As far as I know, there are no definitive copies of either show, apparently because the taper is hoarding the complete master copies.
The 1977 show had two cuts that were purposely made before it was sent off to be bootlegged. He made up some story about the tape cutting out which isn't true, as there is a complete second gen copy out there. A merge of the two versions is the best we can do for now.
The 1979 show has an incomplete tape, either because he didn't tape a few songs in the middle, or he's hoarding them. Either way, the existing transfer of the master copy is missing a fair chunk of Don't Stop Me Now that is present on the unconfirmed gen copy. There are some digital errors in the last few songs of the master copy, so this all makes for a bit of a frustrating situation for this show.
I can share the 77 merge (the existing copy on QZ has the gaps filled in with a lossy copy), and the unconfirmed gen copy of the 79 show is already here...