |
ops -_-' ...yes I meant "Ogre Battle" |
chromant 01.06.2010 09:05 |
pittrek wrote: chromant wrote: Thanks John...listening to the BBC version of "White Queen" just bring me to tears... and just to you also have the master tape with the proper intro to "Great King Rat"? thanks Don't you mean Ogre Battle ? ops -_-' ...yes I meant "Ogre Battle" |
Kniggit 01.06.2010 09:30 |
holy fudge this is nice of you! after a shortened ACDC concert here in norway, this was a nice suprise :) | 01.06.2010 12:22 |
Yes indeed, it was an excellent act of generosity. I am sitting here now listening to the clearest version of some of these tracks I have ever heard. It's superb. I posted in, earlier this week, about how the time has come and gone - commercially speaking - for music like this. On *this* particular occasion, I was wrong - I would certainly pay for this. QPL has lost nothing from these being "out there". I still would pay, as I think many others would too. I still reserve my earlier comments though - the majority of material which appears here - "the second gen copy of the soundcheck at the Pudsey Astoria before afternoon cream teas in 1831" type stuff - is best crowd-sourced, catalogued and made publicly available for free. But I bet QPL and, I hope, Greg in particular are feeling just a little bit sick right now. And so they should. Read it and weep, guys: this is what we REALLY want. |
Kamenliter 01.06.2010 16:42 |
I'd like to add my thanks as well to John for providing these tracks to fellow Queen fans. Back in the late 80's/early 90's, John somehow came across my name and address as a fellow Queen rare audio collector and sent me - without ever having done any trading at all - a tape of some pretty rare Queen tracks to show that he had some great stuff to trade. Naturally, he was looking for more rare Queen stuff...but he went above and beyond a simple query letter and actually sent me full versions of some terrific tracks - some I already had and some I didn't - and all in excellent sound quality. So, I've only got positive things to say about Mr. Stuart, who has surely done a lot of good within the Queen fan rare audio collecting community. Thanks again, John! |
pma 02.06.2010 04:09 |
Thank you John S. Stuart and Pittrek. Who needs Christmas, when you have queenzone. |
emrabt 03.06.2010 12:20 |
Once again the users of Queenzone prove that we don’t need Queen Productions. |
tcc 03.06.2010 20:58 |
The music originated from Queen Productions :-) |
The Real Wizard 03.06.2010 23:39 |
Will this share inspire hoarders to STOP HOARDING !?? John has opened his heart and made a huge contribution. Can others follow? To start, bring out the Monterrey and Puebla 81 videos, lossless. It's 2010, and people share nowadays. This archaic "saving things for trades" mentality is baseless, obsolete, and selfish. We all know that 99.9% of the stuff comes out eventually. It's time to do the right thing and give something back for a change. A few months back ther was already a generous offer from someone who would follow the 1981 share(s) with an uncirculated 8mm master from the 70s (an offer which nobody really responded to !!!!), and I have things that can follow as well. This could really be the start of something great. But all the key players need to participate to make it work. Post here, send emails, or whatever you need to do... it's time to get the ball rolling folks. |
TheSacrament_Videos 04.06.2010 00:56 |
Friend.... I totally agree! |
Ozz 04.06.2010 01:21 |
Many Thanks John and Pittrek. Its incredible to listen "fresh" stuff still in 2010. :) |
Kniggit 04.06.2010 04:17 |
I agree with Bob. Allthough I have nothing to contribute with, it should be possible to get those concerts out there. Just look at the Bruce Springsteen fans: One of them initiated a series called 'the Uber series', where people could send in previously unshared (hoarded) material to this guy, so that he could share it in the best possible quality. The guy was called TattooDad, and here is the first post that started it all: link ''So here's my offer to start things rolling: Anyone who wants to share but doesn't want it known that they're sharing can send things to me, either anonymously or by contacting me directly. ANYTHING I RECEIVE WILL BE FREELY SHARED AS QUICKLY AS I CAN DO IT.'' TattooDad. The list of ''ubers'' that got shared because of him is huge; Losts of soundboard material, IEM-recordings, and even 3 proshot dvds. link If someone with credability within the Queen community could try to take up a role like this, who knows what would come out of it. |
Queenrockyou 04.06.2010 06:54 |
Indeed, It would be nice to keep the forum alive by sharing "new" stuff here (or elsewhere, but I think Queenzoners' standards are now very good). Follow JSS's example and Share-share-share ! Many thanks to JSS and Peter for that first attempt at making things roll again, and to all the other sharers here ! Regards, Olivier, Belgium. |
emrabt 04.06.2010 07:42 |
tcc wrote: emrabt wrote: Once again the users of Queenzone prove that we don’t need Queen Productions. The music originated from Queen Productions :-) oh yeah... forgot that. |
on my way up 04.06.2010 09:46 |
It would indeed be great if the people with rare stuff decide to follow John S. Stuart's example. There must be Queen-fans with rare video and audio material(being uncirculated shows or uncirculated low gens of known shows). It's important for our favourite band that such stuff gets out. Every recording learns us a little more about Queen as a live band. It would be very very sad if such things go to waste. Imagine having more recordings from december 1979 or july 1980 (or the seventies in general), that'd be great news for the live legacy of the band. People could hear more recordings with the band at the top of their game... As a fan I have affection for my band and I want all this stuff out. The easiest way to get the most stuff is by sharing it freely. Many people understand it, unfortunately others don't:-( The last few years have been great and there's certainly more to come, for example a Lampinski from Providence'74 (even though the quality won't be hot since Dan didn't have his fantastic equipment yet). I also know there are more Queen shows recorded by Mr Peach (you know, from the Tarantura 16/02/1981 release). It'd be great if people from the Queen community could add to that. |
snelly1 04.06.2010 16:40 |
John, you put QP to shame. For somebody who has been a loyal fan since early 1975, this brings tears to my eyes. One for the music we finally get to hear as we should and two for all that we cannot get to hear....locked away gathering dust. |
goa 05.06.2010 13:54 |
earwig wrote: Thanks so much for all this but one question if I may... Just a little confused - these are sourced from a minidisc copy that John S Stuart has, but does he actually have the 1/4" masters as well? THAAAANKS!!!!, sveral month away and found this!!!! I understand he has the master tapes. Abut some posts in the other threads: the real deal would be a 24-bits/96KHz transfer. If some day Mr. Stuarts wants to do that, I could give you at least 3 names of serious guys that could do that in a perfect an professional way, for free. cheers you all. |
Hank H. 05.06.2010 16:36 |
Phato 06.06.2010 06:00 |
Hank H. wrote: Absolutely right, mate! I'm without words too! It's passed a while since my last login on QZ. Some hours ago, I decided to come back and... SURPRISE! Thank you very much Mr. Stuart, thank you too Pittrek. You made those fans so happy, you're great. |
Hank H. 06.06.2010 14:59 |
Woops... I wrote something along the lines: Thanks John, it's people like you who keep Queen interesting for me, not Queen themselves. Don't know how my post disappeard... |
GuitarMay 06.07.2010 18:17 |
My very special and HUGE GREATFUL, John S. Stuart for your generosity in share all these sessions directly from Master Tape in lossless !!!!!!!!!!!! It's simply marvellous ! ! ! ! ! |